Christ Consciousness Kit | Meditation, Workbook + Video Lesson β€” VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Christ Consciousness Kit | Meditation, Workbook + Video Lesson

Christ Consciousness Kit | Meditation, Workbook + Video Lesson

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The Christ Consciousness Kit includes:

  • A PDF Workbook

  • A downloadable MP3 Meditative Journey

  • A video lesson

In this kit you will:

  • Connect with, invoke and attune to the energy of the Christ Consciousness

  • Learn about some of the traits of this energy and explore how it can support you in your life

  • Work with symbols, ritual, oils and crystals to connect to this energy

  • Experience the difference between calling on a master to help you and embodying their energy directly

  • Explore the deeper meaning of compassion, patience, forgiveness, peace, non-judgement, courage, service and integrity

  • Develop a 30 day practice to help you get to the next level on your spiritual path

  • Take a meditative journey to the centre of the universe to meet with Archangel Christiel and the masters who work with the Christ Consciousness and receive downloads and activations of the Christ Light into your being

  • Hear about some of my own thoughts and experiences of working with the Christ Consciousness in the video lesson

  • Work through the workbook journal prompts and tarot spread for deeper insights