New Age Hipster Radio | Episode 26 | With George Lizos
In this final (for now!) episode of the podcast I chat with the incredible George Lizos about all things divine masculine, divine feminine and how to live a life in balance with the two!
If this episode floats your boat check out the two hour workshop me and George recorded last year - Divine Masculine Rising. In the workshop we work with our Akashic Records in a Past-Life regression to heal patriarchy traumas, work with Archangels to release karmic contracts and fears around the masculine, journey to to the Heart of the Divine Masculine for a powerful heart activation and me and George also share some of our favourite practical tools too! You can find all the details here.
In this episode we talk about:
What it means to be a “Lightworker”
Defining “masculine” and “feminine” (it’s not about gender!)
Balancing the inner work and the outer work - the feminine and masculine within us
The rising of the divine feminine
The danger of “disowning” the masculine
Healing our trauma around the masculine
The power of Past Life healing
Connecting with the feminine and masculine in your spiritual business
How to balance these energies in your daily life
Hang out with George here:
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