Spiritual Healing Session

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Spiritual Healing (1).png
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Spiritual Healing Session


Currently taking a break from healings until the new year.

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A Spiritual Healing session encompasses both card reading and energy healing to help you feel clearer, cleansed and more aligned in your body, mind and spirit.

These sessions work really well if you feel like you have any energetic blocks or stuck energy, want to break chains and patterns, if things just feel a bit out of whack or if you have something specific you feel you’re holding onto that you’d like to finally let go of and clear.

I work with various versions of Reiki including Usui, Celtic, Holy Fire, Tera Mai, Seichem and Egyptian Cartouche but I am not limited to these and I work as a channel for however healing needs to come through for you.

Spiritual Healing sessions are currently done via email only and will be a minimum of 750 words. This will include information about the healing process and any intuitive information that has come through for you.

Once you have booked I’ll reach out via email to chat with you about what you need from your healing.

At this time you can expect your reading within three weeks.

For more information my readings, my work and to read my disclaimer please click here and read before booking.

Any questions at all please contact me by clicking here.

👉NOTE: these sessions are not a substitute for medical advice and diagnosis.