10 Spiritual Practices for Everyday Awesomeness — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


10 Spiritual Practices for Everyday Awesomeness

It's not that easy to create and stick to a daily spiritual practice. It takes a lot of time to work out what works for you, and sometimes a whole lot of butt kicking to get you to actually do it every day.

But I don't believe that a spiritual practice should be a chore. I've tried a lot of different things on my spiritual journey so far and I must admit I tend to gravitate towards the ones that are easy, enjoyable and bring the best results with minimal fuss

So here are 10 spiritual practices for you to pop into your daily routine to help you maintain your general awesomeness with ease


1. Protect Your Energy

As sensitives and empaths it's so important that we protect our energy. Visualise yourself in a bubble, call on Archangel Micheal and/or grab your favourite protective crystal before you head out the door.

My totally free e-book How to Stay Shiny has a bunch more info on how to protect your energy! Grab it here


2. Ground Your Energy

To avoid floating off with the fairies and other feelings of ungroundedness, make sure you ground yourself every day.

One of my favourite ways to do this is through Yoga. I have a non-negotiable daily Yoga practice. Sometimes that means a good 45 mins hanging out with Adriene. Some days it's just five minutes doing a couple of cat cows and some downward dogs. Moving your body is uber important! There's more grounding tips here

A morning Yoga + Tarot session with the Angel Prayers deck and the Fountain Tarot x

A morning Yoga + Tarot session with the Angel Prayers deck and the Fountain Tarot x


3. Talk to Angels + Connect with your Guides

Chatting to those who are helping you from the other side is actually pretty easy. All you have to do is open your mouth and talk! Tell them what's on your mind and ask for their help.

When I was commuting into London from Reading every day I used my shower and driving time to chat to my team. You don't have to do an hour long meditation to connect with your guides and angels, a quick check in when you pop to the loo is just as good sometimes!


4. Use your intuition

Don't ignore nudges from the universe, it's seriously not worth it! I can honestly say that pretty much all of the success I've had in my life is because I acted on those nudges! 


5. Notice the signs

Signs are everywhere. Be open to them. A playing card on the ground, a billboard with a message that feels like it's just for you, an overheard conversation or song lyrics that just hit you where you live.

Divine guidance can and does come from Spotify playlists, Facebook posts and bus numbers


6. Pull a card

Using cards has been a gateway for me into developing my intuition and getting super woo woo. If you have a deck (or many!) try making it an every day thing!

Do a full reading for yourself with candles and incense, or just put them beside your bed and pull one last thing at night. Carry a deck around in your bag, or use your iPhone app! Galaxy Tarot is fab, and I have the Tarot of the Holy Light on my iPhone for when I'm out and about or stuck on public transport. 

If you're in the market for your first deck check out my deck reviews on YouTube! Or, even better, just go with what you're drawn to!


7. Be nice

This should probably really be number one on this list. Being nice to other people is the ultimate spiritual practice.

If you're being a jerk or a grumble bum it doesn't matter how much of this other stuff you do. Some days it's hard to be high vibe, and that's totally OK, but you can still try to be nice to people. Of course you should always stand in your power, but basically; don't be a dick


8. Play with crystals

Crystals are so fun and carrying your fave one in your pocket, or wearing something super shiny on your person can have powerful effects!

I've used smokey quartz to help me out in negative environments, amazonite to boost my confidence and howlite for some awesome calming vibes. Get thee to a crystal shop and find the stones that feel good!

Amazonite is awesome for confidence + following your life path! x

Amazonite is awesome for confidence + following your life path! x


9. Be in gratitude + be present

When you're in gratitude your vibe raises so much.

Write down three things before bed you're grateful for that day. Tell the universe, your guides and angels how grateful you are for the things you have, the people in your life and most of all, don't forget to be grateful for who you are and everything that you've done and are going to do.

Being in gratitude is an awesome way to stay in the present moment. It makes you stop and notice exactly where you are and how awesome it is to be right here, right now! 


10. Clear your Energy

At the end of the day or whenever you need to, make sure you always clear your energy. You can do this in so many ways. Taking a shower, visualisations or working with Archangel Micheal are all good ways to clear yourself ready for another day of spiritual awesomenss! 


You really just have to find what works for you, but it's actually easier than you think to incorporate spiritual practices that are going to work with your lifestyle into your day!

If you want to learn more about spiritual awesomeness be sure to check out Woo Woo 101 - my online course in all things spiritual! Next class starts 25th January! x


With love, light and everyday awesomeness,

