Game of Thrones Tarot Spread

Hey Gorgeous souls!

Wow, can you believe it’s taken me THIS LONG to make a Game of Thrones tarot spread?! 😲

Game Of Thones, what a freaking EPIC of a story, and it’s absolutely FILLED with opportunities to practice your tarot readings! 😍

One of my favourite ways to practice my readings is to hit up a TV show I love and pull cards for the characters. Ask - what does Jon Snow most need to know in this situation? Or how could Samwell Tarly take back his power?

And if you haven’t watched all the way through, you can even practice predictive readings on how things are going to go! Do keep in mind though that in real life, when the script isn’t already written we have the power to change those outcome cards!

Another fun thing to do while watching Game of Thrones is to think about which cards the characters most represent. There are so many fantastic characters and they can all fit into the tarot in so many ways!

Cersei is most definitely the Queen of Swords reversed, Tyrion has to be the Knight of Cups and Arya is so clearly the Page of Swords!

Pop culture tarot is THE BEST way to practice your court cards! 😅

And of course, reading with spreads is great practice too!

Inspired by my friends at WikiOfThrones (the BEST GOT resource on the net!!) this spread is super simple and will give you some insight into what games you are playing in your own life!

here’s your card reading spread!

Now go grab a cuppa (or a large glass of wine!!) and grab your deck for your reading. You can use tarot cards with this Game of Thrones spread but it will also work with oracle cards too!

And if you don’t have a deck to hand, you can always use tarot card spreads as journal prompts for personal reflection!

1. what are you playing for?

Hopefully you are not playing any games for a big old creepy chair made of swords, but we all play games in our lives whether they are with others or within ourselves! This card will show you what game you’re playing and what you are playing for, what you most want to achieve and what you are working towards.

2. who are you playing against?

Maybe you have some enemies against you. For most of us, we are often playing against our own limiting beliefs, stories we tell ourselves, self-sabotage and all that good stuff. 😅 But that’s why I LOVE tarot! We can see what’s going on and make changes! This is card is kind of like that second card in the Celtic Cross that shows you what’s crossing, affecting or challenging you.

3. what will you win?

If you win this game, crush your goals and vanquish your enemies, what will you win? What will you gain? What will you get out of it? What will be the point of it all? You could even look at this as like the higher purpose of what you’re doing, or your BIG WHY.

4. what will you lose?

Now this question can make us immediately think - yikes! I’m going to lose something! But gorgeous souls, what if it’s simply just time to lose what holds us back and stops us from stepping into our power as royalty in our own lives? 😀 Here you’ll see what you need to lose so that you can WIN!

Fan of Game of thrones? The best resource on the net is WikiOfThrones so make sure you check it out for more inspo for your tarot practice! 🥰

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! 🥰

With love, light and victory!

