Ghosts of the Past — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Ghosts of the Past

Ghost of the past blog post by Vix New Age Hipster x

***This was taken from my Newsletter (with a few edits) that went out on the 31st of July 2016. After I sent it out a lot of peeps were like OMG YES so I thought it would be cool to share with y'all! If you wanna sign up for my newsletter and get stuff like this that I usually don't share on the blog right in your inbox every Sunday you can do that here.


So what's up with the energies out there right now? OMG.

Maybe it's not getting you, and if you're feeling totes high vibe right now that's awesome. You might just wanna click here and go find something else to read.

But for those of us who are going through some mega transition and change energy it's been a hard few weeks.

Some ghosts of my past have turned up lately and I've been like "OMG not you guys again, didn't I cord cut the bejeezus out of you guys in November? And last May? And like, all those other times? Why are you still heeeereeee?"

And the answer is simply that when we're shifting into something new just about everything old comes up as bit of a stocktake

Exes will contact you, you'll find yourself slipping into old versions of your thoughts and feelings, you'll want to listen to Alanis Morisette on repeat. This is a clear sign you are levelling up.

I used to think that every time old junk would turn up that I hadn't done the work. That I needed a salt bath and some karmic clearing. But there's only so much past clearing you can do, and sometimes when the ghosts from the past pop up it's for an assessment of the here and now and not a kick in the pants from the universe.

When you clear the past you are not wiping it away, watching it disappear as if it never existed in the first place, you are just letting go of it's hold on you.

Your exes are still out there somewhere and Jagged Little Pill isn't going to go up in a puff of smoke. Thank God right?

I think us spiritual peeps forget sometimes that while sage soap can clear your aura for sure, we don't have to forget and let go of everything that's made us who we are today. When the past pops up sometimes it's just so you remember where you've been, the incredible souls you've connected with (even if they are no longer in your life) and the journey you've had so far as you step up into this awesome new energy

Spending the weekend revisiting your high school diaries, stalking past crushes on Facebook and having a big old cry in the shower is not a sign that you're not doing the work. In fact, it may just be a really big sign that you're finally letting it speak, revisiting the lessons and the blessings and making space for you to be moving on. 

If you are really struggling to let go of the past check out the Unlived Life reading or whatever else you need over on the New Age Hipster Store.

With so much love and light,

