Mary Magdalene Tarot or Oracle Spread
On this, Mary Magdalene’s feast day, I thought it would be a powerful time for us to connect with the energy of the Magdalene.
And if you would like to learn more about the Magdalene path or connect with other Magdalenes you are so very welcome to come join us in the Gathering of the Magdalenes group on Facebook. :)
As always, you can use this spread with tarot cards, oracle or angel cards, or if you don’t have a deck you can simply use the card positions as journal prompts.
1. Your current relationship with the divine
This card will give you some insight into your current relationship with the divine, God, the universe, source, the God of your own understanding. You may also see guidance here on how you can connect deeper.
2. Your discipleship - a message about your teachers, lessons and growth
Here you’ll see whatever you need to know about your spiritual discipleship. You may see messages about your current teachers, teachers to call in, paths to explore or current lessons you are working on.
3. How to be of service and share your love, light and teachings to others
A big part of the Magdalene path is about sharing your love and light in the world in whatever way feels right for you. This card will help you see how you can best be of service to others at this time.
4. A personal message from Mary Magdalene
Here you’ll receive a message from Mary Magdalene herself. If you have a specific question on your heart you can ask her for her guidance here.
5. A personal message from your own inner sanctuary
Here you will connect with your own inner world, heart space and inner knowing to receive a message from within.
If you found this spread useful you may want to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without or come and join us in the online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, spiritual goodness and connection!
With so much love and light,