
Who are you asking when you “ask the cards?” | How to read tarot series

There’s one really simple thing that can transform your tarot or oracle reading from vague and confusing to clear and empowering, and that’s knowing who, or what you are talking to when you read the cards.

One of my readings featuring the Modern Witch Tarot and my Angels Among Us Oracle

I hear so many people say this, and I’ve said it before many times when I was starting my card reading journey – “let’s ask the cards!” Or “I’m going to ask the cards” as if the cards themselves are some mystical objects infused with divine knowing.

And that’s not to say that they aren’t powerful and magical tools, but your tarot deck or your oracle deck is just that – a tool.

The real magic doesn’t come from the pieces of cardboard in your hand, it comes from what you do with them.

Sitting down to pull some cards without a clue who or what you are connecting with would be like picking up the phone and smooshing in a few numbers and hoping you get someone who can give you some good advice.

When we’re not consciously aware of who or what we are connecting with through the cards we end up with readings that are a jumbled mess.

And it’s easy to start to think that you’re the problem, when it’s really just about dialling the right number.

Who or what you connect with is totally up to you. People of all different belief systems read tarot and oracle cards, and they all come to it from a different perspective, dialling different numbers.

There are people who read tarot purely from a psychological perspective. They use the deck to tune into their own subconscious minds.

Others, like myself, use the tarot to connect with the divine, whatever that looks and feels like to each of us.

Maybe you just want to tap into your own intuition, that voice of inner knowing. Perhaps you want to call on your own higher self or soul self, your angels, guides or ancestors.

Who or what you connect to doesn’t really matter (although it’s always wise to try to reach the highest realms available!), it’s just important that you know who you’re talking to.

It’s actually really simple to do this, all you need is a bit of intention before you begin.

As you sit down with your deck just take a moment to connect with and invite in the energy you want to connect with.

For example, I often like to work with a specific guide during my readings. I will take a moment and say thank you to them for being with me as I do the reading and to help make sure that the guidance is clear, helpful and in alignment with my best and highest good.

Chilling with the Modern Witch Tarot.

Reading tarot in this way becomes a communication between me and my guide, not between me and the cards.

The cards are just the tool, the medium, the phoneline that connects us and helps us to communicate.

If there is something I need more clarity on in the reading, I will ask them to help show me what I’m missing.

And when I’m done with the reading I’ll take a moment to thank my guide, or whoever I called in.

There are plenty of other ways to do this. If you want to connect to your intuition you may like to begin with some deep breaths and focus on your sacral chakra for a few moments before pulling a card. Or if you want to connect with your higher self, send your awareness to your soul star chakra before you begin.

If you work with specific beings perhaps just bring them to mind before you ask your question.

It may be as simple as just saying – “Guides, what do I need to know about…?”

It doesn’t have to be a big ritual, although it can be! But it can be as simple as taking a pause before you ask your question and just thinking about who you’d like to connect with before asking your question.

The more you do this, the deeper your connection and relationship becomes with who or what you are working with.

Building a relationship with the energy you’re connecting with through the cards is a very underrated thing. The more you read cards and call on whoever you’re calling on, the deeper your connection with them becomes. Until you begin to find that they will speak to you not just when you are reading cards, but anytime you call on them, anytime you need their wise advice.

It’s such a simple thing, but knowing who or what you’re connecting to, and reframing this idea of “asking the cards” into connecting deeply with your own inner knowing, the divine, or the deeper parts of yourself can help your tarot practice in so many wonderful ways.

So, who or what do you connect to when you read the cards? And how do you set your intentions to do this? I’d love to know if you feel called to share in the comments!

And if you’re looking for more information on how to get clearer readings and develop your intuition in the process, check out my class Intro to Intuitive Tarot or any of the courses available in my shop!

With love, light and clear readings,



How To Get a Good Tarot Reading

How to get a good tarot reading by Victoria Vix Maxwell New Age Hipster

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had some pretty bad tarot readings in the past.

One of the worst readings I ever had was the catalyst in helping me decide to offer readings myself! It was so bad I thought - I can do better than that! And here I am. So, in a way, that reading was exactly what I needed.

That reading took me on my own journey to become a professional tarot reader myself!

Some readers out there are really wonderful. They make you feel really held and safe and pass on empowering inspiring and helpful messages that help you to move forward.

Other readers can leave you feeling a little bit like “what the heck just happened?”

We often get people coming into the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on Facebook to chat about a difficult or confusing tarot reading experience.

And I get DMs all the time from people telling me something negative or even scary a reader said to me and asking me what I think.

I see so many people giving their power away to readers and even worse, I see so many readers taking away their client’s power too! Ew!

Times have changed. We are no longer going to readers to tell us what is going to happen and then send us on our way.

We want sacred space held for us. We want our readers to be empowering, inspiring and we want to come out of our readings feeling like we know our next steps and are ready to take them.

And if that is the kind of reading you want, here are some tips on how to get the best tarot reading you possibly can! 

1. Do your research before booking a reading

There are no degrees or diplomas for us tarot readers and anybody with a deck can make a website, join social media and start selling readings these days.

Not all tarot readers have your best interests at heart. That sucks to hear, but it’s true.

This ranges from readers who talk to their clients like they’re stupid, talk smack about their clients after the session or even convince their clients that they have a curse and need to pay X amount of money to have it removed. ICK.

The best way to choose a reader is to do your research.

Look at their website. Read their blogs. Look at their social media and especially watch their videos. Use your intuition to decide if that person is a good fit for you.

Is this someone you would trust with your deepest secrets and your dreams? Would you feel safe sharing the hard parts of your life with them?

Look at their reviews. On my website I have a page of Praise where I even link to the websites of people who have offered up their kind words. Before you work with me you’re always welcome to send those people a message and ask what working with me is like!

If you find a reader with no reviews, no videos and not much info about them, I’d keep scrolling.

Unless of course you have an intuitive hit and you just *know* this is the person you need to see! Always trust your gut!

But do be aware that if there are no reviews or if this person doesn’t show their face online, there may be a reason for that!


2. Ask questions!

Your reader should be available for questions, or maybe they will even have an FAQ page! If you have questions about your reading, ask them!

You may like to ask about the format of the reading, if there’s anything you need to do to prepare. Maybe you want to know if they work with spirit guides and angels or mediumship.

You might like to know if the reading will be a conversation where you get to talk about what’s going on for you, or if it’s more about them just passing on messages.

Some readers will just sit and talk at you for an hour, others will work with you more like a coach and invite you to speak about what’s coming up for you. Some will be a bit of both.

It’s so much better to ask and feel prepared than to bring any anxiety, confusion or unanswered questions into the space.


3. Think about your questions

It’s really helpful for readers if you know what your questions are beforehand.

You can even write them down if you think you’ll forget, or email them ahead of time if your reader is open to that.

I can’t tell you how many readings I’ve done where the client has said they don’t really have a question and then ten minutes before the end they say – oh, but what I really wanted to know…

We may be “psychic” but that doesn’t mean we are mind readers.

Sure, some readers will know your question, but for me, and plenty of other readers I know, we work a little differently.

A really specific question helps me tune into your energy and the messages start to come through so much more clearly from that anchor point.

For many readers, a specific question will get you a specific answer, and general readings usually get general answers.

So please, ask your questions and make sure you get the answers you want, and then if there is time, let your reader tune into whatever else is going on.

Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot

4. Prepare yourself ahead of time

Make sure that you give yourself a bit of time to just chill out and prepare before the reading.

If you are meeting a reader online, take some time to organise yourself. Have a notebook, pen and glass of water ready and go to the toilet!

If you are meeting a reader in person, try to make sure you get there a bit early so you can relax a bit before you go in.

There is nothing worse for a reader than opening up the door, or the Zoom room and your client is out of breath and frazzled!

Take some time to call in your own guides, angels and higher self and tell them what you want out of the session.

Ask that you will be protected in the space, that your reader will have access to what they need and that everything that comes through in the session is in alignment with your best and highest good.


5. Communicate with your reader

When you sit down with your reader, tell them exactly what your questions are and what you want from the session.

Some readers will just start pulling cards, which is totally fine if you want a general reading, but if they aren’t getting to your question and time is ticking, make sure to stop and ask them for what you need.

Your reader is there for you. They should listen to you and work the reading around your needs.


6. Listen with an open heart but use discernment

Many people go to see a reader thinking that this person is going to have all the answers.

Well, hopefully they have some answers for you! But this person is not your saviour and they can’t fix your life for you.

They may not even get it all right.

Readers are human, and even though they are channelling and passing on messages from spirit or wherever your reader brings them in from, they are still translating through their own lens, their own life experience.

It can be difficult to know when you are just hearing what you don’t want to hear, and when the reading is “off”.

The best thing you can do when you’re not sure about the messages you are given is to stay curious about them, use your own intuition, pull your own cards for confirmation or speak to a friend or even another reader.


7. Take what resonates and leave the rest

There may be one or two things that you take from a reading that were really helpful and powerful, take those on board.

If there are things that were said which didn’t really feel true in your heart, let them go.

Modern Witch Tarot featuring my books Witch, Please + The Santolsa Saga in the background!

Modern Witch Tarot featuring my books Witch, Please + The Santolsa Saga in the background!

8. Reflect on your experience

Reflecting on a reading is such a big part of the experience. I like to go to a friend and share my experience, or sometimes I just like to sit with it for a few days.

I think about how the reader made me feel.

I think about what they said and what felt true to my heart and what didn’t.

And I also think about what it was that my guides and angels really wanted to communicate to me through that reading.

Sometimes it’s a message straight from the reader’s mouth! Sometimes it’s the cards that were pulled. Sometimes it’s something else entirely, like when I had that bad reading that made me become a reader!


9. Remember that the only person who can create your fate is YOU

Too many people go to readers and believe 100% of everything they say. They will change their whole lives based on something a reader has told them.

I have actually done this myself in the past too! And let me tell you, it did not work out for my best and highest good! Although, it is a cool story to tell when I’m teaching tarot and discussing my thoughts on predictive readings!

If your reader works with predictions, they are usually just telling you what they see in that moment.

But our timelines are changing constantly, and you can change your whole life in one small decision!

I believe there are some things in life that are set in stone – people you are destined to meet, places you are meant to go, experiences your soul needs to have, but there is a lot of wiggle room, and we have the power to change so much!

Think about what your reader has told you may happen, or any other advice they gave you, but stand in your power and remember you create your fate babe.

No reader can create your magical future for you, you get to decide what you do next and how your story plays out!

Vix at work!

Vix at work!

May you always find the reader you seek and may all your readings be empowering, inspiring and supportive and guide you on your best and highest path!

With love and light,



PS – If you’d like to get a reading with me, keep your eyes out for when I do my pop up email readings, join us in The Sanctuary for short and sweet stories readings and there is also a secret way to get a reading with me which your intuition may lead you to! :P x

The Resurrection Spread for Tarot or Oracle Reading

The Resurrection Tarot Spread

As a Christian Witch (amongst other things!) Easter is a time where I find myself thinking about the death and resurrection of Jesus, as well as what is dying and resurrecting, birthing or re-birthing in my own life.

Whether you are celebrating Ostara, Easter, or just want to try out a new spread, grab yourself a cuppa (maybe a vegan Easter egg!) and join me in diving deep into some death and rebirth… x


1.Old ways of being, beliefs and stories to bury

What “old” stuff are you carrying around that you are ready to see cleared, released and buried? This card will show you some of the “old” that is ready to go. You can pull extra cards here if you need them - perhaps even three - one for old ways of being, one for old beliefs and one for old stories.

2.How to let go of the old with grace and love

It’s easy to say “let go” and not always so easy to actually do it. This card should give you some insight into how to let it all go.

3.How to have faith, trust and surrender

This card will give you some advice and support on how you can have faith in the process of letting go of the old.

4.All good things within you that have been forgotten

What has been buried deep within you that you would like to bring back to life? What old parts of yourself have been lost that you are ready to reclaim?

5.What is being resurrected

And the final card will show you what is being resurrected in your life.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG so I can come and say hi and spread the love!

With love, light and resurrecting all good things,



Aries Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Aries Season Tarot Spread

Ah Aries Season! It’s like a breath of fresh air, isn’t it?

Aries offers us new beginnings, a clean slate and the opportunity to decide what we want to create in our lives moving forward.

So grab yourself a deck - you can use Tarot, Angel Cards, Oracle Cards, whatever you have, grab your journal and a cup of tea, and let’s pull some cards…

Aries Season

1.The gifts, lessons and blessings this season can bring

This card will help you to see all the magic this season has to offer you!

2.How you can best use this energy of new beginnings

Don’t let Aries season pass you by without grabbing the ram by the horns (hehe) and doing something magical with it. It’s an opportunity for a new start, so take it!

3.Your hidden potential

Aries is a big energy, and we all carry some kind of big energy within us. This card will help you to see what your inner hidden fire is.

4.New things to manifest and create in your life

This card can show you where to focus your intentions and manifestation. You can pull as many cards as you like here if you need more clarity!

5.Action to take to get you there

And this card will show you how to do it and make it happen!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG so I can come and say hi and spread the love!

With love, light and new beginnings,



Anchoring the Light Tarot or Oracle Spread

Anchoring the Light Tarot Spread

Anchoring your light is about taking your regular grounding practice to the next level.

It’s about anchoring your own light into yourself, into your own heart and being and then anchoring the light that is within you into the earth beneath your feet.

In challenging times anchoring your light can help you to stay strong and be a comfort and support for others.

So if you’re ready to re-connect to your inner light and anchor the shiz out of it, then grab yourself a deck - angel, oracle, tarot, whatever you have to hand, grab your journal, pour a cuppa and have a go of this spread.


1.How to find your light in the darkness

During tough times it can be difficult to even connect with your own light, let alone share it with others! This card can help you to see how to find your own light first and foremost.

2.How to anchor (ground) yourself and your light

This card will give you some insight into how you can stay grounded and anchor your light so that you can stay strong and steady!

3.How to look after yourself

Lightworkers have to look after themselves or risk getting depleted and even hitting burnout. Take time to do what you need to do for yourself so you can be the bright light that is so needed right now.

4.How to be of service to others

And when you’re ready, this is how you can use your light to help others!

5.How to stay spiritually connected

This may be a message about how to connect, how to stay connected or connect deeper, or it may just be a message from your Higher Self!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG so I can come and say hi and spread the love!

With so much love, light and shining bright,



Pisces Season Tarot or Oracle Spread


Happy Pisces Season gorgeous souls!

Ah, I love the deep, dreamy intuitive feels of Pisces Season!

It’s the perfect time to take a step back from reality and dive deep into your own inner world, to work on your spiritual development, write some poetry, do some serious visualisation work or just disappear into your favourite young adult fiction series.

It’s also a great time for a little divination! So grab a deck of cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, pour yourself a cup of witches’ brew and let’s play.

Pisces Season

1.How to use this season to reconnect to your magic

Life gets so busy, but Pisces Season gives us a chance to slow down and go within and reconnect to our own magic. This card will give you some insight into how you can actually do that.

2.How to develop and trust your intuition

Pisces Season is such a deeply intuitive time. We tend to be more open and connected to our inner voice and divine guidance. Here you’ll receive a message about how to use this powerful time to enhance your connection, not just for this month, but always.

3.What your dreams (sleeping or waking) are trying to tell you

Whether you are having weird dreams you can’t figure out, or you’re dreaming about your dream life, this card will shine a little light for you.

4.A message from your inner world

Here you’ll receive a message from the deepest depths of your soul. It may be a message of support or guidance or something you need to know that you’re not seeing.

5.How to turn your dreams into reality

Pisces Season is the perfect time to connect with your dreams, but without knowing how to turn them into reality they can disappear in puffs of smoke. This card will help you to make sure that doesn’t happen.

If you found this spread useful check out my free eBook Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your readings on socials please tag me so I can find you and send you some Pisces love!

With so much love, light and sweet dreams,



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Aquarius Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Aquarius Season Tarot Spread

Welcome to wonderfully weird Aquarius Season!

Aquarius Season

While it’s certainly a great time to get weird and freaky if that’s your thing, it’s also just a really great time to connect with your own authentic truth.

It’s time to look at where you are maybe disowning some parts of yourself that are unique and wonderful that would like to expressed!

I hope this spread can help you tap into your own uniqueness and see how you can start to share it with the world more fully!

So grab a fruity beverage and a deck of cards - Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Old Maid whatever you have on hand, and let’s dive into the wonderful and weird world of Aquarius Season!

Aquarius Season

1.How can you anchor into the energy of this season?

As we change astrological seasons we often feel some kind of shift in the air, whether we’re aware of it or not, and it can take a hot minute before we feel grounded in the new. This card will help you to transition with ease.

2.Where in your life are you dimming your light?

Aquarius season invites us to light up the world with our own unique skills, talents and by just being who we are! Many of us have shut down all that is different and wonderful about ourselves for all sorts of reasons. This card will give you some insight into where you’re dimming your light.

3.How can you reconnect to your true self?

Who are you at the absolute core of your being? This card will show you how you can reconnect to who you really are.

4.How can you connect more deeply with like minded souls?

Sometimes it’s tough to let your freak flag fly when you feel like the only one doing it! This card will show you how you can find and form bonds with the others out there who are like you!

5.How can you fully express the truth of who you are?

Here you’ll find some insight into how to express yourself and let your light shine in ways that inspire others to do the same!

If you found this spread useful you may want to check out my free eBook Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you are looking for spiritual support, connection and exclusive monthly Tarot Spreads check out the online spiritual development group The Circle. We’d love to have you! :)

And if you want to share your own readings with this spread on Instagram be sure to tag me so I can pop by, say hi and share!

With love, light and flying of freak flags,


Capricorn Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Capricorn Season Tarot Spread

Ah, Capricorn Season! It’s a time for setting goals, going for gold and aiming your intention in the direction of your dreams.

Dolly Parton is the perfect example of Capricorn energy! She’s a go-getter with heart of gold!

Dolly Parton is the perfect example of Capricorn energy! She’s a go-getter with heart of gold!

A lot tends to go on during Capricorn Season. We have the solstice, then we have the end of year holidays and then suddenly it’s new year!

But if you’re looking for a way to connect with the big goals energy of Capricorn, look no further than this spread!

You can use your tarot cards, oracle cards, angel cards, whatever you have to hand. And if you don’t have a deck, you can always use the card positions as journal prompts!

Capricorn Giphy

1.What goals are you going for?

You can be cheeky with this first card position - if you already have a goal or intention in mind, go through your deck face up and choose the card that most aligns with that. Otherwise, pull a card the regular way to see what goals you could be going for!

2.What is the why behind your goals?

This is often one of the missing parts when it comes to goal setting and manifestation. Do you really know why you want what you want? Sometimes when we tune into the why, we can go so much deeper into our subconscious, understand why we want this, and then we can tweak it or change it, or use that why to propel us forward!

3.Where can you find support?

We could all use a little support when it comes to staying on track. This card will give you some insight into where that support could come from. It may be something in your outer world, or it could be something you can do to support yourself.

4.Action to take to make your dreams come true

Capricorn energy doesn’t just sit around and wait for things to happen. This is a time for saying what you want and then going out and getting it - that means showing up and doing your part! This card will show you how to do that!

5.How to celebrate yourself + your successes

Stopping to celebrate yourself and your successes is everything. Even if you don’t end up smashing your goals like you intended - if you showed up and gave it a try you darn well deserve to celebrate yourself for that! This card will give you some ideas on how to do that!

If you found this spread useful you might want to check out my free Tarot Spreads eBook Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without!

And if you want to share this spread on socials please tag me so I can come say hey! You can find me on Instagram here and Facebook here.

With so much love and light,



Sagittarius Season Tarot or Oracle Spread

Sagittarius Season Tarot Spread

Ah, Sagittarius season is upon us. After the intensity of Scorpio, Sagittarius season can feel like opening the window and letting in some sunlight and fresh air.

After diving to the depths our souls last moonth, we are now being guided to get excited about our outer world again.

Sagittarius season is the perfect time to plan some adventures (whatever that means for you!), make some changes in the places things aren’t working and get aligned to your dreams and visions so you can put some wheels in motion!

So, grab a deck (tarot, oracle, angel, anything you have!), pour a cuppa and let’s see how Sagittarius season can help us make some magic!

1.What adventures are calling?

Adventures can mean whatever it means to you. It may be literally going on holiday, or it could be about starting a new project or way of being!

2.What is changing?

What is changing direction in your life? This could be something that the universe is organising for you, or something you are being called to change yourself.

3. What wisdom are you learning?

Sag season is a great time for learning. This card could be about taking a class, learning a new skill, a new spiritual practice, or it could be about learning through relationships or personal growth.

4. How can you align your energy to what you really want?

Where are you pointing that arrow? This card can help you see where you need to align before you let go!

5.How can you make it happen?

This card is all about pulling it back and letting it fly! Taking action towards the things you most want in life.

If you found this spread useful you can check out my free eBook - Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without.

Or come join us in The Circle for spiritual development and monthly tarot spreads, workbooks, meditations and more! :D

With love, light and new adventures,



Scorpio Season Tarot Spread

Scorpio Season Tarot Spread

Scorpio season is upon us gorgeous souls!

I’ve got to admit, in the past this has not been one of my favourite of the seasons. I usually feel quite at home in dreamy Pisces or flighty Gemini, but intense, dark and deep Scorpio has often felt a little bit out of my comfort zone.

Ah, but that’s where the magic is, isn’t it friends? Outside the comfort zone!

Scorpio season invites us to work with our shadow, to explore our deepest desires and own our magical power. It’s a powerful time and can bring us deep healing and blessings if we let it.

So grab yourself a deck of cards - any will do - tarot cards, oracle cards, angel cards or whatever you have on hand. Pour yourself a glass of red wine, black coffee or your preferred witchy brew and let’s dive in!

Scorpio Season

1.What lessons does this Scorpio season have for you?

Each astrological season brings its own lessons, and while some Scorpio season lessons are collective - shadow work, transformation, desire, etc., there are also those that will be personal to each of us. This card will help you see what this season has to offer you on a personal level.

2.What parts of your shadow need to be seen?

This one can be a toughy, especially if we’re not always down with doing shadow work. But your shadow can be one of your greatest teachers if you allow it to be. This card will show you what your shadow wants you to see and either accept, heal or let go.

3.How can you work with your shadow this season for healing and empowerment?

Following on from our last card, this one shows you how to work with your shadow this season.

4.What in your life is ready for transformation?

Here you’ll be shown something that is ready to be released and transformed. It may be something in your inner or outer world.

5.How can you step into your magical power and fully own it?

Scorpio season offers us a chance to really connect with and own our own magical and spiritual power. This card will show you how you can begin to do that and fully own it this season!

If this spread floated your boat be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without! And check out The Circle for more spreads, workbooks, meditations and awesome content! :D

With so much love, light and magic making,



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