Capricorn Season Tarot or Oracle Spread
Ah, Capricorn Season! It’s a time for setting goals, going for gold and aiming your intention in the direction of your dreams.
Dolly Parton is the perfect example of Capricorn energy! She’s a go-getter with heart of gold!
A lot tends to go on during Capricorn Season. We have the solstice, then we have the end of year holidays and then suddenly it’s new year!
But if you’re looking for a way to connect with the big goals energy of Capricorn, look no further than this spread!
You can use your tarot cards, oracle cards, angel cards, whatever you have to hand. And if you don’t have a deck, you can always use the card positions as journal prompts!
1.What goals are you going for?
You can be cheeky with this first card position - if you already have a goal or intention in mind, go through your deck face up and choose the card that most aligns with that. Otherwise, pull a card the regular way to see what goals you could be going for!
2.What is the why behind your goals?
This is often one of the missing parts when it comes to goal setting and manifestation. Do you really know why you want what you want? Sometimes when we tune into the why, we can go so much deeper into our subconscious, understand why we want this, and then we can tweak it or change it, or use that why to propel us forward!
3.Where can you find support?
We could all use a little support when it comes to staying on track. This card will give you some insight into where that support could come from. It may be something in your outer world, or it could be something you can do to support yourself.
4.Action to take to make your dreams come true
Capricorn energy doesn’t just sit around and wait for things to happen. This is a time for saying what you want and then going out and getting it - that means showing up and doing your part! This card will show you how to do that!
5.How to celebrate yourself + your successes
Stopping to celebrate yourself and your successes is everything. Even if you don’t end up smashing your goals like you intended - if you showed up and gave it a try you darn well deserve to celebrate yourself for that! This card will give you some ideas on how to do that!
If you found this spread useful you might want to check out my free Tarot Spreads eBook Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without!
And if you want to share this spread on socials please tag me so I can come say hey! You can find me on Instagram here and Facebook here.
With so much love and light,