Commander Ashtar Ascended Master — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Commander Ashtar Ascended Master

Commander Ashtar is the ascended master to call on if you feel like you’re from another planet.

From the Angels Among Us Guidebook:

Commander Ashtar is an intergalactic ascended master. He works with other ascended star beings and the intergalactic council to help planet Earth reach higher levels of consciousness, love and wisdom. Commander Ashtar can help you to connect with the stars and to your star origin. Supporting starseeds (anyone who feels their soul originated on another planet or just has a deep connection to the stars) is one of Commander Ashtar’s roles, and he can help you to feel more at home on this planet and remember your own galactic mission.

Many of us in the spiritual community identify with the term “starseed” as a soul who feels like they don’t quite fit in here on planet earth in the way others do. Whether or not anyone actually feels like they do “belong” here is a question for another time, but I do think that some souls find it much easier to ground here and get on with being a human than others do.

It’s very much up for debate as to who Commander Ashtar actually was and is, and if you really want to know him, my advice is to simply try to connect with him for yourself and see what wisdom he has for you.

To me, Commander Ashtar is a wise and kind being from the stars who wants to guide us towards creating a better world, a better earth, even into “new earth” and higher consciousness for us all.

I have spent time with Commander Ashtar in meditative journeys and in past life regressions and it’s always been a wonderful experience. Much of what I’ve experienced is too personal to share here, but I always felt very loved, held, cared for. To me he feels like an older brother, like family, like someone I have always known and loved and has guided me through lifetimes.

Not everyone believes in these theories, but to me Ashtar feels ancient, like he has been guiding us for a long time and connects us to our earthly galactic origins. I feel he is connected to the Essenes, Ancient Egypt, Atlantis, the Goddess Ishtar.

I see him as a space traveller, travelling through time and space to reach us, to share his wisdom and knowledge and to help us not to make the same mistakes he has seen made over and over again, here and in all corners of the galaxy.

Commander Ashtar from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

If you do a search for Commander Ashtar (and perhaps that’s how you ended up here!) you will find a lot of different ideas, channellings and opinions on Ashtar.

There are many people who say they have a direct connection with him (and we all do and can if we want to!) but a word to the wise - always take what resonates, here, and anywhere you are accessing spiritual information.

Information that has been channelled through one person is not always truth for everyone.

if you want to understand Commander Ashtar, who he is and how he can support you on your earthly journey, the best thing to do is ask him directly.

You can connect with him in meditation, automatic writing, by just calling his name, whatever works for you. Or, you can use this spread!

Take a moment to centre yourself and then ask him to be with you and help you receive his guidance.

You can use this spread with tarot, oracle or angel cards or simply use the questions as prompts in your journaling or meditation.

Commander Ashtar Tarot Spread

1. a clue to your starseed origins

Unless you are working with a deck that specifically contains different planets and star systems, this card is more likely to bring up a clue to where you come from, perhaps who you were, whether where you’re from was a friendly or not so friendly place, what made you want to come here, etc. Trust your intuition here and feel free to pull more cards for more information if you need!

2. your galactic mission

Many starseeds or lightworkers feel that they have been sent here for a specific mission, to help in some way. Here you’ll find some guidance around what your personal mission is.

3. How to thrive on earth

This can be a tough one for those of us who don’t feel like we fit in here. Here Ashtar will give you some guidance on how you can not just survive this incarnation on Earth, but also thrive here!

4. How to seed the light

Seeding the light is just starseed lingo for how you make a lasting positive impact on this planet. So here you’ll get some guidance on how to do that!

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and traveling through galaxies,



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