One Tree Hill Tarot Spread & Collective Reading 🌳🔮
I recently discovered One Tree Hill and I have well and truly become obsessed with this show!
I missed it when it first came out. Already in my early twenties in 2003 I was clearly too mature for teen dramas and had moved onto my Sex and the City phase.
Even though I graduated high school in 1998, watching One Tree Hill now feels like I’m a teen again. The fashion, the music, the DRAMA. I’ve done a lot of work on myself over the years, but honestly, I was a chaotic dramatic mess for MANY years! 😅
Even the whole storyline between Lucas, Payton and Brooke reminded me of when my boyfriend dumped me and then proceeded to date TWO of my best friends! 😆 Not at the same time, that I know of. Although I still have my suspicions that one of those friends was with him before we’d officially broken up!
YES THAT REALLY HAPPENED! I’m still friends with one of those friends now, and the guy? Well, he didn’t end up with any of us!
But while there was a lot of drama in my life back then, there was also a lot of good times and that’s the energy I tap into when I watch One Tree Hill.
I haven’t made a pop culture tarot spread for a while. This is something I used to do all the time and I loved doing it! I really loved making this one too!
I thought it might be fun to share the spread with you and then do a collective reading for all those who come across this post.
You can use this spread with tarot, oracle, angel, playing cards, whatever you have! OR you can always use spreads simply as journal prompts to help you tap into your own inner wisdom! Not that card readings aren’t also using your own inner wisdom, argh, you know what I mean!
Always remember to take what resonates and leave the rest when engaging with collective readings.
Not everything may be for you. Maybe just one card or one sentence feels like it’s for you. Maybe everything or nothing resonates. Trust your intuition over all else. 🙏
Pamela Coleman Smith Centennial Tarot Deck
🔮Collective Reading:
1.What game are you playing? THE SUN 🌞
Right now you are playing for victory, happiness, joy, truth and higher light. You are in your integrity. You want to make a positive difference in this world in whatever way you can and actively seeking ways to do that.
Your Guides want you to know that they see you and they see the light you bring to this world. You are having a positive effect in so many ways that you don’t even see or realise.
Don’t forget that while you’re here to make the world a better place for others, you are also here to find ways to experience more joy, lightness, laughter and light in your own life.
This is one of the fastest ways to victory over your own fears, struggles and challenges.
Whatever you are playing for, whatever you are wanting to manifest, whatever goals you are reaching for, they ARE WITHIN REACH.
You can absolutely get those shots in and make it to the play offs! You just need to hold the vision!
Believe in yourself, be confident in your own light, magick and brilliance and you will experience victory in so many ways in your life!
2.Who/what is on your team? NINE OF SWORDS ⚔️
Ok, so I can tell you who’s not on your team, and that’s your own negative thoughts, fears and worries.
I’m never going to tell you that you can just click your fingers and suddenly you will no longer have to deal with this stuff. It can take practice, and it can take time. For some people it takes support from spiritual teachers and teachings, therapists, other forms of healing or professional support.
The message here is to FIND your team. Find the people, places, practices and tools that bring you comfort, support and that help you to believe in yourself.
It’s time to find your Whitey!
The Nine of Swords can be a little bit of a “scary” card, but it often comes up to show us that what we’re putting our focus on - negative thoughts, fear, worry, most of it is stuff that we just don’t really have to worry about. It’s mostly unfounded. Worrying about things that will never happen.
Find someone or something that can pull you out of your own fear and into the light of trust, faith, surrender, confidence and courage!
And this just coming through now - feel the fear and do it anyway! 🥰
Oh, one final thing here. YOUR HIGHER SELF is always on your team no matter who else isn’t.
3.Who/what is blocking your shot? THE MOON 🌝
Another message coming through here about fear, this time fear of the unknown. When we feel like we’re in the dark, when the world is on fire and in chaos, it can be difficult to see that next step forward.
It’s in these times when we can’t see the path ahead clearly that we need to close our eyes and see with our inner knowing.
Your intuition will always guide you forward, even in the darkness.
Make sure that you are practicing. Just like the Scott brothers needed to show up to the gym for their practice, you need to show up to practice and develop your intuition.
Meditate, pull your own cards, journal. If you’re already doing all this, do more of it!
And remember the best way to strengthen your intuition is by using it. Trust the nudges, take the steps you feel called to take, and then you’ll be shown the next one.
4.How to stay undefeated. THE MAGICIAN ✨
This card just flew right out of the deck! The Magician is our guiding light in this reading. We’ve seen some struggle here, but this is your reminder that you can release fear and worry and bring yourself back into balance and into your power!
The message here is that you may have forgotten just how powerful you are, just how strong your ability is to manifest the most amazing life you can for yourself.
It’s like you’ve taken some time off from the game, you’re a little rusty, but it’s time now to take back the ball, get down to the river court and get your mojo back.
We all have those Moon moments when things feel dark and uncertain, but the sun is always guiding us, even when it’s just a reflection of its own light through the light of the moon.
It’s time to take back your power, to take the ball, to visualise yourself winning this game and the next, and the one after.
If you believe you can win you increase your chances of victory x10000!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you shared your own readings in the comments if you feel called! 😍
With so much love and awesome CD collections,
🌟 About Vix:
Victoria ‘Vix’ Maxwell is the creator of New Age Hipster, a spiritual home for good witches, lightworkers, starseeds and spiritual seekers. A Priestess for present times, modern mystic and spiritual teacher in converse sneakers, Vix supports her worldwide community in reconnecting to their own light, inner guidance and power through the Library of Light spiritual development membership, soul readings and healings, akashic records re-writes, Kundalini yoga classes, spiritual business and author mentoring, podcast, award winning blog and social media channels.
Vix is the author of the best-selling metaphysical young adult fiction series the Santolsa Saga, author of Witch, Please and Manifest Your Dreams published by HarperCollins, the Angels Among Us, Goddesses Among Us and Galactic Guides oracle decks and the Oracle Card Companion published by Rockpool Publishing.