Full Moon in Gemini Tarot Spread
Happy full moon in Gemini gorgeous souls!
Y’all know as a Gemini Sun I’m here for this one! :D
Gemini is a high vibe, fun, excitable, fast moving sign and when the full moon hits here it has the potential to be one of the lightest, most fun full moons we’ve had for a while!
Geminis often get a bad rap as they sometimes struggle to focus, ground, and dive deep, but Geminis who are doing the work on themselves make amazing friends who are always up for both a bit of deep spiritual work and also having a laugh! It is the sign of duality after all and when we are balanced and grounded in our sign, we can both go deep and go high!
When the full moon appears in Gemini it’s a chance to look at both sides of all situations.
It’s a great time to look at where you’re making judgements about yourself or others and look at things differently.
Gemini is an air sign and is all about ideas. Make sure you take some time this full moon to just sit, meditate, listen and let the ideas come in. You don’t need to do anything with your ideas just yet, but be open to new perspectives, new solutions to your problems and new paths to take.
Gemini is a creative sign and you may feel called to start, work on or complete creative projects. In fact, if you can finally summon up the focus to complete something this full moon, you will should feel a huge weight lifted.
Full Moons are great for releasing, and the Full Moon in Gemini is a potent time to release any negative mental blocks, thoughts, beliefs or old stories you’re telling yourself.
Break those chains by re-writing your thoughts with positive affirmations and visualisation.
And most of all, this is a full moon when it’s okay not to take yourself or your spiritual path too seriously!
Do something fun, get the tarot cards out and read for your cat, dance to Fleetwood Mac under the moon in circles in the backyard. Watch Teen Witch or embrace your inner Sabrina the Teenage Witch and find the fun in the magick!
Clear and release mental blocks by writing them down and burning or shredding them
Journal on anything and everything (Gemini is all about words and communication!)
Create and work with affirmations
Chant mantras
Work on creative projects
Think about what you want to create in your physical life
Make some moon water by leaving some water outside under the moon and add a drop to your tea when you’re in need of creative inspiration
Connect with friends, attend a witchy meet up or take a class or workshop online and make yourself known in the chat
Communicate your needs with loved ones
Tell the universe what you want in clear terms
Play board games
Burn sage and and let any negative thoughts clear away
The best time to use this spread is within three days after the full moon in Gemini, but you can really use it anytime you want to connect with Gemini energy.
Also, check out the:
New Moon in Gemini Tarot Spread
So go ahead and grab your deck, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, and let’s have some fun!
Here’s one I made earlier with the Goddesses Among Us Oracle.
1.Current challenges
2.Creative Solutions
3.Chains to break
4.Your magic power
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and new ideas,