Why I'm no Longer Doing Wheel of the Year Readings and What I'm Doing Instead — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Why I'm no Longer Doing Wheel of the Year Readings and What I'm Doing Instead

Predictive readings are old school.

There I said it.

Of course, this is just my opinion and I still know many wonderful readers who choose to look at predictions and many people still love them, maybe even you, but they just aren’t for me. And they aren’t for the people who choose to work with me.

In my humble opinion, predictive readings take away your power and create self-fulfilling prophesies.

I honestly find it absolutely fascinating that the same people who believe in law of attraction, manifestation and free will are happy to sit down and pull 12 cards for the year to see what’s going to happen.

But you either believe in the ability to create your own destiny or you don’t.

Actually, okay, bear with me here. I do believe there are things that we are meant to experience in our lifetime. We do indeed have soul contracts, karma to work out and dharma (your soul’s true calling) to discover. But these are just points in the road. I believe that what we do and where we go when we reach them is totally up to us.

If you’re not familiar with Wheel of the Year readings, these are tarot or oracle readings pulling 13 cards (at least this is the way I’ve done it in the past) – one as a general message or theme for your year in the middle and then 12 cards are placed in a circle, one for each month of the year.

Wheel of the Year Readings have become kind of a tradition for card readers over the years, and the truth is, they are a great sell at this time of year (I’m writing this in December 2022). Many people love predictive readings, they just want someone to tell them what the future holds, that everything is going to be okay, that the year ahead is going to be better, brighter and full of love, joy and prosperity. And hey, who doesn’t want to hear that?

And it’s all fine until your wheel of the year looks like: January – The Tower, February – Three of Swords, March – The Devil, April – Death, need I go on?

Experienced readers know that these cards aren’t necessarily “bad”, but they can bring challenges and they do make even the most awakened among us roll our eyes like – oh jeez, not another Tower year!

And what a way to go into the year, believing it’s going to be tough, challenging, hard work, it’s like you’re exhausted from it all before it starts.

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that we just can’t predict the future.

I don’t know one single psychic reader who predicted Covid or the lockdowns or the impact and affect it would have on us all, emotionally, socially and physically. If you’re a reader and you predicted it all, let me know and I’ll happily stand corrected.

I’m really not trying to diss predictive readers here. there are still times and places where I’ll pull a potential outcome card for myself or my clients, but it’s always only ever a potential.

I could go into a whole thing here about my thoughts on the future and timelines and dimensional shifts, but let’s just put it in simply – no one really knows what’s going to happen.

Every intention you have, every decision you make, no matter how big or small can set you off on a totally different course, changing outcomes and changing the future.

When we do these long term predictive readings we forget that by the time we reach February we might be on a totally different path, a few different turns could have led us to a totally different part of the map. Which means those directions you wrote down to get to point X are not going to help you now that you’re not even going there anymore.

When we do predictive readings we do them from a specific point in time. We look ahead from where we’re standing. But as soon as we move ourselves into a different position, the landscape changes.

Working with tarot and oracle cards can guide us on our journey. They can point out things we’re unaware of, but instead of seeing them as the map, showing us where we’re going next, I prefer to see them as our companion on the journey. Our navigator letting us know when we’re running out of gas, or about to hit fork in the road. Their job is not to tell you which road to take but to help you figure out where you want to go and how to get there. Working with the cards can help you make your decision, but they should never be the ones driving the car.

OK, so say you still want to do a wheel of the year reading, I invite you to consider this question: WHY?

Why do you want to pull cards for the year ahead? How is this going to help you? What are you going to do with this information?

Please keep doing your wheel of the year readings if they feel good for you, but don’t just do them because you’ve always done them. Do them because you truly feel like they help and support you on your journey. And if they don’t? Do something else.

I still find it useful to have some new year rituals when it comes to preparing my energy for the new year. There is a collective buzz at this time that I really do believe heightens our ability to manifest. There is also a collective slump about three weeks into January, so it’s important to try to avoid hooking into that one too much! But you can absolutely use this buzzy high vibe highly emotional and hopeful time to do some spiritual work.

Here are some of the things I’ve found useful since I’ve let go of wheel of the year readings:

Zodiac Spread using the Goddesses Among Us Oracle

Do a Zodiac Spread Instead

This still gives you the option to sit down and do your 12 card reading but instead of predicting the whole year, each card position looks at different aspects of your life in the here and now. You can do this spread by using the houses of the zodiac or the energies of the zodiac signs.


Set Intentions / New Year Resolutions

Some simple intention setting can go along way. You can do this in so many different ways, but one thing I like to do is just sit and write down my intentions for each area of my life. I actually do call these my new year’s resolutions, you may or may not like that phrase, but to me it’s all about intention. It’s about sitting down and intentionally thinking about what I want to achieve, experience and feel in the next year.

I try not to get too obsessed with this list, and instead of looking at it over the year and berating myself for not having achieved everything, I revisit it to see if I’m both still on track, but I also remove things I’ve changed my mind about and add things I’m excited about or that have come into my life since. We’re all evolving, and our intentions and resolutions should evolve with us.


Word of the Year

Coming up with a word for the year can be a fun and powerful activity that helps you to tune into the energy of what you want to experience in the year ahead. This is really just another way to set intentions. Make your word something that’s not too specific like peace, joy, harmony or expansion. During the year ask yourself questions like – is this bringing me closer or further away from peace? How can I make joy my priority? Let this word evolve over the year if you like. Nothing is set in stone, including your word of the year.



Looking at the numerology of the year and your personal numerology can be a really useful way to tune into the energy of the year ahead and help you to work with it to manifest your dreams.

2023 is going to be a 7 year which has the potential for a lot of luck, success and cosmic alignment, but it also brings opportunities for some deep spiritual and personal development in order to get us into that alignment.

If you’re interested to learn more about how to work with the magic of this 7 year check out my upcoming Kundalini Magick workshop – Luck and Light!

Set Goals

Why do a wheel of the year reading when you can literally just set some goals and work towards achieving them?

As with everything, goals shift and change and evolve over time, which is why I find it helpful to set goals for smaller time periods.

At the moment I’m into setting goals every three months, from solstice to equinox, equinox to solstice. At these times I sit down and write down my goals for my work, my personal life, spiritual path and for my general wellbeing. I make some plans for how I’m going to make them happen and then I (try to) only look ahead that far. Of course I’ll still be thinking of ideas for further ahead, when that happens I write those things down and come back to them later.

If something unexpected comes up, I make space, often letting go of one goal to focus on something else. Sometimes goals fall away and no longer fit, sometimes they come back around. When I set goals I do it with focused intention but also with grace, knowing that there are times to push to make things happen, and times to let things go.

As you step into the new year, or whenever you come across this post, I invite you to remember that you have the power to create your own destiny.

Yes there are maps and sign posts and some roads you must walk for a little while, but ultimately, where you go and how you get there is up to you.

If you’d like to join me for my Luck and Light Kundalini Magick workshop I would love to see you there!

We will dive deeper into numerology, intention setting and I’ll give you some Kundalini Yoga practices that can help you align to the magick of the 7 energy and activate the victory codes within you so that you can walk through your year knowing you have the power to make it magickal!

With love, light and luck,



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