Ostara Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas
Spring has sprung!
Ostara blessings gorgeous souls!
Ostara is the pagan fertility festival that marks the spring equinox.
The early Christians merged the story of Jesus’ resurrection and new life with this pagan celebration of the new life of spring to create Easter. Symbols of chocolate bunnies and crucifixions have made this time of year (in the northern hemisphere at least!) quite the mash-up.
But whatever and however you choose to celebrate, it really is a time of joy, light and promises of new growth and fresh starts.
Ostara is all about welcoming the spring and the reawakening of the earth. As the flowers begin to bloom and the sun rises higher again we feel that spark of light within us returning as well. Longer days are on their way, summer is just around the corner and we have so much to look forward to!
A festival of fertility and creativity, Ostara is the perfect time to sow some seeds, plant some intentions and prepare to nurture them into growth.
Remember, dreams don’t work unless you do. Plant your seeds and dreams but don’t forget to water them!
In the northern hemisphere Ostara is celebrated between March 19th to 23rd and in the southern hemisphere it is observed between the 20th and 23rd of September.
Spring vibezzz.
Looking for some Ostara rituals?
As always, you can celebrate Ostara or any of the sabbats however you like. But here are some ideas that may be useful in helping you develop your own rituals.
Planting intentions
This is the perfect way to work with the energy of Ostara and the spring equinox. Just like we plant seeds so they can grow, planting our dreams is an important part of the manifestation process. Write down your dreams and intentions on pieces of paper and plant them in the earth. Make a plan for how you will support their growth. Remember and nurture them and see what grows.
Another way to plant intentions is to take some seeds and whisper into them what you would like to see grow in your life. Plant the seeds into the ground or a pot and nurture them!
Self-love and self-nurture
As you start to notice the beauty of nature waking up all around you, notice your own beauty also! How is your body changing and becoming more beautiful every day? Take some selfies and share them with the world! Take ritual baths with flowers and essential oils, take time for your own self-care, skin care rituals, get your hair done, early nights, whatever floats your lotus.
Altars & Decorating your home
With all the beautiful flowers, wildflowers, wattle and other magickal gifts from nature at this time of year there is so much you can use to decorate your altar and home with. Fill your home with flowers and create an Ostara altar with flowers, plants, seeds, images of hares, Jesus, whatever takes your fancy!
*A note on Eggs
It’s common at this time of year to celebrate Ostara or Easter by decorating eggs and placing them on your altar or around your home. Unfortunately, most eggs these days come from factory farms and there is nothing magickal about the egg industry. Please consider working with images of eggs, ceramic eggs or other types of eggs that are cruelty-free. Causing someone else’s suffering for your magick is never worth it imho.
If you have a spell or ritual you usually do with an egg, try performing it with a seed instead. A seed is simply an egg that grows through the earth instead of through a living being, so why not go straight to the source?
As part of your ritual you may like to work with this tarot or oracle spread!
Pour yourself a cup of chamomile tea and grab your deck. You can use any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.
1. Seeds and dreams to plant
2. What they need to grow
3. How to nurture them and yourself
4. How to prepare for their arrival
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and Ostara blessings,