Saint Dymphna Ascended Master
Saint Dymphna is the Saint we all need right now.
As the patron saint of mental health, anxiety and depression we have never needed her more than we do right now as we navigate this difficult time on the planet.
Over the last few years everyone I know has suffered with some kind of mental health issues.
Our whole world has changed, we’ve been kept inside, distanced from our friends and family, lost loved ones. We are essentially going through a collective trauma and we can’t deny it’s taking it’s toll on us emotionally, mentally and on all aspects of our wellbeing.
Of course it’s always important to seek professional advice when it comes to mental health issues, but if what you are facing is mild, or even if you are getting professional help and want to team that with some spiritual assistance, Saint Dymphna is your gal.
Saint Dymphna from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant
Saint Dymphna was an Irish Saint who lived in the seventh century. She was just 15 when she was killed by her own father for refusing to marry him to replace her mother. Before she died she had devoted her life to Christ and being of service to the sick. She had built a hospital using her family’s wealth and it is said that she had miraculously healed many who were suffering from mental health issues and illnesses as well as emotional and neurological disorders.
Saint Dymphna is also the patron saint of runaways, victims of incest or sexual assault, sleep disorders, psychiatrists, psychologists and neurologists.
I’ve created a spread for you to use to help you connect with Saint dymphna anytime you need some extra support with your own mental health and wellbeing.
You can use this spread with tarot, oracle or angel cards or simply use the questions as prompts in your journaling or meditation.
1. Who/What can support you
Here you’ll find some guidance on who or what can you support you, your mental health and wellbeing at this time. This card may show a person, a guide, an activity, some advice or anything at all that could support you in this moment.
2. Who/how to ask for support
So many of us struggle with asking for help, especially those of us who identify as empaths, highly sensitive people, people pleasers, etc. But people do care and people do want to help us. Here you’ll get some guidance on how to take that first step and ask for help.
3. How to practice self care
A little bit of self-care, self-love and self-kindness are everything. This card should give you some ideas on how to bring more self-care into your life.
4. How to improve your wellbeing
And finally, a message around how to generally look after yourself and improve your wellbeing. After all, the better your wellbeing, the easier it will be for you to shine your light bright and do all the magical things you came here to do!
If you do need some extra support right now, click here for a list of phone numbers you can call where someone is waiting to talk to you if you need them.
If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and looking after yourself,
Grab the deck!