Samhain Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas
Dancing with your coven under a full moon never gets old.
Samhain Blessings gorgeous souls!
Known as the witch’s new year, Samhain, pronounced sow-in or sah-ween depending on your accent, is a big deal in the magickal community.
Known to muggles as Halloween, this is the time when the veil is thin and the spirit world can be accessed the most easily.
A time to honour and connect with our ancestors and our passed over loved ones, the sometimes dark creepy vibes of Halloween are not always representative of the magic, light and love that is available for us to draw down at Samhain.
However, as we meet with our ancestors and remember those who have passed over, we are faced with our own mortality, the reminder that we too, will go beyond the veil one day and return back to spirit.
Scaring yourself silly with horror movies and ghost stories is one thing people like to do at this time, but our ancestors are not “scary” at all, they are the most loving, powerful, protective guides a witch could ask for.
The fear we can feel at this time is often related to our own conditioning and fears around death, darkness (this is a dark time of year), and the unknown so it’s a fantastic time to do some shadow work, look your fears in the eye and remember that death is just the price we pay for this absolutely extraordinary experience of living.
It’s always a good idea to practice energy protection around Samhain, especially if you’re going to be attending parties, watching scary movies or doing deep shadow work. Imagine yourself in a bubble of light, call on your ancestors, guides and angels to protect your magick and all will be well. Keep yourself safe and enjoy the festivities!
Samhain is traditionally celebrated on the 31st of October in the northern hemisphere and on the 30th of April in the southern hemisphere.
Your ancestors and passed over loved ones are always with you.
Looking for some Samhain rituals?
As always, you can celebrate Samhain, Halloween or any of the sabbats however you like. But here are some ideas that may be useful in helping you develop your own rituals.
honouring the dead
If you do one thing at this time of year, do something to honour your ancestors and those who have passed over. Display their pictures, light candles and talk with them. Tell them what’s going on in your life, ask for the help with things you’re struggling with. Sing or chant for them, give them offerings of flowers, wine or food, set a place at the table for them as you eat. Do something to let them know you remember them.
Check out the shop for the Ancestors and Ancestral Healing kits.
Face your fears
What are you most afraid of? Our fears can be our greatest teachers. Think of your greatest fear and then journal, meditate or pull cards on what it is trying to teach you.
For example a fear of losing someone you love may be a lesson in loving people while they are still here, letting go of grudges and prioritising relationships. Fear of death may be a lesson in living life to the fullest.
Embrace Your darkness
Samhain can be a powerful time to remember you are only human. You are light, you are beautiful but you are also rough and raw. You have the capacity to both harm and heal, to love and hate, and while most of us on this path are aiming for love and compassion, there are times when it’s okay to just embrace the messy, ugly truth of the human experience. Let go of any guilt or shame you are carrying and own, love and embrace all the parts of you.
Make peace with your ego through meditation, healing practices, journalling and self-love.
Get witchy
Cast spells, read tarot, hang out with black cats, wear a pointy hat, watch The Craft with your coven. It’s Samhain and anything goes tonight! Express your inner witch and activate your power through magickal work.
Call on Spirit
Call on your ancestors, spirit guides and all those who are with you guiding you for support, for guidance and messages. You can do this through using tarot or oracle cards, through journalling, meditation, going for a long walk, or just pausing to stop and listen.
Pay attention to the signs you get at this time.
If you want to learn how to see through the veil safely check out my Through the Veil e-kit on the shop.
As part of your ritual you may like to work with this tarot or oracle spread!
Pour yourself a mug of hot cocoa and grab your deck. You can use any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.
1. How to honour your ancestors
2. How to see through the veil
3. fears to face and release
4. A message from your ancestors
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and Samhain blessings,