
The Spiritual Vegan: Veganism 101

The Spiritual Vegan: Veganism 101

I’ve been talking about veganism for a while on my IG stories now, but I haven’t really spoken about veganism that openly. Mostly because I know it’s a hot topic, especially in the spiritual community and it’s not something everyone feels comfortable talking about.

But the time for staying comfortable is over (in case you didn’t get the memo!) so I’m going out of my comfort zone to talk more about this, and I really hope you are willing to go outside of yours by having a read of it too!

I just want to begin by saying I know that veganism is not available to everyone, it’s really just about doing our best, whatever that is for you.

So, what even is veganism?

The definition of veganism by The Vegan Society states that:

“Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.”

I’d just like to highlight this bit - as far as is possible and practicable.

Some people have this idea that to be vegan you have to be perfect. Nope! It’s just about making the best choices you can in each moment.

There are always these articles doing the rounds about how avocados aren’t really vegan because the way they are grown means bugs are dying. The thing is, it’s impossible to have zero effect on the planet, veganism is about choosing the option with the least suffering possible, not total perfection.

Vegan vs Plant Based

There is often a lot of confusion between the differences between vegan and plant based as they are often used interchangeably.

Plant based basically just means that you’re on a plant based diet, but veganism is actually a belief system. You can be “plant based” without subscribing to those beliefs.

People often say something like they are 90% vegan, but that’s kind of like saying you’re 90% spiritual. You either are or you aren’t vegan, no percentages about it, but you can eat 90% plant based!

The benefits of veganism

A recent scientific study concluded that “a vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use.

A well balanced vegan diet is also better for your health. This often gets a lot of debate, and I’m fully aware that some people have medical issues that can make going 100% plant based tough or even impossible, but a healthy vegan diet is actually healthier for most of us than eating animal products.

We know that veganism has a lot of benefits for animals. Veganism means less death and suffering in the world which I’m totally here for!

And of course, the spiritual benefits are huge. When I went vegan it really shifted my energy. Not just because I wasn’t eating animal products, but because I was taking actions that were aligned to my heart, and that really shifts your vibration!

I did the shadow work. I faced uncomfortable truths, I watched footage from farms and slaughterhouses, I opened my third eye wide to the horrors of animal agriculture and then I made choices that aligned with love and compassion. It’s all about choosing love.

One of the benefits that doesn’t always get talked about is that veganism has made me happier. I feel so happy every time I sit down to eat knowing that no one was harmed or had to suffer for my food.

There is an inner peace and joy I feel as a vegan.

You know that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you do something good? When you do something selflessly or donate to charity or help someone out of the goodness of your heart? That’s how I feel all the time as a vegan.

Where to start

If you want to start making the transition to veganism or even just towards eating more plants here are some of my favourite resources to get you going:

Veganuary: I started my vegan journey with Veganuary a few years ago, but you can sign up for the 30 day challenge all year round. They also have loads of resources and recipes on their website too.

Earthling Ed: Ed’s YouTube is full of amazing talks, debates and videos. They call this guy the vegan Jesus and I 100% back that statement. I may be the person who calls him that. Anyway, he is a mega light in the world and is totally non-judgemental in the way he shares information too.

VegNews: Keep up to date on all the veg news, new vegan products and everything that’s happening in the vegan movement!

Happy Cow: This is the best resource for eating out.

Glo Vegan Community: I love this Facebook group. It’s super welcoming and supportive no matter where you are on your journey!

If you have any questions about veganism, making the transition or just bringing more plants into your life please hit me up in the comments.

I’m planning a few more blog posts on being a spiritual vegan so stay tuned!

With love, light and compassion,

