Alternative and Empowering Tarot Card Meanings | The Hanged Man (The Hanged One)
The Hanged One (or Hanged Man) is an interesting card in the tarot.
So often we see it as a block, or a standstill. Nothing is moving. Nothing is happening. We're just "stuck."
Or at least, that's how it appears at first.
It's easy to be in that hanged one position and resist it. We wiggle and shout and try to look for a way out. We hustle and struggle and think that's the answer, but it's usually only in the moment of finally surrendering that we find the magic, the meaning and the perspective we are looking for.
Although we know that traditionally the Hanged One is a card of perspective, no one likes the idea that we have to get tied, twisted and hung upside down in order to find it.
Discomfort isn't something we often seek out. We much prefer comfort, thanks very much. We like our duvets and doonas and pillows when given a choice.
But imagine what it would be like to climb a tree every morning, hang upside down and give yourself a different perspective on your problems, your blocks, your life.
What if instead of seeing the Hanged One as a symbol of being stuck, we saw it as a spiritual practice?
What if the Hanged One is nothing more than an uncomfortable yoga pose that is strengthening your body, mind and spirit?
There's something magical that happens when we sit with our discomfort instead of trying to get out of it as quickly as possible. We get to know what we're made of, we find strength of character and will, even physical strength we didn't know we had.
Yogis will know this card isn’t about being trapped or stuck or at a standstill. It’s a beautiful opportunity to come back to the self. To pause, meditate and let the divine guidance and inspiration flow.
There’s a wonderful Kundalini yoga practice called Kriya for Strengthening the Aura and it really reminds me of the energy of this card.
It begins with push ups in triangle pose (downward dog). The idea here is that you are pushing your aura into the earth, grounding yourself from a new direction, expanding your aura into all directions, strengthening your aura in all directions.
And no, it’s not very comfortable once you reach the three minute mark, but my goddess you feel incredible afterwards! :D
The Hanged One from the Modern Witch Tarot. x
If you’ve pulled the Hanged One (or Hanged Man) in your reading and are looking for some empowering meanings, try one of these:
Be open to new perspectives
Take a break from hustling and struggling and just be
Return to your spiritual practice - create stillness and quiet in your life
Sit with your discomfort, trust it will pass
Take a sacred pause
Take a break from social media and other content
Move your body (especially if you feel “stuck" in your mind or in your life)
Think about this card as an uncomfortable yoga posture, stretch or fitness move that you know is good for you!
Just go with it (whatever it is!)
Trust and surrender
Let someone help you (you don’t have to do it all alone!)
See whatever is happening right now as an opportunity for growth and to build strength
Try Kundalini yoga and learn how to use your discomfort as a super power!
Explore any fear you may have of being out of your comfort zone (for most of us that’s standing upright!)
Always take what resonates and leave the rest. Maybe the Hanged One has a totally different meaning for you, and it’s all good.
We all see the world and the tarot differently.
Personally, I love to use the Tarot for empowering readings that help me and my clients to navigate challenges with as much ease and grace as possible and to create the life of our dreams!
Looking for more tarot stuff? Check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect! :D
With love, light and new perspectives,