Thoth, Ancient Egyptian God of Time, Wisdom and Writing — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Thoth, Ancient Egyptian God of Time, Wisdom and Writing

“You have the power to write your own future. Do so with wisdom.”

That’s the oracle message Thoth brings through via the Angels Among Us Guidebook.

I have a lot of favourite deities I work with, but I have to admit, Thoth is right up there at the top of the list.

I absolutely adore Thoth.

He is the god of writing, so, as a writer, of course I am drawn to him, but he is so much more than that.

Thoth is a lord of time, a time travelling Atlantean keeper of the Akashic Records. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

He holds the keys to our past, our past lives, all incarnations past, present and future, and invites us to learn, heal and move forward.

Thoth invites us to step into our power. He wants to help us create our best and highest life, to manifest our highest destiny in this lifetime. He wants us to reach our full potential, he wants to see us grow as souls, but he also holds us in his ibis wings in the here and now.

It’s no surprise then, that I’m so drawn to Thoth. I have always loved visiting the Akashic Records, doing past life readings for myself and clients and I’ve also written an entire time travel trilogy!

Whether you’re a writer yourself, or just wanting to write your own story from this point forward, Thoth is your guy.

From the Angels Among Us Guidebook:

Thoth is the Ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, time and writing. He is most usually depicted as a man with the head of an ibis, an ibis or somethings a baboon. Thoth is the scribe of the Akashic Records which hold all of the information about every single moment of your lives - paste, present and future. You can ask Thoth to take you into the records to gain deeper insight into who you are, your life choices, life purpose and path and past lives. Thoth can also help you to rewrite your records, helping you to choose and change the course of your destiny.

Thoth from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Working with Thoth is all powerful, sacred and serious business, but he has a great sense of humour. He showed me this when I first started meeting with him in meditation.

The first time I connected deeply with Thoth he appeared to me as an eye-liner wearing emo/skater boy who poured me a cup of tea and sat and listened to my problems before giving me some of his sage ancient wisdom and advice.

The angels, masters, gods and goddesses will always appear to us in the way we can best connect with them, and for me, Thoth appeared in the perfect way that would help me to feel comfortable sitting down with him and sharing my heart.

Thoth may appear to you in a completely different way. None of us are “wrong” for how we see these beings of light and love, in truth the gods have no physical form, they just appear to us in whatever way will help us connect with them.

If you’d like to connect with Thoth deeper, visit the Akashic Records and take your own destiny into your hands, give the following tarot spread a try. You can of course use oracle, angel or playing cards, journal out the answers or just meditate on them.

Thoth tarot spread

1. Who you were in a past life

As you look at this card you may get an intuitive download, a vision or a feeling come through about who you were in a past life or this card may show a person (who you were) or a situation you experienced in that past life.

2. What you learned in that life

Many of us want to find out about our past lives for a bit of fun, but actually, knowing who you were and remembering the lessons of the past can have a huge impact on who we are in the here and now. This card will show you a lesson you learned - something you don’t need to learn again, something to remember.

3. What you no longer need to carry

We often carry past life baggage into the next life which weighs us down and stops us reaching our full potential in this life. Here you’ll see what it is that you need to let go of and not take any further with you into this incarnation.

4. How to write your own destiny in this life

Here you’ll get some guidance on how you can make this life the best you possibly can with what you have and who you are in the here and now.

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and time lording,



Want to dive deeper with Thoth and the Akashic Records?

Check out these workshops including video lesson, guided meditative journey and workbook with tarot spreads, rituals and so much more!

Grab the deck!

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