Twilight Tarot Spread — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Twilight Tarot Spread

Twilight Tarot Spread

I have literally no idea how I haven’t already created a Twilight Tarot Spread. It was only when I was making the A Discovery of Witches spread that I realised I had never made one for Twilight! :o

Which is pretty poor going, considering I used to be a hard-core Twihard.

So hard-core in fact, I actually went to Forks, Washington.

A few years ago a friend and I who both were unhealthy obsessed with Twilight for grown adult women took a trip around the US together and planned our whole itinerary around visiting Forks because were were just that cool. The highlight of our trip was seeing New Moon for the first time at the Port Angeles Cinema! It was such a wild experience to be in the cinema watching the scene in the movie where they go to the Port Angeles Cinema! :oooo

Love it or hate it, you have to admit that Twilight has been firmly cemented into pop culture. And while some people roll their eyes at sparkly vampires and teenage girls making pretty terrible decisions, it’s still a story that has captured hearts and made us all wonder what it would be like to find that special someone and be together literally forever.

Me in Forks, Washington

So what’s this tarot spread all about, then? Well, it’s a chance to check in with some of your own hidden aspects. It’s a good one to use anytime you want to dive a little deeper into your subconscious.

While this isn’t specifically a shadow work spread, it can definitely help you dive into those shadowy aspects and shed a little light on what’s been hiding underneath those Washington State forests within.

You can use tarot, oracle, angel, whatever cards you have, or you can even just use these questions as journal or meditation prompts too!

1. What do you crave?

Hopefully it’s not Bella’s blood. But this card will give you some idea of the deepest desires that want to be realised.

2. What is hidden?

When you’re a vampire parading as a high school student there’s a lot to hide. Here you’ll get some insight into what is hidden for you right now - perhaps something within you, or something in your life that is ready to be revealed.

3. choices to make

The greatest question of our time is Team Edward or Team Jacob. I’m team Jasper myself. This card will help you decide who’s team you’re on and which way you want to go next.

4. Who to become

At some point we all have to choose whether or not to become a teenage vampire or let ourselves age like regular people. Here you’ll get an insight into who it is you are becoming and perhaps also how to begin to become it.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and baseball games,



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