Weekly Reading - March 2 to 8 2015 - Angel Prayers Oracle
Howdy Hipsters! OMG it's March! How did that happen so fast?! Don't worry, you still have like, 9 months left to be awesome if you're not already being awesome, and I kind of think if you're reading this, you are. I'm using the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards deck by Kyle Gray this week because I freaking adore the heck out of this deck and haven't used it on the blog for ages!
Start of the week - Earth Angel
Don't forget that although you can call on your Angels for help, you actually are an Earth Angel. This means that so many of the traits and so much of the power of the Angels is already within you! WOW! Keep calling on the Angels for help, but also remember that you can help yourself. You have the power within yourself to make amazing things happen in your life. Don't forget that this week!
Middle of the week - Spirit Animal
Connect with nature, animals and your Spirit Animal this week. Also, I see this card coming up on the back of the Earth Angel card as a message to make sure that we don't always only keep our heads in the clouds chatting to the angels, but that we find a balance and connect with the energies of the earth too! Do your grounding visualisations (feet growing roots!) and breath in some forest/sea/park air!
End of the week - Peace and Harmony - Archangel Raguel
OK, so sometimes you need to be the one who creates the harmony in a situation or relationship. It's so easy to get stuck in the idea that we are 'right' about things and that letting go of disagreements or arguments means we are admitting we are 'wrong'. What we need to do is remember that everyone is on a different journey. We are not all here to read Tarot for others, we are not all here to connect with Angels and live a shiny life, some of us have different reasons for being here and we need to acknowledge that, even if we don't understand it. It's still not OK to do really bad stuff to each other, but part of your journey is to forgive and create peace, harmony and shine your light.
Bonus card! - Spiritual Gifts - Archangel Raziel
Ever wondered what your spiritual gifts are? Maybe you are well on your way to discovering what your gifts are, maybe you already know them, maybe you don't even think you have any! Take some time this week to think about, learn about and embrace your spiritual gifts. I have received an awesome message from one of my angels about what I can do to enhance one of my spiritual gifts this week, which I'll tell you all about soon! But in the meantime, ask for guidance re: your spiritual gifts and see what comes up for you!
I'm sending you all so much love, light and angel blessings this week,