angel messages — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


angel messages

Weekly Reading – March 9 TO 15 2015 – Morgan's Tarot

Morgan's Tarot - Morgan Robbins
Morgan's Tarot - Morgan Robbins

Welcome to another week on Planet Earth kids! This week your spiritual guidance comes courtesy of the Morgan's Tarot. First printed in the 1970's this is a seriously bizarre quirky deck that gives pretty amazing readings! So let's see how it can help us this week to make the most of the next 7 days ahead...

Start of the week - There are no others

This card reminds you that no one is coming to save you. You have to save yourself. You have to be your own knight in shining armour. Sure, you may have a great partner, friends and loads of people who will help you on your life path, which is a wonderful thing! But there are times in life when you need to be the one to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. You're a grown up now, if you fall over and scratch your knee do you sit there and cry until mummy comes running with a Bandaid? Or do you get the hell up and get on with your day?

Middle of the week - What's happening?

When I pulled this card I saw these shapes as being 'organised', and that's what we need to do a little of this week. We've spent some time lately trying to see the big picture, well now it's time to zoom in on that one thing that we can do this week to move forward in our lives. You don't have to get the whole thing worked out, but you do have to make some progress. Even just some planning, some research or some thinking and journalling would be a good start. A small start is better than no start! Whatever is coming up for you in the middle of the week - break it down into manageable chunks. Don't freak out.

End of the week - Freak!

This weekend is all about letting your inner freak out to play! It's about being totally true to yourself, who you are, how you want to act and what you want to wear. Don't stop wearing that bright pink cardigan just because someone at work made a snarky comment about it. Don't stop singing along to the radio when you're browsing in your favourite store when someone looks at you weird, be totally completely freakishly you this weekend. Embrace your inner freak and see what they have to tell you! On the back of that, make sure this week that you are seeing the beauty in other people's inner freaks too! When you see someone on the street who you think looks ridiculous instead of thinking "OMG what is that person wearing?" change your thought to one of "wow, that person has such an individual style", or "I have so much respect for someone that just wears whatever they want to!"

I hope your week is amazing, and if you are free I would love to see you at my Angel Wisdom Wednesday event this week! I'll be doing free readings on my Facebook page for an hour! Join the event for your chance to ask a question and get a free reading! Yay! Oh, and sign up below to get the New Age Hipster newsletter because I'm about to send everyone something really cool and totally free!

<3 I'm sending you all loads of love, light and freakishly awesome vibes! <3



Weekly Reading - March 2 to 8 2015 - Angel Prayers Oracle

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray

Howdy Hipsters! OMG it's March! How did that happen so fast?! Don't worry, you still have like, 9 months left to be awesome if you're not already being awesome, and I kind of think if you're reading this, you are. I'm using the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards deck by Kyle Gray this week because I freaking adore the heck out of this deck and haven't used it on the blog for ages!

Start of the week - Earth Angel

Don't forget that although you can call on your Angels for help, you actually are an Earth Angel. This means that so many of the traits and so much of the power of the Angels is already within you! WOW! Keep calling on the Angels for help, but also remember that you can help yourself. You have the power within yourself to make amazing things happen in your life. Don't forget that this week!

Middle of the week - Spirit Animal

Connect with nature, animals and your Spirit Animal this week. Also, I see this card coming up on the back of the Earth Angel card as a message to make sure that we don't always only keep our heads in the clouds chatting to the angels, but that we find a balance and connect with the energies of the earth too! Do your grounding visualisations (feet growing roots!) and breath in some forest/sea/park air!

End of the week - Peace and Harmony - Archangel Raguel

OK, so sometimes you need to be the one who creates the harmony in a situation or relationship. It's so easy to get stuck in the idea that we are 'right' about things and that letting go of disagreements or arguments means we are admitting we are 'wrong'. What we need to do is remember that everyone is on a different journey. We are not all here to read Tarot for others, we are not all here to connect with Angels and live a shiny life, some of us have different reasons for being here and we need to acknowledge that, even if we don't understand it. It's still not OK to do really bad stuff to each other, but part of your journey is to forgive and create peace, harmony and shine your light.

Bonus card! - Spiritual Gifts - Archangel Raziel

Ever wondered what your spiritual gifts are? Maybe you are well on your way to discovering what your gifts are, maybe you already know them, maybe you don't even think you have any! Take some time this week to think about, learn about and embrace your spiritual gifts. I have received an awesome message from one of my angels about what I can do to enhance one of my spiritual gifts this week, which I'll tell you all about soon! But in the meantime, ask for guidance re: your spiritual gifts and see what comes up for you!

I'm sending you all so much love, light and angel blessings this week,



AA Gabriel kicks our butts (In a nice way)! Weekly Reading for 5th to 11th January 2015

Archangel Power Tarot - Doreen Virtue + Radleigh Valentine +Leonie Dawson artwork  

The first full week of 2015 is brought to you by the Archangel Power Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. I love this deck. I actually bought it after seeing Doreen use it on her YouTube Channel and falling in love with it. This week it's bringing us lots of messages about taking action in our lives - one of the reasons that I love this deck, it always gives you guidance to do something! Oh and PS - the artwork in the photo above is by Leonie Dawson who ROCKS! x


Monday - Two of Raphael 

This is the two of Cups energy. Partnerships are important today, and although it could be about love or friendship I really think it's more about a networking business/work kind of relationship. Who could you work with on a common goal? Who could you ask advice from? Who can you help with something? Who is your best friend at work? Hang with them today and make sure they know you love 'em.


Tuesday - King of Gabriel

'Experience that leads to success'. OK, something is happening today that you probably can't really be bothered to deal with, or do. It's like 'OMG this isn't part of the plan, why do I have to deal with [whatever!]?' But going through this thing is like walking through the rain to get to the coffee shop. You could just stand in the rain until it stops, but things will be a hell of a lot better if you just get moving.


Wednesday - Ten of Gabriel

The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, but you just gonna shake. Stop trying to please the haters. Or not even the haters, just those people around you don't, like, 'get it'. You don't have to be weird and cut them off from your life, just keep in mind that some people get you better than others, and that's OK, because you don't get some people too.


Thursday - Three of Raphael 

This is a perfect day to hang out with good friends. If you can't, or don't have any, don't freak out. Go online and meet some people. Read your favourite blogs or watch some YouTube videos. Comment on what other people are doing that you love - recipes, fashion blogs, whatever! It's not the 90's but you can still totally make friends on the internet guys.


Friday - The Moon - Archangel Haniel

Time to do some inner work. A lot of action energy around this week, but on Friday let's just take some deep breaths, think about what the hell we actually want to do with this year and just chill. Listen to your higher self, inner voice, whatever you want to call it today, but it might help if you find somewhere quiet to do it. Hey, even just chilling with your favourite YA novel can help you get into the right headspace to hear yourself.


Saturday - Five of Michael 

Yay! A powerful Archangel Michael day! He's telling us today that something isn't serving us. What is it?! Think about your life and think about if you keep following the path you are on right now where you are going to end up at the end of 2015. Is that the path you wanna take?! Cut out whatever's not serving you today, ask AA Mike to help with that.


Sunday - Nine of Gabriel 

Another action card telling us to move forward. I really think this goes with the messages from Saturday. What do you need to do to move forward on the right path for you? I don't always dig seeing 'action' cards on Sunday because I always think Sundays should be for chilling out, but that doesn't mean you can't be making some plans, doing some work or journalling or whatever for at least a couple of hours.


I hope you all have an amazing week and don't forget there's still time to get your 2015 reading with me over on the Etsty store - I think I'll be doing these for at least a few more weeks! And you can find out more about my other readings here. Also more exciting things coming up - Free Tarot Tuesdays are coming back (that's where you get to ask a quick question on the FB page and I'll pull a card for you), and my weekly (maybe bi-weekly?!) email is going to start going out soon! OMG!

<3 Sending you so much love, light and Archangel Gabriel good vibes for an amazing action packed week ahead! <3



Angel Prayers Oracle Deck Review

Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

OK so these just may be my favourite Angel cards of all time people! Yes, I said it. I love Doreen Virtue and all her card decks. I love them so much sometimes I just sit and look at all of them on Wordery or Google images, pining over the ones I don't have already. But I digress - today we are talking about Kyle Gray - Prince of Earth Angels and his brand new deck of 44 cards the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards published by Hay House.


These come in a nice sturdy hard box just like the Hay House Doreen decks. I love this box because it keeps your cards safe and I'm not into the whole silk scarf/keep your cards somewhere sacred thing, although a lot of you probably are and that's fine too! I just throw these around like everywhere I go. In my handbag, on the floor next to my bed, falling out of my suitcase in the car boot, no worries, this tough box will keep them safe! In the box you'll find your 44 cards plus a nice quality little guide book which features more info on each card as well as some spreads and ideas on how to clear and use your deck.


Shuffling these cards is kind of hard if you have small hands, but it bigger cards make for bigger pictures! Watch the video below for some different ways to shuffle these cards. I find shuffling them pretty easy - after gently peeling some of them apart when you first get them they are totally smooth shuffling.


WOW, all I can say is wow I love the artwork on these cards. It's fresh, modern and totally resonates with me as some kind of new age hipster type person. As much as I love the 'traditional' angel cards, seeing your angels looking hot and with purple or turquoise hair and looking like they just came out of some bar in East London certainly appeals to me! The images are bold and beautiful but at the same time simplistic enough to get the messages across quickly and easily. Each card also features an Angel Prayer and I love these. It gives you a focus, especially on those days when you are like - OK, trust my vibes, but how?! Just say the prayer on the card! Sometimes I like to say it 3 times. ;-)

Trust your vibes The inner voice Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards

Trust your vibes The inner voice Kyle Gray Angel Prayers Oracle Cards


These cards areso easy to use. Even if you've never had a deck of angel or tarot cards before, you can pick this pack up and start reading for yourself pretty easily. I would totally recommend the Angel Prayers Oracle as a first angel oracle card deck. Having said that I have like a gazillion other decks and I still love this one! Here's some ideas of how you can use this deck -

<3 pull a card in the morning before school/work/whatever - I say something like 'Angels do you have any messages for me today? Thank you!'

<3 pull a card at night before bed by asking the angels for any messages

<3 asking a question and pulling one card - e.g. what do I need to know about (insert issue here!)?

<3 find out about your life purpose

<3 three card reading - past, present, potential future or just three cards to answer a question about an issue you are having

<3 the awesome 9 card spread in the guide book!

<3 meditate on a card of your own choice, or one you pull at random

<3 when you find a card you totally resonate with for whatever reason stand it up on your bedside table to keep that energy around you while you sleep

<3 manifest! Find a card that resonates with what you want to manifest (hello Archangel Orion!) and leave it out where you can see it all the time

<3 asking if a particular Archangel is with you - e.g. ask - is there an Archangel who wants to work with me?

<3 learn the Archangels

<3 just about anything else you want to do with it!

In the video below I do a tiny mini-reading for Emma about her life purpose and it kind of blew me away! These cards definitely work and I can't say enough good things about them. If you want a reading with me using these cards head to my readings page or find me on Facebook and whip me a message!

You can get yourself a box at Kyle's store for a tenner - and for more info about Kyle and the amazing work he's doing check him out at -

<3 New Age Hipster stamp of approval! <3


 Love, light and Angel Prayers!

