weekly reading — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


weekly reading

The Weekly Reading - 15th to 21st June 2015 + Pay What You Can Day!

In the Weekly Reading this week I'm using the Angel Oracle Deck by Ambika Wauters and sitting in the beautiful woods near my house and relaying some pretty cool messages from the angels! And no one likes a bargain as much as me and because it's my birthday this week I'm inviting you all to grab a Pay What You Can reading! This offer is only on for 24 hours on the 15th of June so email me quick! More deets in the video below and the pretty picture down there! x

Vix <3 x

Pay What You Can Day!
Pay What You Can Day!

Don't be afraid of the tower card! x 18 to 24 May 2015

Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Myers
Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Myers

This week we are getting our messages via the Art Nouveau Tarot by Matt Myers - a freaking awesome 80's tarot deck that is perfect for relationship readings. I did soooo many relationship readings at Higher Selfie last weekend that I think I had this deck on the brain because it was the first one that grabbed me this week!

Start of the week - The Tower

It's pretty common to totally freak out when you see The Tower card. But you know how I see it? Sure everything is crumbling down around you - but the reason it's crumbling is because it wasn't built right. Now is the chance to let anything in your life that isn't right fall away.

Middle of the week - Knight of Swords

And now here comes the Universe with a sword for you to chop away anything that hasn't fallen yet. You have the power to get rid of anything negative or not working in your life, so take up your sword and slice that stuff up! This could also be a really good time to do some decluttering or tidying of book shelves.

End of the week - Nine of Cups

This weekend is time to chill the eff out! You've been working hard, you've been constantly 'on'. This weekend you wanna switch off - as much as you can, and then maybe a little bit more. The best way to show the Universe that you are thankful for your life is to freaking enjoy it! Go out and see friends, finish that YA novel you've been reading for months, spend time with family, and especially if you are in a relationship spend some decent quality time with your person.

It's another powerful week guys! You have the power to make this week amazing - let some of your old crap (inner or outer!) crumble away and then have yourself a damn fine weekend!

You know where you can find me if you fancy a personal reading!

<3 Love, light and Swords of Gryffindore! <3



Weekly Wisdom - Crystal Reading Cards Reading - 4th to 10th May 2015

Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman
Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman

Say hello to the beautiful Crystal Reading Cards by Rachelle Charman! This deck caught my eye at the Belgrave Book Barn (I think I spent almost a whole day in there!) in Australia last month and I just HAD to have it! I've seen a lot of crystal decks around, but none have called to me like this one... As soon as I opened it I did myself a reading and I cried because it was so good! I hope you love them as much as I do!

Start of the week - Sunstone - Empowerment

This is all about standing in your power. Be kind to people for sure, but don't let anyone walk all over you. You have a great deal of inner strength and power, you may find you need to call upon that this week. Open up to your power! Don't be afraid to speak your truth even if you think other people won't like it. Maybe they will like it, maybe they will love it, who knows! Be true to who you are this week, it's way more important than what they say about you by the water cooler.

Middle of the week - Malachite - Healing

Whenever you've healed one part of your life you find something else that needs healing. This doesn't mean that you should just stop bothering - it means the opposite! We are always healing. Spend some time this week acknowledging and considering your healing needs. Get a reading, get some reiki, have some therapy, sometimes we need help with our healing and can't always do it all on our own with a guided meditation. Sometimes you need to speak to a real person! Let others help you heal.

End of the week - Black Tourmaline - Protection

When your energy feels low, or impacted by other people you may need to think about some new energy protection strategies. Watch the video below for a great tip on how to visualise yourself totes protected even without the use of crystals! If you feel like you've been too open and given too much, take some time for you. You might just need a little alone time this week too. Don't feel guilty about it, sometimes you just need to be alone to recharge and stay shiny.

If you would like your very own personal reading using these cards or any others you can always pop over to my Etsy Store, OR you can come see me IN PERSON at what is going to be a very special day this coming weekend - Higher Selfie Live! It's a free event in London which promises to be totally soul nourishing! Check out this link for all the deets!

Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter down below too! I only email you once a week (on Sunday!) to update you with your weekly reading and any other bits and pieces that might help you on your journey, nothing spammy and nothing salesy!

I'm wishing you all a beautiful week here on planet Earth filled with tumble stones, chats with your higher selfie and glitter fingers!

<3 Love, light and crystal healing energy <3



Weekly Reading - Guardian Angel Tarot - 27 April to 4 May 2015

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue + Radleigh Valentine

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue + Radleigh Valentine

Sometimes you just need a cuddle, and Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine's Guardian Angel Tarot is the perfect deck for those times. We've had a big reading last week and this week I wanted to bring you a reading that had a softer touch and came with a cup of virtual hot cocoa.

Start of the week - Ten of Emotion

Oh, well that's werid, this is the exact same corresponding card from the Tarot of White Cats we had last week! Another message for us to put our gratitude and focus on those who we love. If you had nothing else; no money, no 'stuff', no new clothes from Urban Outfitters who would you be? Who are you without your stuff? Remember what's really important. Take a break from trying to make the big bucks and online shopping sprees and go and hug someone you love.

Middle of the week - A New Beginning

Ah, finally! A chance to break through some of thisstuck, stagnant energythat's been around for a while. You're only going to be able to move forward if you look at some of your blocks though. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of failing, or you are actually just a little bit afraid of winning?

End of the week - Helper of Thought

If you managed to look at your blocks in days previous this weekend has the potential to be ON FIRE! Things could start moving faster than you know what to do with them! You have to really think about prioritising your tasks this weekend or else you could start getting way too overwhelmed and not be able to do anything! Make a to do list, then underline the REALLY important things. There's no time to get sidetracked looking at cool hashtags on Instagram this weekend, sorry!

I'll be pulling cards for you from this deck at my Tarot Tuesdayevent this week! Make sure you pop along, it's totally free! I can't wait to see you there! :-D

<3 Love, light and getting unstuck! <3



20 to 26 April 2015 - Tarot of White Cats

Tarot of White Cats - Lo Scarabeo
Tarot of White Cats - Lo Scarabeo

HELLOOOOOOO!! It's been weeks since I did a weekly reading. I've been road tripping and catching up with family and friends in Australia so sorry for neglecting the readings but I really needed the time out! I spent a lot of time thinking about the readings though, I mean, do people even like this? Do people want a different style weekly reading? I thought I'd stick with the usual format for this week but I may just shake things up for next week so let me know below in the comments or on any of my social media places if you have any thoughts or feelings about these readings!

This week I'm using the dog-earred much loved Tarot of White Cats!

Early in the week - Ten of Cups

Wooop! One of the best cards in the deck and it's all for you this week! This card is all about happy families and happily ever after. There's a message this week to look at your family or home stuff and perhaps take the higher ground and 'be the bigger person' in some situations. Forgive others over little niggly things and show those you care about how much you do. That's not to say if someone has seriously wronged you that you need to hang out with them, but do stay in gratitude about the wonderful people who are in your life.

Middle of the week - Death reversed

Woah, talk about being stagnant and stuck this week! This is not a time to be forcing anything to happen. Things are either moving and working or they aren't, and over the next few days there's not much you can do about it. Take a break, give yourself a break! You've been doing a hell of a lot lately so don't get pissed if you find you can't get much done this week. Do some stuff like reading a book, taking a bath, catching up on Netflix or making some new Pinterest boards. No one will think less of you if you relax right now, they're probably not getting much done either.

End of the week - Eight of Pentacles reversed

If you want to see me nearly have a meltdown over this card check out the video below. I get it. I get that work can suck, day jobs can be totally meaningless and the frustration of knowing you can do so much more with your life can be pretty darn difficult some days. But if you really, really want to, you can change it. You can change your work situation. It may take a fucking long time, but if you want to see the flowers you have to start planting the seeds, tending them and then while you are waiting, just go plant some more.

Phew, what a week we are going to have! Just stay in gratitude as much as possible about as much as you possibly can, give yourself a break about how much you are getting done and get some good intentions flowing about your work situation!

<3 Love, light and good week vibes! <3



Weekly Reading - Cosmic Tarot - March 16 to 22 2015

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche - 1986

Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche - 1986

This week is going to be a doozy so hold onto your hats hipsters! I'm using the Cosmic Tarot, and I kind of think this is why we got such a heavy reading this week. I love how different decks give us a different energy, and this deck is one of those kicking us in the butt decks. Hey, sometimes we need that!

Start of the week – Nine of Swords reversed

There are a lot of outside influences this week that are getting in at us. We might be feeling anxious or stressed about stuff going on in our lives, but we have to remember that it has nothing to do with who you really are! Get protected this week, visualise a bubble or shield of some kind around you before you leave the house. Try to let go of this “stuff” by putting it into perspective. You need to leave work at work, leave the issues with your ex with your ex. Don't bring other people's negativity into your space.

Middle of the week – The World

Oh how wonderful! The World here is reminding us how beautiful and amazing the world really is. Go outside and breathe, look up from your iPhone for once! The world is fricking amazing and really, we are so lucky to be here. Spend some time in the awe of it this week. Again think about putting things into perspective. Sure you have stuff to do, but what can be left until tomorrow in exchange for time spent with loved ones today?

End of the week – King of Pentacles reversed

OK this is going to weird people out. I really think it's time to take a break from all the abundance manifestingand just be thankful for what we have right now. Having goals and trying to achieve stuff is great, don't get me wrong, it's awesome to be working towards big stuff! But I think sometimes we get so into manifesting money and success that we forget to take stock of what we've already done and what we have. Spend some quality time with people you love this weekend and really freaking appreciate them. If you have food on the table, a roof over your head and someone to call when you feel sad you are doing pretty bloody well. Don't forget that.

Bonus card – The Lovers (OoOooooh!)

So this card was facing the wrong way round when I took my deck out, and I totally don't remember leaving it like that! Again this is a message to spend time with loved ones this week. If you are single it's a good week to have a crush on someone new or talk to that hottie patottie who makes your soy decaf latte. If you're in a relationship put aside all that “outside stuff” for a night and go on a date! The lovers card isn't just about romance either, it can be about any kind of love - love for your pets, love for your job or love for a passion that you have! You may just want to really spend some time doing what you love this week.

So this week is really all about doing a little soul searching, working out what's really important to us, the stuff that doesn't have a cash price. It's about showing love to those you love and stopping and smelling the roses. The world is an amazing place and life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you might miss it.

In other news I'm heading off to sunny Australia next week and although I wanted to pre-write and record a bunch of readings for you for while I'm gone I've decided to give myself a little self care treat and recharge my energies so I can come back fresh and ready for a new chapter in the New Age Hipster story, including the weekly readings getting a little shake up! If you've been thinking of ordering a reading from my Etsy Store you need to get in quick sticks! I have some slots available early this week, but I will be going on vacay mode on Wednesday (18.3.15)! I'll still be on Facebook and Instagram posting loads of photos of kangaroos, Aussie themed tarot decks (I hope I can find some!), Melbourne coffee, sparkly things and beaches! I'll still do mini insta-readings though so stay in touch!

<3 Love, light and smelling the yellow roses <3



Weekly Reading – March 9 TO 15 2015 – Morgan's Tarot

Morgan's Tarot - Morgan Robbins
Morgan's Tarot - Morgan Robbins

Welcome to another week on Planet Earth kids! This week your spiritual guidance comes courtesy of the Morgan's Tarot. First printed in the 1970's this is a seriously bizarre quirky deck that gives pretty amazing readings! So let's see how it can help us this week to make the most of the next 7 days ahead...

Start of the week - There are no others

This card reminds you that no one is coming to save you. You have to save yourself. You have to be your own knight in shining armour. Sure, you may have a great partner, friends and loads of people who will help you on your life path, which is a wonderful thing! But there are times in life when you need to be the one to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. You're a grown up now, if you fall over and scratch your knee do you sit there and cry until mummy comes running with a Bandaid? Or do you get the hell up and get on with your day?

Middle of the week - What's happening?

When I pulled this card I saw these shapes as being 'organised', and that's what we need to do a little of this week. We've spent some time lately trying to see the big picture, well now it's time to zoom in on that one thing that we can do this week to move forward in our lives. You don't have to get the whole thing worked out, but you do have to make some progress. Even just some planning, some research or some thinking and journalling would be a good start. A small start is better than no start! Whatever is coming up for you in the middle of the week - break it down into manageable chunks. Don't freak out.

End of the week - Freak!

This weekend is all about letting your inner freak out to play! It's about being totally true to yourself, who you are, how you want to act and what you want to wear. Don't stop wearing that bright pink cardigan just because someone at work made a snarky comment about it. Don't stop singing along to the radio when you're browsing in your favourite store when someone looks at you weird, be totally completely freakishly you this weekend. Embrace your inner freak and see what they have to tell you! On the back of that, make sure this week that you are seeing the beauty in other people's inner freaks too! When you see someone on the street who you think looks ridiculous instead of thinking "OMG what is that person wearing?" change your thought to one of "wow, that person has such an individual style", or "I have so much respect for someone that just wears whatever they want to!"

I hope your week is amazing, and if you are free I would love to see you at my Angel Wisdom Wednesday event this week! I'll be doing free readings on my Facebook page for an hour! Join the event for your chance to ask a question and get a free reading! Yay! Oh, and sign up below to get the New Age Hipster newsletter because I'm about to send everyone something really cool and totally free!

<3 I'm sending you all loads of love, light and freakishly awesome vibes! <3



Weekly Reading - March 2 to 8 2015 - Angel Prayers Oracle

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray

Howdy Hipsters! OMG it's March! How did that happen so fast?! Don't worry, you still have like, 9 months left to be awesome if you're not already being awesome, and I kind of think if you're reading this, you are. I'm using the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards deck by Kyle Gray this week because I freaking adore the heck out of this deck and haven't used it on the blog for ages!

Start of the week - Earth Angel

Don't forget that although you can call on your Angels for help, you actually are an Earth Angel. This means that so many of the traits and so much of the power of the Angels is already within you! WOW! Keep calling on the Angels for help, but also remember that you can help yourself. You have the power within yourself to make amazing things happen in your life. Don't forget that this week!

Middle of the week - Spirit Animal

Connect with nature, animals and your Spirit Animal this week. Also, I see this card coming up on the back of the Earth Angel card as a message to make sure that we don't always only keep our heads in the clouds chatting to the angels, but that we find a balance and connect with the energies of the earth too! Do your grounding visualisations (feet growing roots!) and breath in some forest/sea/park air!

End of the week - Peace and Harmony - Archangel Raguel

OK, so sometimes you need to be the one who creates the harmony in a situation or relationship. It's so easy to get stuck in the idea that we are 'right' about things and that letting go of disagreements or arguments means we are admitting we are 'wrong'. What we need to do is remember that everyone is on a different journey. We are not all here to read Tarot for others, we are not all here to connect with Angels and live a shiny life, some of us have different reasons for being here and we need to acknowledge that, even if we don't understand it. It's still not OK to do really bad stuff to each other, but part of your journey is to forgive and create peace, harmony and shine your light.

Bonus card! - Spiritual Gifts - Archangel Raziel

Ever wondered what your spiritual gifts are? Maybe you are well on your way to discovering what your gifts are, maybe you already know them, maybe you don't even think you have any! Take some time this week to think about, learn about and embrace your spiritual gifts. I have received an awesome message from one of my angels about what I can do to enhance one of my spiritual gifts this week, which I'll tell you all about soon! But in the meantime, ask for guidance re: your spiritual gifts and see what comes up for you!

I'm sending you all so much love, light and angel blessings this week,

