Mercury Retrograde 2015 - Stop Bitching and Get Empowered! — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Mercury Retrograde 2015 - Stop Bitching and Get Empowered!

Mercury Retrograde empowering stop bitching new age hipster
Mercury Retrograde empowering stop bitching new age hipster

Every time Mercury Retrograde appears even the most spiritual high vibrational ones amongst us turn our Facebook pages into raging bitch and moan fests. Hey, I've done it too. We all have. We've all been hit with difficulties during these times. Communication break downs, car or electronic break downs and even our own personal melt downs are the things Mercury Retrograde is made of.

May 19th 2015 starts us off on another few weeks of challenges. It's due to end on the 11th of June, but if you are anything like me - a little sensitive to planetary or energetic "stuff" you'll be feeling the shadow period too, which means it ends up being nearly two months of this feeling of wheels spinning going nowhere.

This Mercury Retro though, I've decided to stop complaining and empower myself. Oh, and I've decided to empower you guys too! I've done a reading for you all which you can watch below. It's similar to the weekly reading but I look at how this retro is going to affect us emotionally, how it will affect our earthly stuff (body and like, "stuff"), what may be going on with our thoughts and also, the real kicker - what we can do about it all!

This is what I love about Tarot and divination. You can get a sense of the energies around you and instead of bitching and moaning about it, you can work with them. Use this knowledge to make the most of the Retrograde. Find out now what's going to be your challenge(s!) instead of having a hissy fit every time something Retrogradish happens!

I'm also offering a bunch of Retrograde Readings for y'all over on my Etsy Store! Sometimes when blocks and challenges come to the surface during the M.R it's actually a really good chance to look at what's going on. Mercury doesn't bring up new stuff, it can highlight all the stuff that was already there. Job not going anywhere? Total relationship dramas? It's not like Mercury is making you hate your job, you probably hated it already! It's a great time to go through your stuff, do some journalling, pull your own cards or for the teeny tiny price of just £15 I can whip up a spread for you personally that looks at a bunch of your blocks and challenges and what you can actually do about them. I'm still in my first year of this New Age Hipster biz so I'm pretty cheap right now. One day soon I'll be charging a lot more for this kind of thing so get in quick before my wait list is like a month long because that's what I'm manifesting people! LOL! Seriously though.


Now here’s my list of tips for rolling forwards when ole’ Mercury is rolling back.

<3 Check in with your goals and make sure you really want to go where you are going. If you’re happy with your path - keep on trekking! If it feels slower, whatever, at least you are moving towards your dream!

<3 Remember it's Mercury that's going backwards - not you!

<3 Don’t use Mercury Retrograde as an excuse to procrastinate and do nothing for three weeks or up to two months!

<3 If you can’t get excited about your dreams during the retrograde maybe you need different dreams.

<3 Don’t blame Mercury for everything that goes wrong. You didn't back up your work, that’s on you babe, not Mercury.

<3 Stay in Gratitude about the good stuff and keep positive.

<3 Every time you moan about Mercury you are manifesting more things for Mercury to do for you to moan to about.

<3 You don’t have to sit in the bath the whole time. Sometimes a quick shower works just as well if you need some self care time.

<3 Check out the video below to see how you can become the High Priestess of the Mercury Retrograde!

<3 Get your own personal Retrograde reading. Sometimes retrograde doesn't just slow us down, it highlights some blocks that we’re actually carrying around like all the time.

<3 Love, light and a bitch-free Mercury Retrograde! <3

