Manifesting from the Heart x
According to the internet and at least a thousand books I've read on the subject, there are approximately a gazillion different ways to manifest your heart's desires.
Vision boards, affirmations, journalling, calling on your guides and angels, visualisations, spells, candle magic, full moon or new moon rituals and emojis...
While these are all perfectly valid ways to manifest and they do totally work, I have found there's one thing that pretty much always works for me when I'm trying to manifest, and that's working from my heart.
There are so many of us trying to manifest things are not in alignment with our hearts. Hello, I've done it loads! What I've found from my own experience is that when I don't manifest from my heart I tend to either not get what I'm asking for and end up throwing a hissy fit at the universe, or I do get what I've asked for but realise pretty swiftly that asking for that thing was a big mistake.
Now, a lot of people are expert manifestors, if that's you - cool. If you can just click your fingers and get a parking spot, or cash money that's awesome. Keep doing what you're doing if it all feels good!
Personally I have very little success manifesting parking spots. Not because I'm a shit manifestor, but because I find it hard to manifest things that don't fully resonate with my heart.
Not getting a parking spot two meters from my destination is not really a big deal to me.
I also struggle to bring in certain amounts of cash money. Like if I ask for £1000, I rarely get it. Why? Because there's no emotional, heart centered attachment between me and £1000.
I have, however, managed to manifest a successful full time business doing something I love which supports me financially, a scholarship for uni, a gig reading Tarot on a paradise island, loads of tickets to events, tarot decks and a pretty darn amazing relationship.
This is in no way a suggestion that you shouldn't try to manifest money or parking spots. If you need those things, bloody go for it!
I just feel like we are all trying to manifest so many things we don't really want on a heart level.
I went into a spin lately thinking I wanted New Age Hipster to be a six figure biz, and I realised that actually that's not what my heart says, that's just what my Facebook feed says. If you want a six figure biz with all your heart, again, go for it! We all have different paths and purposes in this life! But I find it works better for me personally to focus on bringing in clients who I can help, students into my courses that are going to make big shifts through working with me rather than "cash money". If you're following your heart and living in purpose you're going to be supported.
Manifesting from the heart is my magical manifesting secret.
So, how do you do this?
One super easy way is to check in with your heart space when you're asking for stuff.
Next time you're putting out your intentions into the universe, just stop for a second, put your hands on your heart and ask yourself:
"Is what I'm asking for in alignment with my heart?"
If it is, awesome! Keep asking! If you feel anything icky or uncertainty, or anything that doesn't feel like a HECK YEAH from your heart space, maybe re-think and re-frame what you're calling in. It may just be that you need to change your manifesting only slightly, or you may be nudged in the direction of asking for something else entirely!
So, what are you wanting to bring into your life right now? How does your heart space feel about it?
If you want to learn all my other manifesting tricks and tips check out my online course Totally Spiritual, which covers the Law of Attraction and Manifesting as well as a whole bunch of other topics full of spiritual goodness! :D
With so much love, light and heart-centered manifesting power,