manifesting — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Manifesting from the Heart x

Manifesting from the heart

According to the internet and at least a thousand books I've read on the subject, there are approximately a gazillion different ways to manifest your heart's desires.

Vision boards, affirmations, journalling, calling on your guides and angels, visualisations, spells, candle magic, full moon or new moon rituals and emojis...

While these are all perfectly valid ways to manifest and they do totally work, I have found there's one thing that pretty much always works for me when I'm trying to manifest, and that's working from my heart.

There are so many of us trying to manifest things are not in alignment with our hearts. Hello, I've done it loads! What I've found from my own experience is that when I don't manifest from my heart I tend to either not get what I'm asking for and end up throwing a hissy fit at the universe, or I do get what I've asked for but realise pretty swiftly that asking for that thing was a big mistake.

Now, a lot of people are expert manifestors, if that's you - cool. If you can just click your fingers and get a parking spot, or cash money that's awesome. Keep doing what you're doing if it all feels good!

Personally I have very little success manifesting parking spots. Not because I'm a shit manifestor, but because I find it hard to manifest things that don't fully resonate with my heart.

Not getting a parking spot two meters from my destination is not really a big deal to me. 

I also struggle to bring in certain amounts of cash money. Like if I ask for £1000, I rarely get it. Why? Because there's no emotional, heart centered attachment between me and £1000.

I have, however, managed to manifest a successful full time business doing something I love which supports me financially, a scholarship for uni, a gig reading Tarot on a paradise island, loads of tickets to events, tarot decks and a pretty darn amazing relationship.

This is in no way a suggestion that you shouldn't try to manifest money or parking spots. If you need those things, bloody go for it!

I just feel like we are all trying to manifest so many things we don't really want on a heart level.

Manifesting from the heart quote x

I went into a spin lately thinking I wanted New Age Hipster to be a six figure biz, and I realised that actually that's not what my heart says, that's just what my Facebook feed says. If you want a six figure biz with all your heart, again, go for it! We all have different paths and purposes in this life! But I find it works better for me personally to focus on bringing in clients who I can help, students into my courses that are going to make big shifts through working with me rather than "cash money". If you're following your heart and living in purpose you're going to be supported.

Manifesting from the heart is my magical manifesting secret.

So, how do you do this?

One super easy way is to check in with your heart space when you're asking for stuff.

Next time you're putting out your intentions into the universe, just stop for a second, put your hands on your heart and ask yourself:

"Is what I'm asking for in alignment with my heart?"

If it is, awesome! Keep asking! If you feel anything icky or uncertainty, or anything that doesn't feel like a HECK YEAH from your heart space, maybe re-think and re-frame what you're calling in. It may just be that you need to change your manifesting only slightly, or you may be nudged in the direction of asking for something else entirely!

So, what are you wanting to bring into your life right now? How does your heart space feel about it? 

If you want to learn all my other manifesting tricks and tips check out my online course Totally Spiritual, which covers the Law of Attraction and Manifesting as well as a whole bunch of other topics full of spiritual goodness! :D

With so much love, light and heart-centered manifesting power,



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Why isn't my manifesting working?

We do everything they tell us to do. We visualise, we burn letters, we call on the Angels of Abundance, we surrender, we journal, but sometimes, no matter how many things we are doing "right", our manifesting just doesn't seem to be working

And when that happens we go into freak out mode - this stuff doesn't work! Rarrr! And throw our cauldrons across the room. Or we scream at the universe "when is it my turn?!" We make demands, get furious at ourselves for being terrible manifestors, give up, cry, decide that this damn stuff doesn't work at all and then we try just one more guided meditation for abundance! 

There are so many reasons manifesting doesn't work, and most of them aren't because you're just a shit manifestor. So before you run out and buy a new set of prosperity candles because obvs the ones you have are duds, check out these reasons for why your dream man/woman/job/house/whatever hasn't turned up yet.


It's just a timing thing

Things don't always manifest on our timeline. Maybe your dream man is still getting out of a relationship he needed to have so he'd have learned some soul lessons and be ready for you. Maybe your house is still being built. Maybe you think you're ready for that book deal, but actually, you're kind of not. 

The universe doesn't (usually) deliver according to your iPhone calendar. If it's taking ages, it's probably for your best and highest good, so sit pretty, pretty one!


keeping the faith

Do you actually believe what you're doing is working? If you don't think your manifesting is working, guess what? It's not going to work. 

If you don't believe you deserve that new job, you probably won't get it, no matter how many manifesting tools you use. Or, you will get it and then fall into a heap of like "OMG I can't do this! I'm not good enough!"

Maybe the problem is not that you don't believe in the powers of manifesting and the universe, you just don't believe you deserve great stuff, which is a totally different blog post (watch this space).


what your heart really wants

Oh this is a corker. Sometimes when we try to manifest things we saw in the Urban Outfitters catalogue instead of from our hearts it's not always in alignment.

Now some people have huge successes manifesting fancy cars, huge wads of cash and hot outfits. Not me though. I find manifesting from my heart means it's way more likely to come into being.

I manifested New Age Hipster because I followed my heart. I manifested Taylor Swift tickets because I love her (and I love my friend Toni who had a spare ticket!). I manifested a uni scholarship because I loved the subject I wanted to study. I manifested my partner because my heart wanted him. When I look at what other people have and get into a place of manifesting what they have, that never works. Or, sometimes it does, and it teaches you a lot. 

Just chilling out last summer in Hyde Park, London with my mates Toni + Tay Tay x

Just chilling out last summer in Hyde Park, London with my mates Toni + Tay Tay x


gratitude for what you have

Being in gratitude is one of the best ways to manifest more awesome.

But you can't do it because you want more awesome right?

If you're keeping a gratitude journal just because you want to manifest more stuff that's not totally a great energy right there. Keep a gratitude journal because your life rocks and you want to remember that every single day. With no agenda! It's like when you ask for some big birthday present, and then you get it, you open it and are like oh YAY! But then you turn around and start wondering where the other presents are. That person who gave you that big present might be like - eesh! and not totally dig your vibe. 

Have gratitude for your life, just because, not because you want more stuff.


being too specific

If you want to feel freedom in your life stop asking for more clients, a better job, a chance to travel or a horse.

If you want a horse, ask instead for the feeling of freedom in your life. If you want to feel loved don't ask for a husband who looks exactly like Rupert Grint, just ask for a partner who makes you feel loved, supported and happy!

Manifesting works better for me when I manifest for how I want to feel, the kind of life I want to have rather than the make and model. 


being too vague

I do readings for so many people who say to me that they don't know what they want. After talking to them for less an hour we've uncovered exactly what they want and some ways for them to start moving towards it! 

Don't be vague with the universe. If you want to own your own 1950's diner with turquoise chairs and a vegan menu don't answer the question "so what do you want to do with your life?" with "oh, I'm not really sure, maybe something with food." If you want those turquoise chairs damn well say that's what you want! 

I had a white cat and a tabby on my vision board for ages before I got Zorro, but I never had the intention he had to be white or tabby! I just really wanted a cat in my life. Good thing too, because I love his black splodges so much! x

I had a white cat and a tabby on my vision board for ages before I got Zorro, but I never had the intention he had to be white or tabby! I just really wanted a cat in my life. Good thing too, because I love his black splodges so much! x


It's not part of your soul's purpose

Sometimes things just aren't part of our purpose.

If your soul came here to experience a simple life out in the country you may not have much luck in manifesting that massive penthouse in London, or you will, but it won't make you happy and you'll head back to the country anyway. If your soul wanted to travel the world maybe you just won't be able to manifest that corporate job that sounds awesome, but is going to keep you tied down for the next twenty years. 

You can totally manifest things that aren't in alignment with your soul, but it doesn't usually make you feel as awesome as you thought it would


It's a lesson

Oh it's always a bloody lesson right? But there is so much growth and learning to be had in not getting what you want. Do you just wanna just be handed every single thing you want on a plate, like today? Like some miserable princess or prince sitting in a tower snapping their fingers and having it all done for them?

Those characters are never very interesting or happy in those stories. Your story will be much more interesting if you have some challenges, some highs and lows, joy in finding the right person to spend your life with after so many disasters, disappointment in not landing that dream job, but finding something else that makes your heart pop that you never even thought you wanted!

Still working on manifesting a couple of these... x

Still working on manifesting a couple of these... x

Manifesting is pretty awesome, but so is being open to all the magic life has to offer you that you can't even imagine, let alone find pictures of for your vision board!

I'd love to hear your manifesting stories in the comments below or over on the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group! What amazing things have you manifested in your life? And what do you do when your manifestations aren't working?

With love, light and magic manifesting,



New Moon Manifesting Spread

Nothing is more fun than manifesting, especially when it works! Wheeee!

This spread is designed to help y'all with your manifesting on the New Moon, or you know, whenever you want really, but the new moon is super powerful for creating cool stuff! 

You can use this spread with whatever cards you have - Tarot, Angels, Oracles, whatevs! Or even double up and pull a couple of cards for each position! Crazy!

Here's  one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot! x

Here's  one I made earlier with the Robin Wood Tarot! x


This is where you're at right now, what's going on for you in this present moment. Recognise this energy and decide if it's useful for your manifesting stuff. Do you need to shift or change something?

I pulled the Emperor Reversed for this one this morning - I need to get organised in my physical space and get confident about my manifesting before I start!



This card will give you an idea of what mental shifts you could be making to help your manifestations come about, or new mental shifts you want to manifest!

I got Seven of Pents, time for me to shift up some of my thoughts about how hard I have to work in order to bring in enough money, and also to put out some intentions related to working hard enough to create abundance but not burning out. 



This is like a reminder of your gifts and abilities, your spiritual connection. It can also represent some new spiritual stuff to call into your life

I got Page of Cups which is like - use your creative powers to connect with your spirituality and to create more cool stuff (like this!) for New Age Hipster! 



Here's something you can totally manifest this new moon with a bit of help from the universe. This can come about in the next few weeks! YAY!

I got Ace of Pentacles - double yay. I'm taking this to mean stress less about cash flow and manifest the shiz out of it!



Basically you need help with this one. Ask people around you for a hand, or get connected with your spiritual team to really make this one happen. You can't do it alone, and you don't have to!

This could also be about a block you have with receiving this thing, so get that looked at. 

I got Ace of Cups - um triple yay! I probably need some help filling my cup up over the next few weeks, allow myself to take time off and just chill and fill (I suck at that so bad!). 



This is like the long term potential of what you're manifesting this new moon. What's possible over the next few moons, or even further ahead!

I pulled 9 of Pents and like OMG quadruple yay on that. A message that yes, I can be totally sorted with my money stuff and I can have some rose bushes and pet bird if I really want one. Which I probably don't, because the cat might not like it. Also, birds beaks freak me out.


I'd love to know how you find this spread so come find me on Facebook or hashtag #NewAgeHipster on Instagram so I can find you!


With love, light and killer new moon manifesting vibes!



Mercury Retrograde 2015 - Stop Bitching and Get Empowered!

Mercury Retrograde empowering stop bitching new age hipster
Mercury Retrograde empowering stop bitching new age hipster

Every time Mercury Retrograde appears even the most spiritual high vibrational ones amongst us turn our Facebook pages into raging bitch and moan fests. Hey, I've done it too. We all have. We've all been hit with difficulties during these times. Communication break downs, car or electronic break downs and even our own personal melt downs are the things Mercury Retrograde is made of.

May 19th 2015 starts us off on another few weeks of challenges. It's due to end on the 11th of June, but if you are anything like me - a little sensitive to planetary or energetic "stuff" you'll be feeling the shadow period too, which means it ends up being nearly two months of this feeling of wheels spinning going nowhere.

This Mercury Retro though, I've decided to stop complaining and empower myself. Oh, and I've decided to empower you guys too! I've done a reading for you all which you can watch below. It's similar to the weekly reading but I look at how this retro is going to affect us emotionally, how it will affect our earthly stuff (body and like, "stuff"), what may be going on with our thoughts and also, the real kicker - what we can do about it all!

This is what I love about Tarot and divination. You can get a sense of the energies around you and instead of bitching and moaning about it, you can work with them. Use this knowledge to make the most of the Retrograde. Find out now what's going to be your challenge(s!) instead of having a hissy fit every time something Retrogradish happens!

I'm also offering a bunch of Retrograde Readings for y'all over on my Etsy Store! Sometimes when blocks and challenges come to the surface during the M.R it's actually a really good chance to look at what's going on. Mercury doesn't bring up new stuff, it can highlight all the stuff that was already there. Job not going anywhere? Total relationship dramas? It's not like Mercury is making you hate your job, you probably hated it already! It's a great time to go through your stuff, do some journalling, pull your own cards or for the teeny tiny price of just £15 I can whip up a spread for you personally that looks at a bunch of your blocks and challenges and what you can actually do about them. I'm still in my first year of this New Age Hipster biz so I'm pretty cheap right now. One day soon I'll be charging a lot more for this kind of thing so get in quick before my wait list is like a month long because that's what I'm manifesting people! LOL! Seriously though.


Now here’s my list of tips for rolling forwards when ole’ Mercury is rolling back.

<3 Check in with your goals and make sure you really want to go where you are going. If you’re happy with your path - keep on trekking! If it feels slower, whatever, at least you are moving towards your dream!

<3 Remember it's Mercury that's going backwards - not you!

<3 Don’t use Mercury Retrograde as an excuse to procrastinate and do nothing for three weeks or up to two months!

<3 If you can’t get excited about your dreams during the retrograde maybe you need different dreams.

<3 Don’t blame Mercury for everything that goes wrong. You didn't back up your work, that’s on you babe, not Mercury.

<3 Stay in Gratitude about the good stuff and keep positive.

<3 Every time you moan about Mercury you are manifesting more things for Mercury to do for you to moan to about.

<3 You don’t have to sit in the bath the whole time. Sometimes a quick shower works just as well if you need some self care time.

<3 Check out the video below to see how you can become the High Priestess of the Mercury Retrograde!

<3 Get your own personal Retrograde reading. Sometimes retrograde doesn't just slow us down, it highlights some blocks that we’re actually carrying around like all the time.

<3 Love, light and a bitch-free Mercury Retrograde! <3



Balancing Gratitude with Wanting More 11th to 18th May 2015

Cosmic Tarot Norbert Losche
Cosmic Tarot Norbert Losche

This week as I started shuffling the good old Cosmic Tarot I asked for a message for us all - something that would help us know what to doSo it was pretty interesting when I pulled a whole bunch of cards that were like - uh, this week isn't about doing stuff, it's about getting your head together - specifically finding a balance between having gratitude and wanting more...

Beginning of the week - Three of Wands

So first up they (the guidances!) were like - stop worrying about doing anything. It's time to start living in the now a little more. Appreciating all the things that we have, that we are and that we do. Not just the big things, but the little things, like making dinner for someone or having someone make dinner for us - I mean, how freaking awesome is that? Notice these things in your life this week and really focus on them. They are so damn important and sometimes we spend so much time working our butts off for a great future we don't pay enough attention to the here and now.

Middle of the week - Princess of Wands reversed

OK and then we have a warning not to become complacent. Huh? I thought you just said to live in the moment?! You need to stay focussed on the present and often stop and think how wonderful your life is, but you also need to keep moving forward or you run the danger of becoming what we like to call 'comfortable'. Being comfortable is great, and hey, maybe that's part of your journey in this life, but don't you want to do more with your time here?

End of the week - The High Preiestess

Woah, OK. So if we can balance these parts of ourselves we are in for a beautiful surprise! The High Priestess is all about balance and she is uber intuitive, crazy beautiful and if you had to pick one card from the deck to describe 'woman who most has her shit together' I'd pick the H.P every time. It's all about striking that balance between loving where you are and what you have and seeking more. The message I'm getting this week is that it's not about having more. It's about being more and doing more. It's not about having a crazy stupid big house or a million quid to spend on travelling every summer. It's about what you can be and who you can be and what you can do. Don't ever stop being and doing and growing and learning. Just stop putting the focus on the "stuff" for a while.

Have an amazing week guys. You know where you can find me if you fancy a reading, and I'm always around on social media for chats!

<3 I'm sending you all so much love, light and beautiful balancing vibes! <3



How to make a freaking awesome vision board

With the new moon on Saturday I thought it would be a great day to maybe spend the afternoon chilling and working on a new vision board. The new moon is the best time to get cracking on your manifestation!

So I get that vision boards aren't a new thing and you may have even made quite a few yourself over the years, but if you haven't, or if you just want a little inspiration for your next one I thought I'd share with you how I do them. I started making vision boards years ago and every time I make a new one the process evolves, just like yours will. Feel free to use any of the ideas below but stay true to your intuition and make the vision board that is right for you!

You can make a vision board for your life in general or a specific part of your life. I made the above vision board for New Age Hipster, but I've been meaning to update my whole life one for ages! I would highly recommend that if you do one for your business or work or whatever that you do another one for everything else. You don't want to get too focused on your work and forget all the amazing things you want for the rest of your life!

Let's get started!


You will need:

<3 Magazines

<3 Card or paper

<3 Scissors + glue

<3 Glitter!

<3 Whatever other craft bits

<3 Intention

<3 Vibe raising music

A note on magazines: I find the best ones to use are things like Psychologies, Soul and Spirit, Red and anything arty or heavy on high quality images. Try to stay away from the trashy mags, and that's not a judgement on your reading material, hey I love to grab a trashy mag every now and then, but most of the images are of celeb cellulite and they tend to be full of gossipy low vibes. Yes this could spark a debate about how most magazines contain gossipy low vibes - stick to your Psychologies and spiritual mags if you prefer, I just really like Red because they always have great travel images! :-)


Step 1: Get comfy

Find a space where you can totally spread out everything and where you aren't going to be disturbed by people who aren't going to get wtf you are doing. I have a desk right now that I can spread out on, but I also really like working on the bed! Dining tables work well too but do be careful if your table is glass as you may accidentally (I'M SO SORRY!) scratch the surface with your scissors.

Find some music that suits your vibe. You are manifesting right now so you need to be concious about the kind of music you listen to. Spotify has some cool Zen/Focus playlists which I like, but there's also this amazing song Expand into Intuitive Knowing which is CRAZY high vibe manifesting music so don't be thinking anything crap about yourself when listening! If you have a favourite band or playlist that raises your vibe, even if it's like power ballads or whatever, go for it! You know what makes you feel good!


Step 2: Cutting out pictures

So now you've got the music on, maybe you've made a cup of tea too, and you are ready to start. You may want to say a little prayer or whatever but I usually find that the intention you come to this activity with - to create your life is usually enough. All you want to do is start flipping through the magazines and clipping out anything that resonates with you.

At this point I wouldn't worry too much about finding a picture of a dream house, finding specific words or holiday destinations, just clip anything that catches your eye. Don't worry about cutting anything out too neatly either. If you end up with loads of stuff left over you can keep it somewhere safe for next time, or another project. If you stay open you may find that things are popping out at you that you didn't even know you wanted or needed in your life. You might start noticing pictures of cats and thinking - oh yeah, I do really want a cat in my life. Or a holiday destination you've never even heard of may catch your eye and you may end up going there and meeting the love of your life! Ooooh!

Check out the image below that I stuck on when I was manifesting for a cat - my cat looks a lot like that white one being squished! :-)

Step 3: Organising pictures

First get your backing ready. I usually just tape a bunch of paper together for my backing, but you can use a nice card or whatever. One vision board I used I just stuck stuff onto brown paper roll. Make it as big as you want, but you may find you want to make it bigger as you go, which taping paper together allows for.

Then start going through your pictures. Put down the ones you definitely want, arranging and rearranging until you're happy! You can always go back to your magazines if you want more pictures.


Step 4: Glue & Glitter!

Then all you have to do is glue all your pictures on! When I'm done I like to put some glitter on somewhere, either around the edges, or on specific pictures or wherever the hell I want! Glitter is totally optional, but I think it adds a touch of magic!


Step 5: Stick it up

When it's dry find somewhere to hang it. The idea is to put it somewhere you are going to see it all the time. I get that not everyone has a place like this, but try to put it somewhere as prominent as possible! 

This one hangs in my bedroom because my bf is cool like that, but in previous living situations I've had to be a little sneakier about where I put it!

Vision boards - New Age Hipster

Tips and tricks:

<3 Take a photo of a section of your board and make it your phone or laptop wallpaper - esp great if you can't put it up somewhere really obvious

<3 Don't be afraid to include pictures of people who resonate with you, I was afraid to do this on my first few in case I somehow manifested that person - LOL! But now I have an image of a chic working from home on my biz board, Wonder Woman and Dolly Parton!

<3 Stick anything you want on there. It doesn't have to be all dream houses and yoga poses, a glittery pair of earrings or a perfume bottle may symbolise things you want out of your life, so stick 'em on!

<3 Light a candle of intention while you work

<3 Make a new vision board whenever you feel like you need to, on the new moon is especially great, so is new year and your birthday!

<3 Have a vision board party! Get all your friends to come round and sit around and share your dreams

<3 There is no right or wrong, and as you create different boards for different things at different times in your life you will discover your own best way for you to make a vision board that makes your dreams come true...


Share your own awesome ideas for creating your vision board (or a picture of your board!) either in the comments below or come on over and chat to other visionaries on FacebookAnd you just have to let us know when things start manifesting - because you know they will! ;-)

<3 Love, light and new vision vibes! <3




Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion

As promised here's my little story about how I re-found my faith in the Universe last week at TK Maxx. So I'm in TK Maxx. I like to shop there sometimes because I figure it's kind of like the clothes version of the Island of Misfit Toys and I totally resonate with that. So anyway, I'm looking around and I see this t-shirt. It's white and a little sparkly so it catches my eye - "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion" it says. I immediately love it, but it takes me a second before I realise it's actually a line from one of my all time favourite creepy time travel movies - Donnie Darko.

I'm moving house soon so I've been trying not to spend money on anything I don't truly need, but I tried it on anyway, took a photo of myself in the change room and posted it on social media (because that's what we do these days, crazy huh?). I was shopping on my own and it was like I needed some kind of validation from someone that it was OK if I got this shirt, even though I'm meant to be being frugal right now.

sometimes i doubt your commitment to sparkle motion new age hipster

So I do the 'right thing' and I put it back on the hanger. Checking my iPhone in Waterstones while buying a copy of Clockwork Princess (OMG I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!) revealed that people liked it a lot and thought I should get it! That was enough validation for me. I was going to get the shirt because I loved it and maybe I could scrimp on something else this month. I mean I only spent £6 on a book (if you use click and collect at Waterstones you can save £2 on almost everything!!) I just needed to go and look in Lush first...

Suddenly I'm on the bus and I look out the window - Nooooooo! I forgot to go back for my shirt! I get on my phone and start Googling frantically to find it online. NOWHERE had it online. I get home, dump the shopping and run to the laptop, just in case something was up with my phone and I can buy it online on the LAPTOP! NOTHING!

I consider walking back into town. I consider getting up early to go back into town. I get totally sad about the shirt maybe not being there when I do get back into town and I'm like FREAKING OUT about nothing but a t-shirt... but I LOVED that t-shirt! How could I have been so stupid not to have just bloody bought it?

OK, so I finally calm down, I'm visualising light all around the shirt in the store (Yes, I realise this is sounding nuts) and I ask the angels to look after it for me. I ask them if this is my shirt please keep it safe for me.

I'm still kind of freaking out and I have this idea out of nowhere to use my necklace as a pendulum. I pull it off and I ask it for a positive and a negative.

Will my shirt be there tomorrow afternoon? YES.

Suddenly the freaked out energy lifted and I was like - Oh OK. It was like when you dread asking somebody for a favour or something and then you finally do it and they say - yes of course, don't be silly! And I managed to go back to my normal self and forget all about the shirt.

The next afternoon I'm storming through the mall to finally get my shirt! My thoughts are going crazy. I'm like - it's not going to be there. This is stupid. Don't get your hopes up. If it's there it's there. And then I'm like - no damnit, I did EVERYTHING right. I visualised, I dowsed, I talked to angels, this shirt HAS to be there!

So I go in and search the rack where it was. Nothing. Told you so, says the voice. This is stupid.

I search other random racks where I know it's not going to be. Now you are being really stupid. Get over it. It's just a shirt. What's wrong with you?

I search the first rack again. You already searched there. It's not here. Why would you even think it would be here anyway?

I feel totally deflated. Let down by the Universe YET AGAIN. Why does this always happen?! Why do other people manifest houses and millions of dollars and I can't even manifest a T-SHIRT?!

I walk over to the sale section in some kind of last ditch effort. Maybe someone put it there by mistake. It's not going to be there. That shirt was way too cool to be in the sale section.

And then I find it.

I'm looking right at it.

"Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion" it says with a sale tag dangling off the side.

And I'm staring at it. And it's like the Universe is winking at me, or grinning at me through this awesome turn of phrase on this t-shirt


I've been working on manifesting a couple of really big things. I wrote a YA novel about time travel and I want to do this New Age Hipster gig and get paid for it. I've done the work and the visualisations and I know this is all going to happen one day. I know right now I'm just at that point somewhere between freaking out and finding the sale rack.

Love, light and good manifesting vibes,




The Week Ahead - 3rd to 9th November

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

Magical Messages From The Fairies - Doreen Virtue

This week's messages are brought to you by the Fairies! I used the super cute Magical Messages from the Fairies deck by Doreen Virtue. I love this deck, I picked it up moments after Doreen Virtue herself told me I had 'so many fairies around me'. I'd been working with the fairies for a while, but hadn't really seen much response back from them, but I guess they are working with me, and this week they are working with everyone who reads this!

Monday - Good-bye to the old, hello to the new

Get rid of some old stuff today. Clean out your car, or your closet, your mind or your energy. It feels like we are just finishing off these last few months now, ready to begin again in January, but actually, new things are starting NOW if you are open to them! Something in your life wants to be over. Let it go!

Tuesday - Business venture

A great day to brainstorm some business ideas alone, or with a potential business partner! Maybe you need to spend some time today looking online for jobs or courses. And if you are one of the lucky ones who loves their job - yay for you! But what about working towards a promotion or even sharing some of your skills on a volunteer basis? There is always more we can do with our awesome skills!

Wednesday - Your desire is within reach

Today is about connecting to your faith. It's so easy to get mad at the Universe, hello, I've been there recently myself. Today we do whatever we need to do to reconnect to our 'faith', whatever that means to you. It could be having a cry about everything that's going wrong and letting it all out, throwing a pillow, or just moping around for a couple of hours, but after that you need to take a deep breath, remember what you believe and why and tune back into that.

Thursday - Your wish is granted!

Jiminy Cricket! What a great day to start working on manifesting something! You've reconnected with your faith, now sit quietly and put out into the Universe what you really want. Not just some fancy dress or pair of £800 shoes. No,no, no - what do you really want? Do you want a new job? A life partner? A new house? Travel? Start putting it out into the Universe. I don't want to hear any - 'Oh I think I might want to be a writer someday' kind of vague intentions. No, no. 'I ama writer!' is what you will say, and you'll bloody well mean it! (the word writer is totally exchangeable!)

Friday - Summer & Travel

You need to sow the seeds NOW for what you want to see in your life in six or eight months time. You can't sit on the couch watching Netflix all winter and expect to wake up in Summer with a fun new job. Friday is also a fun day to start planning a getaway. Remember when you travel that you it's not just about you having a good time. When we travel we can help others! Whether it's volunteering in South America, or shining your light on a tiny seaside village, your holiday is not just about you!

Saturday - Winter

We're sowing the seeds for what we want to achieve later down the track but we also need to stop and look around at our lives and be thankful for all we have, and all that we have manifested in our lives so far. Think back to how your life was six months ago or a year ago and be thankful for all you've achieved. Sure, a lot of us have gone through hard times, but we can be thankful for those lessons and move on now knowing we have learnt them and won't have to do that again!

Sunday - New Career

Every weekend we are getting career guidance lately, what's up with that? OK this is a serious message for Sunday - Stop finishing work on Friday, going to the pub and then wasting your whole weekend "having fun" and then going back to work on Monday and doing it all again. It's time to break that cycle and find work that is meaningful to you. It's not going to happen overnight, but like they said on Thursday - sow the seeds now! What do you really want to do career wise?! How do you want to make your money? Read some books about industries you would like to work in, watch a documentary about animal rights, teach yourself tarot. Just do something constructive OK? Even if you love your job, what other skills do you wish you had?!

The fairies have well and truly kicked our butts about this week! They're expecting big things from us, and they totally believe we can do it, or else they wouldn't have wasted their time helping me write this right?!

Also, don't forget to recycle this week! I'm not just talking about regular paper and plastic, but all packaging. Packaging is crazy and it makes me sad when I think about how much of it is in the world, so let's minimise it's impact by recycling everything we possibly can this week! Join the conversation on Facebook and click on the Readings tab for more info about how to get your own personal messages from the fairies!

Wishing you all a busy, powerful fairy light filled week!

Love and light!



What the heck is intention?


There's a lot of talk going around in spiritual circles about 'intentions'.

So like,  what is an intention anyway?!

An intention isn't like, just thinking about something you want. "I want pizza" doesn't always equate to pizza magically turning up. But if you really make it your intention to get a pizza into your life you'll think about, salivate over it, yearn for it and stick your hands down the crumby cracks of the couch to find your loose change and make it happen. That's intention.

papa johns ad

It starts with a thought, sure, but it has to either come from a deeper place, or you have to put that thought into a deeper place to make it an intention.


OK, let's go back to the pizza analogy. In version 1, you might not have even realised you wanted pizza. Maybe you were watching Breaking Bad or some other show with a cool pizza scene and you find yourself thinking - "Hmm, I wouldn't mind a pizza right about now." You start thinking about the pizza more and more, you find yourself checking the Just-Eat app to look at pizza menus and you realise - I am going to make this pizza thing happen. Boom! Intention.


In version 2 you are driving home from work and you have a sudden realisation - you just have to eat a pizza. No question, no doubt, you will have pizza! That's intention!

Think about how many fleeting thoughts you have in a day, then think about the things that stick. That feeling that you need to get out of your job, or that your boyfriend is a jerk and you can probably do better. Or, if you're like me, you'll have that nagging feeling of needing to get to work on some project you've been procrastinating about (hello blog). Changing or fixing those things make awesome intentions!

But it doesn't have to be that full-on! I was all in love with aqua aura crystals a couple of weeks ago. I pinned about a hundred of them and today my aqua aura crystal turned up in the mail! OK, so I bought it off Etsy, and maybe that doesn't count as actual manifestation, but *I* made it happen! I made that crystal go into a baggy in Hawaii and turn up at my doorstep in England - as if by magic!


So once we work out what we want, whether it's a new boyfriend or a pizza, how do we get it? You can't buy everything off Etsy after all.  Now, I'm no genius in manifestation, but I do OK. I'm still waiting on the dream job and the house but hey, all in divine timing right?! but for now, one of my favourite intention fire starters is...


When I'm in the shower in the morning I basically meditate and do all my prayers and shielding stuff. I get in there at around 5:30am so let's just say some days it goes better than others, but I always try to finish off with an intention for the day. I don't just say the first thing I think of - 'my intention today is to win the lottery so I never have to get up this early again!' No, I can do better than that! I'm basically part incarnated angel and so I'm not really all that good at sticking up for myself and speaking my truth (oh hello aqua aura!), so that's been something I've been putting in my morning intentions, and yes, it is working!

It's not like you're doing that much else in the shower right? You can spare ten seconds each morning to make an intention for your day, even if it's just to order a pizza when you get home, because that sounds pretty damn good to me!

Love, light and pizza intentions,



