Crystals for The Autism Spectrum β€” VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Crystals for The Autism Spectrum

Crystals for Autism, Aspergers, Autism spectrum

Apart from all this woo woo stuff that I do, I also have a background in working with children on the Autism Spectrum. Amazing souls who, for whatever reason, struggle more than most of us on this earth plane.

I do not dare to suggest for a moment that working with crystals is going to cure you, someone you know, or your child from Autism. But if you feel yourself drawn to the idea of using crystals yourself, with those on the Autism spectrum, or if you work or live with people with Autism or Aspergers, I hope that this post will give you some guidance on both which crystals to choose and what to do with them once you have them home.


Crystals to use:

<3 Light blue or medium blue crystals - light blue is the colour of the throat chakra and for many on the spectrum communicating with others is a huge struggle. Light blue stones may help to calm anxiety around communication difficulties or even assist with communication capabilities. Some stones include: Kyanite, Angelite, Celestite, Sodalite,Turquoise, Amazonite, Blue Lace Agate or any other blue stones you can find and are drawn to.

<3 Green crystals - green is a very healing and grounding colour and many green stones have healing properties that may help with creating a feeling of calm. Try Green Calcite, Emerald, Malachite, Adventurine or any other green stone you like the look of!

<3 Clear Quartz - a good for everything crystal that you really can't go wrong with. It's great for clearing energies and may be particularly good for those on the spectrum who find themselves feeling very foggy or confused.

<3 Amethyst - a beautiful purple stone which can help to connect you spiritually as well as being a calming and peaceful stones. Also good for headaches (yours and theirs!).

<3 Grounding stones - as people on the spectrum are usually very much in their heads grounding stones can be useful in helping them to get their feet on the ground and connect with the earth. Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Apache Tears, Black Tourmaline and any other dark coloured stones are great for helping all of us to get back into our bodies and out of the clouds. These stones are also very good for protecting ourselves and our own energy. Put a piece in your child's pocket at school so that they don't come home with anyone else's emotional "stuff". If you yourself are on the spectrum you may find it useful to wear a grounding stone as a necklace, and if you work with or spend a lot of time with people with Autism you may find that a grounding stone can keep you balanced too!

<3 Choose your own stones intuitively! If you are able to, take your child or just yourself along to a new age or crystal store and see which crystals you are drawn to. Quite often I am drawn to crystals I know nothing about, and later when I look them up, I find that they are exactly what I needed. Browse the store quietly and without too much thought and choose the crystals that appeal to you most, or let your child decide. If you can't take your child into a shop like this, choose a few different gems yourself and then see which ones your child is drawn to when you bring them home.



<3 Any high vibrational crystals! Many people on the spectrum are already very high vibrational and what we want to do is help bring that energy into their bodies, we don't want to send them further away. Try to avoid things like - Aqua Aura, Angel Aura, anything incredibly shiny or colourful, anything man made such as Opalite or any of the other Aura Crystals.

<3 If you or your child is particularly drawn to the high vibrational stones (and you/they probably will be!) try your best to keep your use of them to a minimum!!

A gem elixir for grounding

How to use your crystals:

If you yourself are going to be using these stones you can:

<3 Put them in your pocket and run your hand over them any time you need to during the day.

<3 Sit quietly while watching TV or listening to music and just hold your crystal.

<3 Meditate and place the crystal on your throat, heart or any place on your body that feels right. You may even just like to hold your crystal while you close your eyes.

<3 Put an amethyst next to your bed to help with sleeping

<3 When you feel very far away and not at all in your body grab your grounding stone and go for a walk outside or just take your shoes off and feel the earth.

If you are using your crystals with children you can:

<3 Create all sorts of games and play with the crystals as if they are people or animals or whatever!

<3 Build crystal grids with your child - these are just patterns of crystals e.g. putting out three or four grounding stones and placing other stones between. You can leave these grids out to bring grounding and healing energy into a room or house.

<3 Pop a crystal in your child's pocket or bag so they can take it with them to school.

<3 Leave the crystals on the coffee table so your child can play with them while watching TV.

<3 Place some Obsidian or Black Tourmaline next to or on top of the laptop or computer.

<3 Make a Gem Elixir for a drink! All you need to do to make this quickly is place some crystals around a glass of water for a little while to infuse the crystal energies into your drink!

Autism Spectrum Crystal Grid

There are so many ways you can use crystals and so many things you can do with them. The main thing to remember when working with crystals, just as any of the intuitive arts is to go with what feels right to you. Hopefully you will find that you are able to use crystals for the Autism Spectrum, and I do hope and pray that they will bring even just a small amount of healing and grounding to you or your children's lives.

<3 Love, light and healing crystals <3

