crystals — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



What's up with Broken Crystals

Broken Crystals - what does it mean when your crystal breaks? And what to do with broken crystals.

A couple weeks ago as I was walking out of the bowling alley my beloved smokey quartz fell off from around my neck and smashed on the ground into three pieces! :o

I shared the image on Instagram and I had sooo many people asking me what it means when your crystal breaks and what to do with a broken crystal and instead of replying to everyone individually, I promised I’d write a blog post with all my thoughts on broken crystals and so here it (finally!) is.

Intuition is everything

I could probably leave it at this - your crystal breaks for the reason you think it breaks, and you should do whatever you think you should do with it.

There is no “one reason” your crystal breaks. There are many reasons your crystals can break and most of the time you just have to trust your gut.

When your crystal breaks, or when you first see it in pieces, what is your first thought or reaction? Usually that first reaction, that first thought, is the right one.

The rest of this post is simply my own thoughts on why crystals break, if the following resonates - hoorah! If not, then I wish you the best of luck as you work out what it all means to you.

smokey quartz - broken crystals

When your crystal has done its work

When my crystal broke outside the bowling alley my first thought was “I guess it’s done it’s work”.

Often when crystals have done what they needed to do for us, they will break or go missing.

At different times in our lives we are drawn to different crystals.

I used to wear smokey quartz a lot when I was first learning about and working with my own energy. I worked in a pretty intense environment and wearing my smokey quartz really helped me to feel protected energetically. I’d started wearing it again recently because I felt like I needed a protective boost.

When my crystal broke I felt like it was a message that I don’t need to be so focused on protecting my energy in that same old way any more, or at least, not right now. I’ve been really drawn to pyrite and I’ve started wearing that instead of the smokey quartz recently.

Crystals are powerful. they hold, transmute and work with a lot of energy in so many ways, but not all of them are going to need to be with you forever.

So if your crystal breaks, don’t be sad! It may just be that it’s work with you is done, it’s time to move on, your energy has shifted, you’ve levelled up or healed in some way and you’re ready for the next energy to come in and work with you!


Sometimes when a crystal breaks it means it protected you from something. That something could be anything from someone sending you etheric daggers, negative energy, a solar flare, an entity… it could be from many different places.

If you feel like your crystal has protected you from something, thank it for it’s love and protection and then just carry on.

I’ve seen people get really worried about this idea that there is someone/something out to get them, this only creates more fear and unease in your energy fields and is usually not warranted at all.

If you are worried take some time out to do some energy clearing on yourself and your spaces.

Your crystal protected you, it did it’s job, the negativity has been deflected and there’s nothing for you to fear.


We can’t ignore the fact that sometimes our crystals break because we just “dropped them”.

Now, I did drop my smokey quartz, but it was as if it just came loose off my neck and fell. I had been wearing it around the same string for months and it had never come loose before, so I’m not going to blame my string tying for that.

However, there have been times when I’ve had a crystal in my pocket or in my bra and it’s smashed to the floor when I’ve been getting changed. While sometimes I think that’s a sign it’s done it’s work, often it’s just that I forgot it was in there. D’oh!

Use your intuition here and be honest with yourself about if you have been looking after your crystal babies in the best way you could!

Our Satellite Hearts - my favourite crystal shop in THE WORLD! :D x

Our Satellite Hearts - my favourite crystal shop in THE WORLD! :D x

What to do with the pieces

Again, this is all about trusting your intuition.

Different crystals will want to be sent off in different ways. Close your eyes and get quiet and just see what pops into your head as the right way for you to lay your crystal to rest.

Whatever you do with your crystal once it’s broken, do it with love and gratitude, make sure you thank it for its service.

Bury your crystal

This is a very common way to send off a crystal and can’t really be faulted.

Returning your crystal to the earth is the perfect way to complete the cycle.

You could bury it in your backyard, in a pot plant or somewhere out in nature. Whatever feels right for you and the crystal.

Bodies of water

You may like to throw your crystal into a river or a lake or even into the sea - especially if you were working with a crystal that had lovely watery energy.

One word of advice here though is to make sure you don’t put it in any water where people swim - in case someone ends up standing on the sharp edges!

Keep it

Most people will tell you to get rid of it, but if for some reason you feel like the crystal hasn’t finished its work, or you just feel like you need to keep it for a while, I think it’s OK to go ahead and do that.

If you do feel your crystal protected you from something you may want to bury it pretty quickly, but if you feel like it broke for another reason there’s no harm in keeping it around if you feel like it’s right.

My smokey quartz is actually still in my handbag. I think I will end up burying it, but I’m not quite ready to part with it yet!

In a nutshell - always use your intuition when it comes to crystals breaking.

There could be so many reasons your crystal breaks and there are so many ways to let it go when it does. This blog post really just touches on the common and simple answers, you have to go with what resonates for you in your situation!

If you want to learn more about connecting with your intuition and psychic abilities check out Woo Woo School or my Spiritual Development Circle! :D

With so much love, light and crystal healing,



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Five Crystals for Transition + Change

crystals for transition and change x

I don't usually blog about crystals that much, so if you dig this crystal post and want more of them let me know!

K, so we're mid January 2017 and I don't know about you, but I still feel very much like I'm in the transition. I'm still getting used to the energy of this year, working out what it's about and how to work with it to create an awesome year. Oh, PS - if you want to find out more about 2017 check out the free e-book!

These crystals may be useful little tools for you if you're like me and feeling a bit OMG what is this? right now, or if you're going through any kind of transition or change in your life.

I also thought it would be cool to connect these crystals to tarot cards too, to give you some idea of crystals that you can gather round you when these cards pop up in your spreads.

Oh, and like with everything, crystals can totally vibe with different people in different ways, and these are just some ways I connect with these babies...

Crystals + Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery by Robert M Place x

Crystals + Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery by Robert M Place x

1. Apache Tears + death

Apache Tears is one of my all time favourite crystals. I nearly put smoky quartz on here, but I felt like actually, change and transition is bloody HARD y'know? 

Apache tears is great for grounding, healing and especially heart healing. It can help bring you back into yourself when you're going through something really difficult.

Perfect for big stuff like break-ups, losing your job, moving country, or just trying to get through any other tough and big change - internal or external.


2. Zebra Jasper - Justice

Zebra Jasper is an awesome grounding and balancing stone.

When we're going through change of any kind it can be really easy to get mega floaty. Having your roots totally ripped out from beneath you sucks. This stone connects with your root and earth star chakra to reconnect those roots, and helps you to balance your chakras and masculine and feminine energies.


3. Botswana Agate - Ace of Cups

A bit of Botswana Agate is very good for soothing the soul and helping you feel calm and chill.

In times of change we can get pretty stressed out and anxious! Botswana Agate has a cool, kind and relaxing vibe which makes it perfect for those moments when you start to feel mega frazzled about your path forward from here. Very good for helping you stay in the now and helping you to fill that cup! Recharge your batteries with Botswana Agate!


4. Amethyst - The High Priestess

I love Amethyst for a violet flame transmutation Saint Germain kind of vibe.

Meditate with your amethyst and visualise yourself in the crystal, with the violet flame around you transmuting all the old and making way for the new.

Amethyst is also great for connecting with your inner knowing which makes making plans and moving forward all that much easier.


5. Tektite - The Star

A little out of left field with this one, but it was like "Vix, Vix! Include me!" so I was like OK little guy!

Tektite is an interesting stone because it's super grounding but it also helps you to open up to the universe, to your ET guides, to the realisation and awe of just how massive everything is.

I mean, start Googling NASA pictures and your mind will be blown in no time. Sometimes when we are going through changes and transitions we are so zoomed in on our own stuff that we forget about the bigger picture. Tektites can  help you put it all in perspective


If you're going through a transition and want some help to navigate through it all you can grab a reading with me here.

With love, light and crystal temple healing vibes,



August Faves

August Faves New Age Hipster

I love sharing my journey and path with you guys, and so it's always a lot of fun to do these faves videos and blog posts every month sharing what I've been loving. 

You'll find here a very eclectic and random mix of things that have been helping me with my own spiritual journey, lighting up my path and just things I think are cool. :D



All from New Age Hipster Store:

Amazonite smartie bracelets

Angelite smartie bracelets

Clear Quartz cube bracelets

Amethyst pendants

Clear Quartz Point from She's Lost Control

Cute huh? x

Cute huh? x


Fave Tarot of the Month: Connolly Tarot

Fave Oracle of the Month: Crystal Mandala Oracle

Tarot Bags from RavenCraftGifts



A little light on the spiritual laws by Diana Cooper

Yellow Brick War by Danielle Paige 

Ghosts of July by Megan Applegate


#KindleAndChill x

#KindleAndChill x

Woo Woo bits!

Blockly candles from Tiger Store


Wellness bits!

Keep your tea warm and your water cold with S'well bottle 


Beauty bits!

Rose Mist by Skin and Tonic London bought at the Zen Den Obonjan!

Key Lime Pie and Honey Trap lipbalm by Lush UK




Being Human

Stranger Things



On Spotify The Stranger Things Soundtrack Playlist OMG

My new favourite band - The Midnight


It's so much fun to share the love! :D

What are you loving? 

With so much love and light,



July Faves x

July Faves New Age Hipster x

Making favourites videos is super fun. I love sharing all the cool stuff I've been loving with you guys, but there's other stuff I want to share with you too, like who I've been following, videos and TV I've been loving and other fun randomness.

*DISCLAIMER* This is not in any way about being materialistic. I really don't want anyone to feel like they have to have stuff. It's not my intention here to make you want stuff. Also, a lot of the stuff at the end is free so keep scrolling if you don't wanna see my new smudge stick!


Crystals faves!

Tiger's Eye is like my favourite thing ever right now. I have some bracelets coming to the Etsy store soon! It's a super great stone for success and prosperity, but it's also gonna keep you grounded so you don't act like a knob while you're getting rich and famous.

Amethyst has been a crystal I've worked with forever but this month it's feeling extra powerful. I love my new Amethyst point necklace soooo much. Keep your eyes on the store. They are sold out currently but I'm sourcing more! 


Smudgy faves!

OK, what is this smudge stick? It's a dream, it's not like regular smudge, it's something different, like it has flowery bits on it. 

Sweetgrass is my new addiction. You're meant to sage out the negative and then use sweetgrass to call in the sweet and helpful spirits. It's sure been working for me! This stuff smells like a dream and has me feeling all yay!

This Sweetgrass and Patchouli candle has been coming with me to events this month and all readings have gone well because of it! :P


Deck faves!

The Linestrider Tarot is just blowing my mind. Seriously. Check out the unboxing I made of it here.

And then Seeds of Shakti Oracle is amazeballs. I made a deck review you can check out here.


Book faves!

Moonology by Yasmin Boland is so freaking good. Yasmin basically breaks down the whole working with the moon thing.

Dorothy Must Die is my new favourite YA series. Distopian Oz where Dorothy has turned evil and the protagonist is a chic with pink hair from a trailer park? YES.

Kindle! :O ZOMG! How did I ever live without this thing? I love books, #booksnifferforlife but being able to carry around a whole library in your handbag certainly has advantages!


Hair Faves!

So I just found out that Superdrug is certified by the leaping bunny! :D That means no bunnies are ever harmed in the making of anything Superdrug brand. I've been using their Pro Vitamin conditioner, it's also totally vegan! :O

Another fun hair fave is the Palmer's restoring conditioner. It doesn't hurt bunnies and it also smells like chocolate mint! :O


TV Faves!

OK, I can NOT get enough of Stranger Things. I mean, I could not. I finished the series in just a few days because it was so freaking good. Set in the 80's, kids controlling shit with their minds, and Winona Forever.

I've also been laughing my butt off at Bojack Horseman. I mean, he's a horse.

I caught the I am not your guru doco about Tony Robbins and it was AWESOMESAUCE. If you haven't seen it yet, make sure you do. Totally inspiring.


Following Faves!

Rob Bell came across my radar this month and I LOVE his vibe. He's a former church pastor who now spreads a big message of Love and Light through the teachings of Jesus. Amen preacher! #hellanddamnationfree

My gorgeous friend Naomi from Nandora has started doing weekly healing sessions over on her YouTube channel. you have to check these out!

Jenny Ford is a freaking legend. Step aerobics is like my current fitness obsession. If you have a step at home or you just want to work out with someone super fun and cute check her out


Lemme know if you enjoyed the faves this month, and let us know what you're loving too! :D

With love and light,



Crystals for The Autism Spectrum

Crystals for Autism, Aspergers, Autism spectrum

Apart from all this woo woo stuff that I do, I also have a background in working with children on the Autism Spectrum. Amazing souls who, for whatever reason, struggle more than most of us on this earth plane.

I do not dare to suggest for a moment that working with crystals is going to cure you, someone you know, or your child from Autism. But if you feel yourself drawn to the idea of using crystals yourself, with those on the Autism spectrum, or if you work or live with people with Autism or Aspergers, I hope that this post will give you some guidance on both which crystals to choose and what to do with them once you have them home.


Crystals to use:

<3 Light blue or medium blue crystals - light blue is the colour of the throat chakra and for many on the spectrum communicating with others is a huge struggle. Light blue stones may help to calm anxiety around communication difficulties or even assist with communication capabilities. Some stones include: Kyanite, Angelite, Celestite, Sodalite,Turquoise, Amazonite, Blue Lace Agate or any other blue stones you can find and are drawn to.

<3 Green crystals - green is a very healing and grounding colour and many green stones have healing properties that may help with creating a feeling of calm. Try Green Calcite, Emerald, Malachite, Adventurine or any other green stone you like the look of!

<3 Clear Quartz - a good for everything crystal that you really can't go wrong with. It's great for clearing energies and may be particularly good for those on the spectrum who find themselves feeling very foggy or confused.

<3 Amethyst - a beautiful purple stone which can help to connect you spiritually as well as being a calming and peaceful stones. Also good for headaches (yours and theirs!).

<3 Grounding stones - as people on the spectrum are usually very much in their heads grounding stones can be useful in helping them to get their feet on the ground and connect with the earth. Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Apache Tears, Black Tourmaline and any other dark coloured stones are great for helping all of us to get back into our bodies and out of the clouds. These stones are also very good for protecting ourselves and our own energy. Put a piece in your child's pocket at school so that they don't come home with anyone else's emotional "stuff". If you yourself are on the spectrum you may find it useful to wear a grounding stone as a necklace, and if you work with or spend a lot of time with people with Autism you may find that a grounding stone can keep you balanced too!

<3 Choose your own stones intuitively! If you are able to, take your child or just yourself along to a new age or crystal store and see which crystals you are drawn to. Quite often I am drawn to crystals I know nothing about, and later when I look them up, I find that they are exactly what I needed. Browse the store quietly and without too much thought and choose the crystals that appeal to you most, or let your child decide. If you can't take your child into a shop like this, choose a few different gems yourself and then see which ones your child is drawn to when you bring them home.



<3 Any high vibrational crystals! Many people on the spectrum are already very high vibrational and what we want to do is help bring that energy into their bodies, we don't want to send them further away. Try to avoid things like - Aqua Aura, Angel Aura, anything incredibly shiny or colourful, anything man made such as Opalite or any of the other Aura Crystals.

<3 If you or your child is particularly drawn to the high vibrational stones (and you/they probably will be!) try your best to keep your use of them to a minimum!!

A gem elixir for grounding

How to use your crystals:

If you yourself are going to be using these stones you can:

<3 Put them in your pocket and run your hand over them any time you need to during the day.

<3 Sit quietly while watching TV or listening to music and just hold your crystal.

<3 Meditate and place the crystal on your throat, heart or any place on your body that feels right. You may even just like to hold your crystal while you close your eyes.

<3 Put an amethyst next to your bed to help with sleeping

<3 When you feel very far away and not at all in your body grab your grounding stone and go for a walk outside or just take your shoes off and feel the earth.

If you are using your crystals with children you can:

<3 Create all sorts of games and play with the crystals as if they are people or animals or whatever!

<3 Build crystal grids with your child - these are just patterns of crystals e.g. putting out three or four grounding stones and placing other stones between. You can leave these grids out to bring grounding and healing energy into a room or house.

<3 Pop a crystal in your child's pocket or bag so they can take it with them to school.

<3 Leave the crystals on the coffee table so your child can play with them while watching TV.

<3 Place some Obsidian or Black Tourmaline next to or on top of the laptop or computer.

<3 Make a Gem Elixir for a drink! All you need to do to make this quickly is place some crystals around a glass of water for a little while to infuse the crystal energies into your drink!

Autism Spectrum Crystal Grid

There are so many ways you can use crystals and so many things you can do with them. The main thing to remember when working with crystals, just as any of the intuitive arts is to go with what feels right to you. Hopefully you will find that you are able to use crystals for the Autism Spectrum, and I do hope and pray that they will bring even just a small amount of healing and grounding to you or your children's lives.

<3 Love, light and healing crystals <3



Weekly Wisdom - Crystal Reading Cards Reading - 4th to 10th May 2015

Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman
Crystal Reading Cards - Rachelle Charman

Say hello to the beautiful Crystal Reading Cards by Rachelle Charman! This deck caught my eye at the Belgrave Book Barn (I think I spent almost a whole day in there!) in Australia last month and I just HAD to have it! I've seen a lot of crystal decks around, but none have called to me like this one... As soon as I opened it I did myself a reading and I cried because it was so good! I hope you love them as much as I do!

Start of the week - Sunstone - Empowerment

This is all about standing in your power. Be kind to people for sure, but don't let anyone walk all over you. You have a great deal of inner strength and power, you may find you need to call upon that this week. Open up to your power! Don't be afraid to speak your truth even if you think other people won't like it. Maybe they will like it, maybe they will love it, who knows! Be true to who you are this week, it's way more important than what they say about you by the water cooler.

Middle of the week - Malachite - Healing

Whenever you've healed one part of your life you find something else that needs healing. This doesn't mean that you should just stop bothering - it means the opposite! We are always healing. Spend some time this week acknowledging and considering your healing needs. Get a reading, get some reiki, have some therapy, sometimes we need help with our healing and can't always do it all on our own with a guided meditation. Sometimes you need to speak to a real person! Let others help you heal.

End of the week - Black Tourmaline - Protection

When your energy feels low, or impacted by other people you may need to think about some new energy protection strategies. Watch the video below for a great tip on how to visualise yourself totes protected even without the use of crystals! If you feel like you've been too open and given too much, take some time for you. You might just need a little alone time this week too. Don't feel guilty about it, sometimes you just need to be alone to recharge and stay shiny.

If you would like your very own personal reading using these cards or any others you can always pop over to my Etsy Store, OR you can come see me IN PERSON at what is going to be a very special day this coming weekend - Higher Selfie Live! It's a free event in London which promises to be totally soul nourishing! Check out this link for all the deets!

Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter down below too! I only email you once a week (on Sunday!) to update you with your weekly reading and any other bits and pieces that might help you on your journey, nothing spammy and nothing salesy!

I'm wishing you all a beautiful week here on planet Earth filled with tumble stones, chats with your higher selfie and glitter fingers!

<3 Love, light and crystal healing energy <3



Archangel Orion

The Archangel Orion card from Kyle Gray's Angel Prayers Oracle deck "Archangel Who?" I hear you ask. Archangel Orion is relatively new on the scene, he's pretty much the hipster angel. You know, the angel you were working with before he was mainstream? By starting to work with him today you'll have the chance in your next life to roll your eyes at everyone when they tell you about the "new" Archangel Orion. You can be like - "Oh please, seriously, I was working with him in my last life you guys..."

Anyway, this isn't a post about future lives, we're here today to talk about Archangel Orion. Just hold up a sec while we remember what angels actually are. Angels are light beings, right? I mean, let's face it, we don't totally know what they are, we just know that they are energy, really high vibe good helpful energy that you can call on to help you. When peeps saw angels way back in the olden days they mistook their light for wings. I'm not even joking, angels don't really have wings - OMG freak out! But then angels were like - OK, you think we have wings, we'll appear to you with wings so you know who we are!

I don't think about Archangel Orion as having wings, and if you do that's totally cool, like I said, they'll show themselves to you in any way that you'll understand them. But when I think of him I just see the stars, I see the entire Universe and I feel this Galactic kind of energy. If you are a star person or into star people stuff you might find that you gravitate (ha, see what I did there?!) towards this angel even more.

*Jaw drops!*

Orion hasn't been working with our planet long enough (that we know of!) to have conformed with our current idea of 'angels'. He's new here, and he brings with him the big picture. He resides high above this Renaissance angel stuff and takes us to whole other planets! In fact, since I've been working with him I've had this amazing dream about being on another planet. It kind of looked like Russia but the colours were just incredible and there was a huge moon on the horizon, and another one higher in the sky... This angel won't just show you how to get your tax return done, he'll show you the whole fucking universe.

Sorry about the language mum, I know you read this.

Archangel Orion is the angel of manifestation. He will help you manifest great things for your life, but not boring earthly stuff like a new TV or extra cash. I asked him this morning to help me manifest new tarot clients. He responded with - Why? Why do I want new clients? Uh, because I like reading tarot and I like paying the bills? I was then guided to answer this question:

What do you really want to do while you are here on this planet?

Uh, OK this was all happening as I was driving in rush hour so I was kind of like - Hrm. I got to thinking about the big stuff. The big WHY?The big WHAT?

It wasn't about getting new clients at all. It was about what I want to do on this planet while I'm here. Well, I want to help people, I want to be happy and make other people happy. I want to have enough money and time to travel and see the world. He then took me through loads of other questions, prompting me with - what do you want in relationships? What do you want for your family life? I have to tell you by the end of it I was feeling a serious amount of awe, for like, everything.

Archangel Orion will pick you up out of your body for a moment (is this a good idea in traffic AA Ori?) and show you the big picture. He will help you get clear on what you want, why you want what you think you want and help you manifest from a distance of clarity. He won't get you that holiday in the Bahamas because maybe he knows that you'll come back to your 9 to 5 and nothing will have changed. He doesn't want to help you to do that. He wants to help you to do the big stuff, and you can't do the big stuff while you're thinking about the small stuff.


So how can we connect with the big O?!

<3 Ask him to work with you. Ask him to help you manifest your desires (not manifest your desires for you!)

<3 Let him take you out of yourself and ask you the big questions

<3 Answer the big WHY and the big WHAT without focus on the little details. Don't tell him what job you think you want, just tell him how you want to help the world, and how you want to feel about it

<3 Light dark blue candles

<3 Play with crystals like dark blue sandstone or Peacock Ore or any other crystals you see that remind you of him, of the enormity of the universe

<3 Paint your fingernails dark blue with gold glitter

<3 Look at the stars and stand in awe

<3 Ask for him to take you to beautiful places and other planets in your dreams

<3 Consider your life in the grand scheme of things and ask yourself - does it really matter that I didn't finish that blog post tonight?

<3 Work with Kyle Gray's Oracle Deck that features Archangel Orion (and so many other great cards!) and meditate on his card, or just leave it out by your bedside as you sleep to bring his energy into your life

<3 Do anything else that makes you feel connected to the big picture, the Universe and your heart's true desires.


Please share your Archangel Orion experiences here in the comments or over on Facebook. He's such a new angel here and we will all benefit from sharing our knowledge and understanding of him so that many more of us can begin to live bigger and more meaningful lives! I know I'm just starting to work with him so I will be sharing any new info I get too!


<3 Love, light and starry skies <3




Vicious gossip + white light - The weekly Reading Jan 19 - 24 2015

Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech

I just had to use my newest deck for the weekly reading this week. I've been loooooving it with my whole heart! It's the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech and if you like it, you can get it (AND SHOULD GET IT!) by clicking here. Also, check out that killer review on Wordery! I freaking LOVE Wordery!

Anyway! Here are your Faery messages for this week...

Start of the week - Silver Sisters

This card is all about gossip and negative energy. It could be that others are throwing their negative vibes at you and you need to protect yourself from it, or it could be that you have thrown some daggers and nasty words around about others. This is bad, and I know it's hard because some people seriously are dicks and they piss you off and so you need to vent. But make sure your venting doesn't throw negative energy at that person. It's OK to say to a friend - it made me feel really mad when this person did [whatever]. It's not OK to go on a total bitch-fest. Raise your vibration and stop bitching. If you are in a seriously negative environment and just can't see how that's even possible - get out of it.

If you need protection from this kind of negativity try imagining yourself in a pink (or colour of your choice) bubble. Clear yourself with white light and ask your Angels, Faeries and Guides to clear you and keep you safe from other people's negativity. You can also wear crystals - especially dark colours like black tourmaline or obsidian.

Middle of the week - The Grail Faery

The new moon on Tuesday night is going to bring us into a re-set vibe. You can read more about this coming new moon on Gala Darling's blog. This Faery is telling us a similar story. We need to check in with our new years resolutions or 2015 goals or wishes. Are you on the same path you were on at the start of this year? Do you need to amp it up and put in some extra effort? Do you need to totally get back on course? Do you just need to re-affirm your commitment to making 2015 your best year EVER?! Time to make yourself accountable. Let go of procrastination and any shit that's weighing you down and get back on track!

If you wanna work on your goals you need this book. If you are feeling like - OMG WTF am I doing with my 2015 and my life?! have a think about getting one of the last remaining 2015 readings!

End of the week - The Unicorn and the Maiden

Woah, what a powerful card. This is all about humans and animals coming together to work together to create peace on this planet. What do you need to do in your life to create a better planet? Recycle, stop buying crazy packaged fruit or veg when you could buy it loose. Pat and love animals instead of wearing them as fancy outfits. Buy the 'safe' versions of cleaning products. OK, this isn't always totally practical, but do your best. Do what you can.

Every night before you go to sleep imagine planet Earth, like how it looks from space. Imagine white light surrounding the planet - creating peace. Imagine if we all did that.

If you need any more tips and tricks on how to protect yourself energetically or if you want to share your tools and thoughts please come by Facebookand hang out! If you'd like a reading with me check out my Readingspage and if you want to see these cards up close and personal follow me on Instagram!

Here's to a totally awesome week! :-)

<3 Love, light and Unicorn pats <3


The 2015 energy shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?

image from I know I'm not the only ungrounded person around right now. The 2015 energy shift I've felt coming into this new year has been intense! So many shiny people on social media have been saying similar things too. It seems a lot of us are feeling a double whammy. We feel better than ever, like we are floating on clouds, in an exciting new head-space full of ideas, inspiration and even productivity! But meanwhile our bodies are telling a different story...

You may have been feeling like this lately:

<3 light-headed or dizzy

<3 ungrounded (more than whatever is 'usual' for you!)

<3 having waaaay too many ideas for your pretty little head

<3 sick - head-colds, nausea, migraines, headaches...

<3 pain somewhere in your body

<3 super excited!

<3 scattered

<3 anxious

<3 nervous (good or bad!)

<3 like your energy isn't in your body properly

<3 out of alignment

<3 any other way your body/mind tells you that you are ungrounded or uncentred

<3 just weird 


At the end of 2014 I had the worst migraine I've had in years. It was horrible. I lost my vision three times (usually it just happens once) and didn't get it back totally for a few days and I was in a seriously crap amount of pain. Then in the days after I just felt weird, I blamed the migraine, but guess what? It's been a couple weeks now and I still feel weird! Peeps on Instagram and FB have been reporting similar disturbances - disconnect, fuzzy, faint, dizzy, werid. OK, I'm a Gemini and I'm pretty scattered most of the time, but the thing is, a lot of other peeps are saying that they don't usually feel like this at all. 

So what the actual is going on? 

OK, so for those who didn't get the Numerology memo 2015 is bringing us into an 8 year which means Abundance City Baby! 2014 was a 7 year, which was basically about learning and working shit out. So for those of us who spent last year reading self help books, chatting with our guides and angels, journalling, asking questions, learning new skills, just thinking - 'what the hell am I supposed to be doing with my life?' and taking any steps big or small towards becoming who we really actually are and doing what we actually came here to do - this shift is HUGE! We actually know now what we are meant to do! I mean OMG! YAY!


Think of 2014 as level 1, or 2, or whatever level you've been playing at, doesn't matter! As the clock struck midnight bringing us into 2015 we literally levelled up! So here we are now walking around this new level and feeling pretty good about it! It basically looks the same, but there are some slight differences, new challenges, different colours, characters we didn't see before, we might even have a new outfit on or a different hair colour. The old level we were playing at had no challenges left for us!

So really, we are just feeling ungrounded because although we have raised our vibration (or levelled up!) our bodies haven't totally caught up yet!

PLEASE NOTE: Now this isn't medical advice by any means and I'm planning to see a doctor myself to talk about my migraines, and I highly suggest you do the same if you have any health issues, worries or concerns, but if you are just generally feeling ungrounded, perhaps it's just because your body isn't playing at the same level as your higher self is, not just yet anyway!


Try out some of the tips below or check out this post I wrote on grounding:

<3 take a bath

<3 breathe

<3 meditate

<3 eat potatoes - I'm not even joking, very grounding

<3 read... anything. You know I love a good YA book

<3 visualise your energy going back into your body and dropping down a touch

<3 clear your chakras

<3 yoga

<3 stretch

<3 dance

<3 carry crystals - I highly recommend black tourmaline, but any crystal and especially the dark coloured ones are good for serious grounding

<3 get outside as much as you can

<3 drink lots of tea (preferably caffeine free!)

<3 ask the angels, your guides, whoever you work with to help you stay grounded

<3 do all your grounding visualisations - feet as roots!

<3 just say out loud - "I am grounded!"


I hope you all start feeling a little less weird soon, or at least coming to feel normal in your new weird!

And guess what?! There's still time to get a 2015 reading with me! Huzzah! I'd love to help you look at the energies of your 2015 and how to work with them to make this the best year yet! Also make sure to come find me on Facebook for more New Age Hipster goodness, free daily readings and all sorts of fun things!

Sending you all loads of love, light and congratulations on levelling up!



Grounding 101

angel feathers and leopard shoes
angel feathers and leopard shoes

As an airy fairy air sign (Gemini) who quite literally goes 'off with the fairies', or angels, or just I don't even know where sometimes, grounding myself has been one of the most beneficial things I've worked out how to do. It has made the most amazing difference in how I'm able to connect to my higher self and intuition.

For years I've been floating away. I always had about a gazillion ideas at a time, and with a joyful adventurous spirit this meant I was always doing things like booking international flights on a whim, dating highly inappropriate men, not being able to hold down or have any interest in a real job, and creative projects? Don't even get me started. I had so many I couldn't even tell you them all - I was selling jewelry on Etsy, learning guitar, writing songs, writing Tween fiction, starting and deleting various blogs, acting in short films, dabbling with all sorts of spiritual and religious ideas and I was always out drinking and dancing. So OK, I still do a lot of these things, but now I do them differently. I only go on holidays I can actually afford, I am holding down a real job while I build my business and work on getting my YA novel published and I still enjoy the odd beer. But I feel better. I feel grounded.


What is grounding?

To me grounding is about centering your energy so that it stays in your body and connected to the earth, rather than floating off up and away somewhere else. It's like when you're driving you want your tyres to be on the road right? Not bouncing around like a 4X4 on a bunch of sand dunes.

I was talking to the bf about grounding - he's one of the most grounded people I know - and I while I was trying to explain why I needed to stay grounded and why it was hard sometimes I described it as my energy sometimes feeling like it's slightly higher than my body. Sometimes it feels like my head is kind of above my head!

Berkshire forest fairies
Berkshire forest fairies

What happens when we're not grounded?

Not being grounded is different for everyone, but some things that happen to me when I'm not grounded are:

<3 Feeling like you're 'miles away' or 'off with the fairies' at inappropriate times (it's OK to be off with the fairies sometimes!)

<3 Feeling lightheaded

<3 Not being able to focus on stuff

<3 Not being able to make or follow through on decisions or plans

<3 Getting sidetracked

<3 Having a lot of awesome ideas but never being able to start, follow through or finish anything

<3 Feeling hyperactive or like you just have too much energy buzzing around you

<3 Feeling anxious and worried

<3 Feeling like your head is above your head!

<3 Zoning out

<3 Racing thoughts, crazy thoughts, random thoughts, or just the general inability to control your thoughts

<3 That feeling like you've had way too much sugar

<3 Being indecisive and 'whatever' about anything from choosing your dinner to finding your new flat

<3 You generally feel like you aren't connected to the earth, nature or this planet

<3 You feel like you are from another planet! (Even Star People need to be grounded!)

I come from a different planet
I come from a different planet

How will grounding help?

Getting grounded makes you more certain, solid, connected and gives you emotional, spiritual and energetic strength! Think of it as wearing a pair of super comfortable shoes you know you can walk all day in and they look great. Being ungrounded is like wearing flip flops in the middle of winter and being grounded is like wearing a pair of the most comfortable wedge boots ever!

Grounding will will make you feel more centered, and when you start getting your energy centered you start getting more messages from your body, spirit and your higher self.

I know you want to be up there with the Heavens and the Angels getting your guidance first hand, but the reality is that we are on this earth and we need a landline. You can't use your iPhone on a plane (maybe you can if you go first/business class but that ruins my metaphor!), so think of grounding as your landline. The more grounded you are the clearer your signal will be!

grounding crystals
grounding crystals

That's great Vix, but HOW do you get grounded?

There's a gazillion ways you can get grounded and you really have to find out what works for you by just trying different stuff, but here's what works for me:

<3 Visualisations - I've used loads of visuals from imagining that my legs are super long and my feet are firmly far below in the earth to the super common imagining tree roots coming out of your feet, growing into the ground and then attaching themselves to a rock or a crystal. I love this one - for a fun twist I imagine golden roots and whatever crystal I feel like I need that day - e.g. I'll tie my golden roots around a huge Citrine crystal if I need an optimistic boost, or Amethyst if I'm going to be doing a lot of tarot.

<3 Balance your chakras - there are a ton of meditations on chakra balancing on the internet, or if you know what you're doing chakra-wise just check in with your chakras, make sure they're balanced and your energy is properly in your body.

<3 Go outside! Hug a tree or take off your shoes and walk on the grass/sand/earth.

<3 Bring pot plants and fresh flowers into your house and add a bunch of earthy-energy!

<3 Crystals! All crystals come from the ground so they are all grounding, but some are super grounding, mostly the black ones like Obsidian and Tourmaline but I also love Dalmatian jasper - it's grounding but a nice joyful stone too.

<3 Meditate. If you are like me and sometimes find this difficult you can get some really nice short guided meditations to help you through. I love Kyle Gray's Angel Meditations and 33 Spirit Journeys by Denise Linn.

<3 Eat food from the earth - not being grounded is a great excuse to eat a baked potato. Not sure how grounding a truck load of butter is though, sorry!

<3 Talk to the fairies and nature spirits. Just saying hi to them can get you more in touch with the earth.

<3 Recycle and make a conscious effort to look after the planet that is our home.

<3 Spend time with animals. Cats are so grounding! Meow!

<3 Wear earthy or dark colours - anything that reminds you of nature.

<3 Paint your nails an earthy colour!

<3 Exercise! Spend time in your body, and you don't just have to do Yoga. You can walk, run, dance, go to the gym, swim, whatever works for you.

<3 Spend some time with the Earth/Coins/Pentacles suit in your Tarot or Angel Tarot deck to soak in the earthy energy.

<3 Surround yourself with grounded people. Don't hang out with Drama Kings and Queens!

<3 Choose to be grounded. Sometimes when I'm feeling weird and don't have time for all this stuff or if I've just accidentally eaten 4 donuts or something I just say out loud if I can, or in my head- "I am grounded" and even that alone makes a world of difference.

Angel Tarot - Nine of Earth, Ace of Earth
Angel Tarot - Nine of Earth, Ace of Earth

I would love to know what you do to stay grounded! Join me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and share your own tips for grounding!

Lots of love, light and good grounding vibes,



Vix the New Age Hipster at the Rollright stones
Vix the New Age Hipster at the Rollright stones