What's up with Broken Crystals
A couple weeks ago as I was walking out of the bowling alley my beloved smokey quartz fell off from around my neck and smashed on the ground into three pieces! :o
I shared the image on Instagram and I had sooo many people asking me what it means when your crystal breaks and what to do with a broken crystal and instead of replying to everyone individually, I promised I’d write a blog post with all my thoughts on broken crystals and so here it (finally!) is.
Intuition is everything
I could probably leave it at this - your crystal breaks for the reason you think it breaks, and you should do whatever you think you should do with it.
There is no “one reason” your crystal breaks. There are many reasons your crystals can break and most of the time you just have to trust your gut.
When your crystal breaks, or when you first see it in pieces, what is your first thought or reaction? Usually that first reaction, that first thought, is the right one.
The rest of this post is simply my own thoughts on why crystals break, if the following resonates - hoorah! If not, then I wish you the best of luck as you work out what it all means to you.
When your crystal has done its work
When my crystal broke outside the bowling alley my first thought was “I guess it’s done it’s work”.
Often when crystals have done what they needed to do for us, they will break or go missing.
At different times in our lives we are drawn to different crystals.
I used to wear smokey quartz a lot when I was first learning about and working with my own energy. I worked in a pretty intense environment and wearing my smokey quartz really helped me to feel protected energetically. I’d started wearing it again recently because I felt like I needed a protective boost.
When my crystal broke I felt like it was a message that I don’t need to be so focused on protecting my energy in that same old way any more, or at least, not right now. I’ve been really drawn to pyrite and I’ve started wearing that instead of the smokey quartz recently.
Crystals are powerful. they hold, transmute and work with a lot of energy in so many ways, but not all of them are going to need to be with you forever.
So if your crystal breaks, don’t be sad! It may just be that it’s work with you is done, it’s time to move on, your energy has shifted, you’ve levelled up or healed in some way and you’re ready for the next energy to come in and work with you!
Sometimes when a crystal breaks it means it protected you from something. That something could be anything from someone sending you etheric daggers, negative energy, a solar flare, an entity… it could be from many different places.
If you feel like your crystal has protected you from something, thank it for it’s love and protection and then just carry on.
I’ve seen people get really worried about this idea that there is someone/something out to get them, this only creates more fear and unease in your energy fields and is usually not warranted at all.
If you are worried take some time out to do some energy clearing on yourself and your spaces.
Your crystal protected you, it did it’s job, the negativity has been deflected and there’s nothing for you to fear.
We can’t ignore the fact that sometimes our crystals break because we just “dropped them”.
Now, I did drop my smokey quartz, but it was as if it just came loose off my neck and fell. I had been wearing it around the same string for months and it had never come loose before, so I’m not going to blame my string tying for that.
However, there have been times when I’ve had a crystal in my pocket or in my bra and it’s smashed to the floor when I’ve been getting changed. While sometimes I think that’s a sign it’s done it’s work, often it’s just that I forgot it was in there. D’oh!
Use your intuition here and be honest with yourself about if you have been looking after your crystal babies in the best way you could!
Our Satellite Hearts - my favourite crystal shop in THE WORLD! :D x
What to do with the pieces
Again, this is all about trusting your intuition.
Different crystals will want to be sent off in different ways. Close your eyes and get quiet and just see what pops into your head as the right way for you to lay your crystal to rest.
Whatever you do with your crystal once it’s broken, do it with love and gratitude, make sure you thank it for its service.
Bury your crystal
This is a very common way to send off a crystal and can’t really be faulted.
Returning your crystal to the earth is the perfect way to complete the cycle.
You could bury it in your backyard, in a pot plant or somewhere out in nature. Whatever feels right for you and the crystal.
Bodies of water
You may like to throw your crystal into a river or a lake or even into the sea - especially if you were working with a crystal that had lovely watery energy.
One word of advice here though is to make sure you don’t put it in any water where people swim - in case someone ends up standing on the sharp edges!
Keep it
Most people will tell you to get rid of it, but if for some reason you feel like the crystal hasn’t finished its work, or you just feel like you need to keep it for a while, I think it’s OK to go ahead and do that.
If you do feel your crystal protected you from something you may want to bury it pretty quickly, but if you feel like it broke for another reason there’s no harm in keeping it around if you feel like it’s right.
My smokey quartz is actually still in my handbag. I think I will end up burying it, but I’m not quite ready to part with it yet!
In a nutshell - always use your intuition when it comes to crystals breaking.
There could be so many reasons your crystal breaks and there are so many ways to let it go when it does. This blog post really just touches on the common and simple answers, you have to go with what resonates for you in your situation!
If you want to learn more about connecting with your intuition and psychic abilities check out Woo Woo School or my Spiritual Development Circle! :D
With so much love, light and crystal healing,