Protection, Fear + Judgement
Do you actually need to protect your energy? Or does thinking you need to protect yourself just breed fear?
Whatever your answer is to this question is totally fine with me, and as always, you are so welcome to agree or disagree with any of what I'm about to say.
I am not here to tell you what is right or wrong, what to do or not do. I think we all find different ways to work with our own energy that works for us.
I'm just here offering up some of my own thoughts in the hopes that if you feel confused about protecting yourself, or if you even need to do it you may find this post helpful.
What is protection?
Protecting my energy is about preventing me from picking up on everyone else's stuff, negative energies, entities or whatever else is out there.
I resonate as an Empath, which means I feel like a bit of an energy sponge. I pick up on other people's energy and when I don't protect myself being around others (no matter how shiny they are), hanging out in certain places or even hanging out on social media can exhaust the heck out of me.
Learning how to protect my energy put a pep back in my step and helped me to get out of my own pits of doom and gloom because I began to identify the real cause of my moodiness and tiredness. Most of the time it just wasn't even my stuff. Sometimes it is my stuff, but your own stuff is so much lighter to carry around all day than a whole busload of energetic backpacks.
Protecting my energy honestly turned my whole life around. When I stopped letting other stuff get to me I had more time, energy and my intuition was better.
What's with the whole protection/fear thing?
Some folks have this idea that protection is fear based and that peeps who use protection are scared of negative energy. It's suggested that having the belief that negativity can harm you and then protecting yourself from that actually enhances these beliefs and fear.
The idea here is that if you have the belief you need to be protected you are living in fear.
If that's what you resonate with, awesome.
But it can be dangerous to assume that everyone who uses protection tools as part of their daily spiritual practice is living in fear.
In fact, it can be dangerous to assume anything about anyone else's spiritual practice and beliefs at all.
If this is what energy protection looks like, I'm all for it! :D
Can you protect yourself without getting into fear?
Heck yeah! Protecting my energy is no more fear based than locking the door at night or taking an umbrella out in the rain.
I don't live in fear of intruders in my house. I'm pretty sure you aren't even covered by insurance if you don't lock your door at night.
And I definitely don't look out at the rain and get into fear about it. I just think - oh, better take an umbrella.
For most people who protect their energy this is what it's like. It's like getting in the car and putting on a seat belt. Wearing sunglasses when it's bright out, taking a coat out with you in winter to protect you from the elements.
If you don't want to get pregnant you use contraception right? If you don't want to pick up energetic stuff on the tube, get your energy condom on.
Can protection put you in fear?
Yes. It is totally possible to get way too caught in protecting your energy that it makes you freak out.
If you're unable to leave the house without your black onyx you may want to have a look into what's going on there.
If you are feeling freaked out about energies around you have a chat with someone, get a reading, or come hang out in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group for some support.
If you feel fine when you don't protect your energy, but feel fear creep in when you do, then maybe protecting yourself energetically isn't something you need to do right now.
If you suffer from anxiety you may find it's difficult to protect your energy without letting a whole bunch of fear based thoughts in. Do what you need to do, see your doctor, a therapist or whatever feels right for you.
Why does this divide the community?
Most people I've met in the new age and spiritual communities are so loving and kind and supportive and respectful, but then there are some topics that divide us, and this seems to be one of them.
There is no right or wrong to the protection debate. Just different strokes for different folks.
If you feel good protecting your energy like I do, then carry on doing it. If it doesn't vibe with you, that's cool too!
If you're looking for practical tips on how to protect your energy you can download my totally free e-book How to Stay Shiny or come and join me at Woo Woo School for an energy intensive! :D
With so much love and light,