Y'all know how I feel about Mercury Retrograde, and if you don't you can check out the post I wrote about it last time it hit here. Basically, I love it. I've hated on M.R for way too long and it's kind of only made it worse, so my vibe nowadays is to embrace the planets and work with them. Isn't it time we all got along?!
One of the best ways to get through any tricky planetary things is to take a look at what's going on for you around these times and pulling cards is awesome for that!
To help y'all out I'm doing SUPER CHEAP Mercury Retro readings over on my Etsy Store which you can grab at any time during the retro! These are a total bargain and as of November my readings are going to be increasing in price so seriously, get in now while I'm cheap! x
I thought I'd share a spread with you here too, so you can take this Mercury Retrograde as an opportunity to play around with your own decks, practice your craft and do some readings for yo'self. It might be a great time to get out one of those decks you hardly ever use, or a new deck that's been sitting on your shelf waiting for just this moment!
You can pull these in any order, use any kind of Tarot or Oracle deck and do whatever you want with it to suit yourself. But here's the basics to get you crackin'!
Here's one I made earlier, with the Russian Tarot of St Petersburg. x
Your M.R Theme
This is your personal Mercury Retrograde theme for the next few weeks. What does this M.R want you focus on? It could be a project, some personal or spiritual dev stuff, or any other message relating to the big picture of this M.R for you.
Subconscious blocks
What blocks and stuff needs releasing that you aren't even aware of? It could be something you thought was gone long ago, something new you'd never even thought about, or something you've been trying to ignore. It's time to take a look at those suckers!
What has been released
This is when you get to celebrate what you have released over the last few weeks, months or even years! This is the universe saying YAY you, look how far you've come, you've released this you can totally keep going!
Mental blocks
What's going on in your thinking that's holding you back? What old thoughts, old thought patterns and old crushes do you need to sweep out? Negative beliefs about yourself, others and your life, or whatever else is clanging around in there that you don't need, say bai bai now!
Your lessons
What can you learn from this Merc-Ret? We always seem to learn sooooo much when we allow ourselves to be open to lessons at this time instead of just posting memes about how much Mercury sucks. Mercury Retrograde is like that teacher you had that was always hassling you and giving you extra homework, but afterwards you're like - wow, I learned so much from her.
Share your spreads on Instagram if you wanna with the #newagehipster hashtag!
Come check out the video I did for our combined conscious energies too!
And if you really wanna make the most of your Mercury Retrograde you may wanna come join us for Woo Woo School! Whoo!
Love, light and happy Retrograding!