Archangel Christiel, Angel of the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Archangel Christiel, Angel of the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness

“You are light and love incarnate. Live your life from the highest path and perspective.”

That’s the oracle message Archangel Christiel brings through via the Angels Among Us Guidebook.

Archangel Christiel is one of the lesser known Archangels, but she’s been growing in popularity in recent years, and for good reason.

Archangel Christiel is known as the angel of divine feminine Christ Consciousness. She is the female aspect of the Christ Light and can help anyone seeking to connect to a higher source, higher consciousness and higher light.

We talk so much in spiritual circles about being “high vibe” that it can become a throwaway phrase. But living a high vibrational life really is the aim of so many spiritual seekers. We want to be free of all the BS, the programming, the “stuff” that stops us from living in alignment with our best and highest path. We don’t want to be dragged down by negativity, we want to be free to live our highest purpose and destiny!

One of the best things we can do to live a high vibrational life is to be able to see things from a higher perspective, and Archangel Christiel is the angel who can help us do that.

She can take us on her wings and help us rise up and look down on situations with more love, compassion and kindness.

If you need help taking the higher road, forgiving or letting go, call on Archangel Christiel to help you do so.

From the Angels Among Us Guidebook:

“Archangel Christiel is the angel of the divine feminine Christ Consciousness. She is a very high vibrational angel who can assist you in activating the Christ light within, connecting you to the energies of love, compassion, peace, forgiveness, courage, strength and higher wisdom. The Christ light is usually associated with Jesus, but many masters of light such as the Buddha also worked with this energy. Archangel Christiel can help you connect to this energy of higher consciousness and love directly through the higher chakras - the soul star, causal and stellar gateway chakras.”

Archangel Christiel from the Angels Among Us Oracle by me, Victoria Maxwell and Ellie Grant

Archangel Christiel can help us open and activate the higher chakras - the soul star, causal and stellar gateway, helping us to connect more strongly with our own higher self, our guides, angels and divine guidance.

If you resonate as a lightworker, Archangel Christiel can be a powerful ally in helping you to shine your light out in the world and make a positive difference to the hearts of so many.

If you’re ready to activate your light, be the light and anchor the light into the world, call on Archangel Christiel and ask her to help you shine bright!

If you’d like to connect deeper with the energy of Archangel Christiel, grab your deck - tarot, angel, oracle, whatever you have, and take some time to work with the questions and prompts below.

1. How to connect with light

2. How to be the light

3. How to share the light

4. How to stay light

If you share your readings with this spread or the Angels Among Us Oracle on socials please drop me a tag so I can find you and say hey! I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and high vibes,



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