Birthday Tarot Spread

Birthday Tarot Spread

It's my birthday tomorrow! Wahooo!

Birthdays are such important celebrations.

It's a chance to look at how far you've come, what you've achieved and learned and how much you've grown into the amazing person you are!

It's also a brilliant opportunity to celebrate yourself, your life, everything you have and everything you are.

And of course, most birthdays don't go by without some kind of pondering on where you're heading next.

On your birthday take some time to honour your journey with this tarot spread. I'll be doing it for myself tomorrow and then I'll be heading into Camden, London for dirty vegan burgers, beers and vintage shopping! :D

PS - if it's not actually your birthday, it's still OK to do this reading, especially if you feel like you need a bit of a check in! x


1. Birthday message from your ancestors/passed over loved ones

Your ancestors and loved ones in spirit are always with you big time on your birthday. This card will be a message from them.

2. Lessons learned in the last year

Birthdays are an important time to take stock, to notice how much you've learned and grown.

3. What has been healed and released

We often hang onto things via an energetic imprint long after they have been healed and cleared. What can you finally let go of today?

4. Missions accomplished

What part of your life purpose can you tick off today?

5. Theme of this year

Moving into this next year, this card can give you an idea of some of the energy you'll be working with and focused on.

6. Guides/energies to call in and work with

New guides may appear for you today, or old guides might want to step forward. See who/what would be good for you to call in here.

7. How to honour and celebrate yourself today

Today is all about celebrating your life! This card will give you some ideas on how to do that.

8. Mission for this year

Your mission as you move ahead into the next 12 months...

9. How to accomplish this mission

And here you'll find some advice and support on how to move forward on the next part of your mission!


With so much love and light,




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