Pop Culture Tarot

One Tree Hill Tarot Spread & Collective Reading 🌳🔮

I recently discovered One Tree Hill and I have well and truly become obsessed with this show!

I missed it when it first came out. Already in my early twenties in 2003 I was clearly too mature for teen dramas and had moved onto my Sex and the City phase.

Even though I graduated high school in 1998, watching One Tree Hill now feels like I’m a teen again. The fashion, the music, the DRAMA. I’ve done a lot of work on myself over the years, but honestly, I was a chaotic dramatic mess for MANY years! 😅

Even the whole storyline between Lucas, Payton and Brooke reminded me of when my boyfriend dumped me and then proceeded to date TWO of my best friends! 😆 Not at the same time, that I know of. Although I still have my suspicions that one of those friends was with him before we’d officially broken up!

YES THAT REALLY HAPPENED! I’m still friends with one of those friends now, and the guy? Well, he didn’t end up with any of us!

But while there was a lot of drama in my life back then, there was also a lot of good times and that’s the energy I tap into when I watch One Tree Hill.

I haven’t made a pop culture tarot spread for a while. This is something I used to do all the time and I loved doing it! I really loved making this one too!

I thought it might be fun to share the spread with you and then do a collective reading for all those who come across this post.

You can use this spread with tarot, oracle, angel, playing cards, whatever you have! OR you can always use spreads simply as journal prompts to help you tap into your own inner wisdom! Not that card readings aren’t also using your own inner wisdom, argh, you know what I mean!

Always remember to take what resonates and leave the rest when engaging with collective readings.

Not everything may be for you. Maybe just one card or one sentence feels like it’s for you. Maybe everything or nothing resonates. Trust your intuition over all else. 🙏

Pamela Coleman Smith Centennial Tarot Deck

🔮Collective Reading:

1.What game are you playing? THE SUN 🌞

Right now you are playing for victory, happiness, joy, truth and higher light. You are in your integrity. You want to make a positive difference in this world in whatever way you can and actively seeking ways to do that.

Your Guides want you to know that they see you and they see the light you bring to this world. You are having a positive effect in so many ways that you don’t even see or realise.

Don’t forget that while you’re here to make the world a better place for others, you are also here to find ways to experience more joy, lightness, laughter and light in your own life.

This is one of the fastest ways to victory over your own fears, struggles and challenges.

Whatever you are playing for, whatever you are wanting to manifest, whatever goals you are reaching for, they ARE WITHIN REACH.

You can absolutely get those shots in and make it to the play offs! You just need to hold the vision!

Believe in yourself, be confident in your own light, magick and brilliance and you will experience victory in so many ways in your life!

2.Who/what is on your team? NINE OF SWORDS ⚔️

Ok, so I can tell you who’s not on your team, and that’s your own negative thoughts, fears and worries.

I’m never going to tell you that you can just click your fingers and suddenly you will no longer have to deal with this stuff. It can take practice, and it can take time. For some people it takes support from spiritual teachers and teachings, therapists, other forms of healing or professional support.

The message here is to FIND your team. Find the people, places, practices and tools that bring you comfort, support and that help you to believe in yourself.

It’s time to find your Whitey!

The Nine of Swords can be a little bit of a “scary” card, but it often comes up to show us that what we’re putting our focus on - negative thoughts, fear, worry, most of it is stuff that we just don’t really have to worry about. It’s mostly unfounded. Worrying about things that will never happen.

Find someone or something that can pull you out of your own fear and into the light of trust, faith, surrender, confidence and courage!

And this just coming through now - feel the fear and do it anyway! 🥰

Oh, one final thing here. YOUR HIGHER SELF is always on your team no matter who else isn’t.

3.Who/what is blocking your shot? THE MOON 🌝

Another message coming through here about fear, this time fear of the unknown. When we feel like we’re in the dark, when the world is on fire and in chaos, it can be difficult to see that next step forward.

It’s in these times when we can’t see the path ahead clearly that we need to close our eyes and see with our inner knowing.

Your intuition will always guide you forward, even in the darkness.

Make sure that you are practicing. Just like the Scott brothers needed to show up to the gym for their practice, you need to show up to practice and develop your intuition.

Meditate, pull your own cards, journal. If you’re already doing all this, do more of it!

And remember the best way to strengthen your intuition is by using it. Trust the nudges, take the steps you feel called to take, and then you’ll be shown the next one.

4.How to stay undefeated. THE MAGICIAN ✨

This card just flew right out of the deck! The Magician is our guiding light in this reading. We’ve seen some struggle here, but this is your reminder that you can release fear and worry and bring yourself back into balance and into your power!

The message here is that you may have forgotten just how powerful you are, just how strong your ability is to manifest the most amazing life you can for yourself.

It’s like you’ve taken some time off from the game, you’re a little rusty, but it’s time now to take back the ball, get down to the river court and get your mojo back.

We all have those Moon moments when things feel dark and uncertain, but the sun is always guiding us, even when it’s just a reflection of its own light through the light of the moon.

It’s time to take back your power, to take the ball, to visualise yourself winning this game and the next, and the one after.

If you believe you can win you increase your chances of victory x10000!

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you shared your own readings in the comments if you feel called! 😍

With so much love and awesome CD collections,



🌟 About Vix:

Victoria ‘Vix’ Maxwell is the creator of New Age Hipster, a spiritual home for good witches, lightworkers, starseeds and spiritual seekers. A Priestess for present times, modern mystic and spiritual teacher in converse sneakers, Vix supports her worldwide community in reconnecting to their own light, inner guidance and power through the Library of Light spiritual development membership, soul readings and healings, akashic records re-writes, Kundalini yoga classes, spiritual business and author mentoring, podcast, award winning blog and social media channels.

Vix is the author of the best-selling metaphysical young adult fiction series the Santolsa Saga, author of Witch, Please and Manifest Your Dreams published by HarperCollins, the Angels Among Us, Goddesses Among Us and Galactic Guides oracle decks and the Oracle Card Companion published by Rockpool Publishing.

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Game of Thrones Tarot Spread

Hey Gorgeous souls!

Wow, can you believe it’s taken me THIS LONG to make a Game of Thrones tarot spread?! 😲

Game Of Thones, what a freaking EPIC of a story, and it’s absolutely FILLED with opportunities to practice your tarot readings! 😍

One of my favourite ways to practice my readings is to hit up a TV show I love and pull cards for the characters. Ask - what does Jon Snow most need to know in this situation? Or how could Samwell Tarly take back his power?

And if you haven’t watched all the way through, you can even practice predictive readings on how things are going to go! Do keep in mind though that in real life, when the script isn’t already written we have the power to change those outcome cards!

Another fun thing to do while watching Game of Thrones is to think about which cards the characters most represent. There are so many fantastic characters and they can all fit into the tarot in so many ways!

Cersei is most definitely the Queen of Swords reversed, Tyrion has to be the Knight of Cups and Arya is so clearly the Page of Swords!

Pop culture tarot is THE BEST way to practice your court cards! 😅

And of course, reading with spreads is great practice too!

Inspired by my friends at WikiOfThrones (the BEST GOT resource on the net!!) this spread is super simple and will give you some insight into what games you are playing in your own life!

here’s your card reading spread!

Now go grab a cuppa (or a large glass of wine!!) and grab your deck for your reading. You can use tarot cards with this Game of Thrones spread but it will also work with oracle cards too!

And if you don’t have a deck to hand, you can always use tarot card spreads as journal prompts for personal reflection!

1. what are you playing for?

Hopefully you are not playing any games for a big old creepy chair made of swords, but we all play games in our lives whether they are with others or within ourselves! This card will show you what game you’re playing and what you are playing for, what you most want to achieve and what you are working towards.

2. who are you playing against?

Maybe you have some enemies against you. For most of us, we are often playing against our own limiting beliefs, stories we tell ourselves, self-sabotage and all that good stuff. 😅 But that’s why I LOVE tarot! We can see what’s going on and make changes! This is card is kind of like that second card in the Celtic Cross that shows you what’s crossing, affecting or challenging you.

3. what will you win?

If you win this game, crush your goals and vanquish your enemies, what will you win? What will you gain? What will you get out of it? What will be the point of it all? You could even look at this as like the higher purpose of what you’re doing, or your BIG WHY.

4. what will you lose?

Now this question can make us immediately think - yikes! I’m going to lose something! But gorgeous souls, what if it’s simply just time to lose what holds us back and stops us from stepping into our power as royalty in our own lives? 😀 Here you’ll see what you need to lose so that you can WIN!

Fan of Game of thrones? The best resource on the net is WikiOfThrones so make sure you check it out for more inspo for your tarot practice! 🥰

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! 🥰

With love, light and victory!



Practical Magic Tarot Spread

Hey Gorgeous souls!

Ok, here’s a classic.

Can you believe that out of all the pop culture tarot spreads I’ve made over the years I have never done a spread on one of the most iconic witchy movies EVER MADE Practical Magic?!

This is one of those movies that lives in the hearts of all witches!

I watched this not too long ago and I had actually forgotten how absolutely heart wrenching it is! So if you’ve never seen it, or if you’re watching it again for the first time in a long time, please take your tissues, extra large cups of tea, get real cosy and make sure you have a cat near by for extra pats! A black cat is ideal, but any works. 😅

Practical Magic reminds us of our power. It helps us to remember that we have so much power as witches and magic makers, but it also reminds us that life is messy and complicated and that no matter how powerful we are, we don’t always get what we want.

But, the power of a witch is not always in getting what she wants, it’s in how she lives her life, how she navigates challenges and how she shows up again and again, believing in magic, believing in herself and of course, believing in love.

Now go put that kettle on because we’re about to sling some cards!

here’s your card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel cards, playing cards, whatever you’ve got it’s all good! You can even use these card reading prompts as journal prompts or questions to think on!

1. How to reclaim your power as a witch

Perhaps you’ve already claimed your power, good for you! But even so, this card will show you how to keep on reclaiming it day after day! New witch?! YAY! WELCOME TO THE COVEN! This card will help you claim your power!

2. How to awaken your magic

Sometimes it’s easy to forget just how powerful we are. This card will show you how to remember!

3. Your magic gifts and abilities

Here you’ll see what gifts or abilities relating to your magic are working within you or waiting to!

4. what spell to cast now

Spells can be done at the altar using candles and herbs, or they can simply be words spoken out loud, written down or even just wishes blown into a cup of tea. Here you’ll find some inspiration for a spell you can cast right now.

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! 🥰

With love and big cups of lavender tea,



Gilmore girls Tarot Spread

Hey Gorgeous souls!

It has been an aggggeeeee since I made a tarot spread for the blog! 😮

I have so many ideas for these but other things always seem more important so they get left at the bottom of the to do list!

But a couple of weeks ago I got sick and started re-watching Gilmore girls and I am now so obsessed and working my way through the whole series again!

Loved it the first time, love it now. Although I honestly feel extra sad for Dean this time around, even though I’m team Jess. I don’t know, maybe I’m a little team Dean as well.

Ultimately though I AM TEAM LUKE! 😍😍😍

Who’s team are you on?! Let me know in the comments! No one EVER comments on blog posts anymore (at least not mine!) so please do comment and let me know, promise I will read it and reply!

I couldn’t stop thinking about Gilmore girls once I started re-watching and I felt super inspired to make and share this spread!

Gilmore girls really is the ultimate cosy show. It’s so easy to watch, even though there’s a LOTALOT of relationship drama. I could honestly just curl up and watch it all day long!

I’m still only at the start of season 2 which feels like perfect timing as we are heading into autumn here in Australia! Cups of tea (maybe a decaf coffee!), cookies and Gilmore girls are going to get me through the cooler months!!

And now enough rambling, here’s your card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel cards, playing cards, whatever you’ve got it’s all good! You can even use these card reading prompts as journal prompts or questions to think on!

1. Who’s always got your back

Who’s the Lorelei to your Rory? This card may show you a person, a guide or angel or something else in your life that can support you.

2. How to navigate difficult relationships

Gilmore girls is full of relationship challenges. If you have your own Emily Gilmore or are struggling with a Dean/Jess situation, falling for the girl who always comes in for coffee but never seems to be available, this card will help you navigate things with a bit more ease.

3. how to make your big dreams come true

Whether you want to open your own inn, get into Harvard or Yale or have some other big (or even a little smaller!) dream, here you’ll get a message about how to make it happen!

4. How to support your community

Hopefully this does not involve making a basket of picnic foods so that some guys can bid on it and you in a weird auction in the town square. But giving back to the community is a great way to feel like you’re part of something, to help others and of course, when we support our communities, they always support us too!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! 🥰

With love and hot cups of coffee,



New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra Tarot Spread

Welcome to Eclipse Season Gorgeous Souls!

Looking for the Eclipse Season spread?! It’s a goody! Click here!

Eclipses add a bit of extra juice to our new and full moons.

Okay, who am I kidding?! Eclipses don’t just add a bit of juice, they add a whole bottle of vodka!

During eclipse season my Instagram feed is often filled with fear mongering and I’m not into it. This is a good time to unfollow accounts that share eclipse info that’s on the dramatic side. Eclipses are GREAT for clearing anything out of your life that is not in alignment, and that can start with astrology accounts that create drama on your feed! 😅

Sure, eclipses can be a bit full on, but they are AMAZING for spiritual growth, personal growth and getting you on your best and highest path!

Eclipse season is a little stormy, but storms are COOL and exciting, AS LONG as you are prepared for them!

This is time to bunker down with your journal, tarot or oracle cards, pets, loved ones, fave TV shows, creative projects, good books, cups of tea and get yourself in a good place.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra may show us pretty clearly where we are out of balance. Libra is all about alignment, and this eclipse wants to shine light on where we’re NOT aligned to our best and highest path. That can be uncomfortable to see, but like any shadow work, the uncomfortable path is so often the path we need to take before breaking free from what’s keeping us stuck, preventing us living our highest truth.

During the storm of this eclipse (and eclipse season!) we need something to hold onto. We need to find our centre and stay grounded.

Storms can bring destruction, true. But like the Tower card in the tarot, eclipses are all about enlightenment. They can bring down what’s not working, what’s not in alignment, what’s done and finished. They can remove all the BS so we can see our own lives, paths and purpose with more clarity.

And all that rain? Well, how can we grow without it?!

While new moons are always great times to do manifestation work, eclipse energy is a little chaotic and uncertain. It’s generally considered a better idea to manifest during calm waters. Instead of focusing on manifesting this new moon, focus on your own spiritual practices, on grounding, aligning and staying balanced within yourself so you can hold steady, and be a rock for those around you who may really need it right now.

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. What is out of balance

2. how to find center in the storm

3. what will be washed away

4. what will grow

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and holding steady,



Ken Tarot or Oracle Spread

Activate your Kenergy and join me and Ken in some seriously cool card reading!

When I made my Barbie Spread I was a little on the fence about it. A few other great tarot accounts had already made some Barbie themed tarot spreads and I felt like maybe I had missed the boat on the whole mystical Barbie thing.

As a New Age Hipster I like to be ahead of the curve. Or probably more what I do is just create my own curve and wonder where everyone else went, but I digress!

But, because New Age Hipster has always been about pop culture tarot, modern spirituality and making mystic shizzle FUN (as well as seriously doing the work on yourself obvs) I decided to make one anyway!

And then it basically went VIRAL.

Actually, I don’t know if I can define it as viral, what is the definition of viral anyway? But it went viral compared to anything else I’ve ever posted EVER.

As of writing (September 2023) my Barbie spread has 6498 likes on Insta. I mean, HI BARBIE!!

Ken still has less than 200 but I guess this is the whole point right? Even though Ken is played by Ryan Gosling (who would play my husband in a movie about our love and I would play myself of course and the kissing would just be “acting” wow I am getting off track here…), Ken is still living in Barbie’s shadow.

But hey, we have ALL been there at times, right? We’ve all had an unrequited love, we’ve all lost ourselves in a relationship, we’ve all tried to find ourselves in a material girl world!

Most of us haven’t tried to take over Barbieland with horses, beer and patriarchy though and as we have all learned from the Barbie Movie, this is not the answer!

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. What you long for

2. How to invoke your kenergy

3. how to be kenough

4. How to find yourself

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and Ken dolls,



Barbie Tarot Spread

Unless you’ve been living under a Mojo Dojo Casa House you’ve probably noticed that Barbie has a movie out.

One of the most divisive movies of all time, the Barbie movie tells the story of Barbie and Barbies and Ken and Kens and Barbieland and the Real World and you know, I didn’t think I was going to get super emotional in a movie about Barbie, but I totally did!

It hit hard in all the right ways, from Barbie having an existential crisis to weird barbie (what happens when you play with them too hard) being the High Priestess of the whole place (I think Barbie the movie as the tarot deserves an entire blog post at some point to be honest!) to Ken thinking patriarchy is about horses and doing a killer dance battle with the other Kens at the end.

I loved playing with Barbies as a kid and although I recognise that there are plenty of problematic things about her (hello we are not all skinny, blonde, tanned astronauts!) this movie really got me in all the good places.

Barbie is such a huge part of pop culture and whether we like it or not, she continues to influence us all in many ways, and as a tarot reader, of course she was going to influence me to make a tarot spread exploring some of the issues raised in the movie!

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. Your existential crisis

2. Advice from weird barbie

3. systems to change

4. How to take power back

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and playing Barbies



Everything Everywhere All At Once Tarot Spread

Everything Everywhere All At Once is a must see movie for those on the spiritual path. Especially if you have an interest in free will and alternate timelines.

The movie follows Evelyn Wang as she journeys through various parallel realities, or “timelines” as we often call them in spiritual circles.

Offering a lot of food for thought, Everything Everywhere All At Once explores the idea of being able to tap into these alternate lives and “download” abilities, traits, memories or experiences. We often do this with past life work. While we usually focus on releasing and healing, we can also call back the power, gifts and talents we once had. So why not do the same thing with our parallel lives? :D

To journey into another timeline

Take some time to get into a meditative and relaxed state.

Think about a decision you made in the past, it could be recent or a long time ago, something big or small - a job you didn’t take, a partner you split from, or what you had for dinner last night.

In your mind’s eye see things playing out a different way and follow that timeline to where you would be now if that different choice had been made.

Look for the blessings, lessons and gifts from that timeline, that version of events. Notice what abilities or skills this version of you was able to cultivate.

See these gifts and abilities being transferred to you in the here and now, and if the parallel life version of you needs something you have, pass it on to them too.

The ultimate message of Everything Everywhere All At Once is up to the viewer of course, but for me it was a reminder that although there may be thousands, millions, infinite Vixs running around, nothing really beats just being here now.

Have you seen Everything Everywhere All At Once? What did you think? Have you tried tapping into alternate timelines and parallel lives? Let me know in the comments or let’s chat on socials! :)

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. Why you’re in this current timeline

2. What you’re doing in another timeline

3. Other timeline abilities to activate

4. How to find joy in taxes and laundry

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and traversing timelines,



Xanadu Tarot Spread


Xanadu is one of the greatest movies of all time.

It came out the year I was born and I honestly can’t imagine a world in which Xanadu didn’t exist.

This is the movie that taught me to believe in magic, to believe in myself and to believe that I could make my own dreams come true.

Xanadu is a story about following your dreams. On roller skates. With Greek muses by your side and an ElO soundtrack. What could be better than that?

I’ve seen Xanadu countless times. As a child I listened to the vinyl on repeat - repeat as in turning the record over continuously. I choreographed dances to all the songs in my living room, and on Saturdays I got my dad to move the car out of the garage so I could practice my skating while I listened to my Xanadu cassette tape that was recorded off the vinyl. There really is nothing like the sound of a tape played out of an 80s tape player that was recorded off a scratchy record. Ah, those were the days!

I saw Xanadu on the big screen for the first time 9 years ago at the Prince Charles Cinema in London. It was incredible.

Olivia Newton John passed away just a few weeks ago and of course, I watched it again. And I cried. I cried at the start when all the muses take off to go and do their lightwork on the planet and help the souls who need them. I cried at the end when all the muses went back to Mount Helicon. I cried because it’s such an incredible creative piece of genius, and Olivia Newton John was such an incredible Lightworker who was really was a muse as an inspiration to so many of us in so many ways.

Olivia Newton John Forever

And sure, it’s a movie that some people didn’t like.

Honestly, if you don’t like Xanadu, I think maybe you just don’t get xanadu.

Or maybe you’re just from a different soul group. *Shrug!

I really do believe that part of the reason we resonate so deeply with certain movies or bands or musicians or authors or other creative work is because the creators are a part of our soul group, sent here to help inspire those of us who are on that frequency to do what we came here to do.

Watching Xanadu is like opening a portal into magic and dreams and believing in miracles.

It’s pure magic and pure heart. I’ve never been able to find out much info about the writers Richard Christian Danus and Marc Reid Rubel. They don’t even have Wikipedia pages! But whoever they are, I have no doubt that they were channelling something magical AF when they came up with Xanadu.

One of the things I love most about this movie is that they just went for it. They didn’t hold back. They didn’t try to make this movie normal, or cool, or like every other movie that was out and popular. They did something different and just fully committed to the magic and made it as fun, quirky and wonderful as they wanted it to be.

And while the critics will say whatever they want about this movie and every other piece of art in the world. I just say WOW! Imagine creating something as incredible as Xanadu. Imagine knowing you inspired millions of people to take up roller skating and to go and make their own dreams come true.

And honestly, the lightcodes that will download into your heart and mind when you watch Xanadu will get you vibing so high, get you on your highest path and stay with you forever.

And now for a card reading spread!

As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. Your big dream

2. Your muse

3. How to make it happen

4. How to be someone else’s muse

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and believing in magic,



Heartstopper Tarot Spread

If you’re not reading the graphic novels or watching Heartstopper on Netflix is your heart even still beating?!

Heartstopper is one of the most wonderful stories I have ever seen or read. It is captures all the first moments of first love in such an honest, raw and beautiful way.

Sure to become an LGBTQIA+ classic and a must watch for all allies, those questioning their sexuality and especially, hopefully, those who need a little reminder that love is love.

I binged the Netflix series based on the graphic novel, originally a webcomic by Alice Oseman last week and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Half way through my binge I bought the first book!

Heartstopper was massive in the UK way before the series came out (when I should have read it but didn’t because sometimes I have to be told to read something eight million times and then see it on Netflix first), but now it’s getting even more of the recognition it deserves and it SO deserves it all!

Heartstopper is not just a story about love, it’s a story about working out who you really are, sharing your truth and heart with those you care about most and not being afraid to own your awesomeness and uniqueness in whatever way feels right and safe for you to do so.

It really is one of the most beautiful love stories ever told!

If you haven’t seen it or read it, go check it out immediately!

Now, let’s pull some cards and figure out how we can all be as awesome as the characters in Heartstopper!

You can use any cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, or if you don’t have a deck you can always use the questions as journal prompts!

1. Truth of who you really are

Here you’ll get some insight into the truth of who you really are. This may be something you are already sharing with the world loud and proud, something you are yet to fully own, or something that you’re struggling with.

2. who has your back no matter what

One of the most beautiful things about Heartstopper is the friendships. Everyone has someone who has their back. This card will show you who has yours. It may represent someone you know, your spirit guides, angels, ancestors, the universe, yourself, or something else. But whatever shows up here, know that someone has your back no matter what!

3. how to feel safe in the world

It’s a nice idea to think that we can all come out of the closet, or the broom closet, whatever closet we’re in, and feel totally safe and supported. In reality it’s not always safe to tell unsafe people who we really are, or to share things we know aren’t going to be received with love. Here you’ll get some insight into what you need to do to feel safe to be who you are.

4. How to tell the world who you are

Here you’ll find some guidance on how to share your truth, light and heart with the world. This could be about sharing some big truth with the world that you’ve been keeping to yourself, or simply some guidance on how to shine brighter and let the world see your radiance!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and being true to you,



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