Heartstopper Tarot Spread
If you’re not reading the graphic novels or watching Heartstopper on Netflix is your heart even still beating?!
Heartstopper is one of the most wonderful stories I have ever seen or read. It is captures all the first moments of first love in such an honest, raw and beautiful way.
Sure to become an LGBTQIA+ classic and a must watch for all allies, those questioning their sexuality and especially, hopefully, those who need a little reminder that love is love.
I binged the Netflix series based on the graphic novel, originally a webcomic by Alice Oseman last week and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Half way through my binge I bought the first book!
Heartstopper was massive in the UK way before the series came out (when I should have read it but didn’t because sometimes I have to be told to read something eight million times and then see it on Netflix first), but now it’s getting even more of the recognition it deserves and it SO deserves it all!
Heartstopper is not just a story about love, it’s a story about working out who you really are, sharing your truth and heart with those you care about most and not being afraid to own your awesomeness and uniqueness in whatever way feels right and safe for you to do so.
It really is one of the most beautiful love stories ever told!
If you haven’t seen it or read it, go check it out immediately!
Now, let’s pull some cards and figure out how we can all be as awesome as the characters in Heartstopper!
You can use any cards - tarot, oracle, angel, whatever you have, or if you don’t have a deck you can always use the questions as journal prompts!
1. Truth of who you really are
Here you’ll get some insight into the truth of who you really are. This may be something you are already sharing with the world loud and proud, something you are yet to fully own, or something that you’re struggling with.
2. who has your back no matter what
One of the most beautiful things about Heartstopper is the friendships. Everyone has someone who has their back. This card will show you who has yours. It may represent someone you know, your spirit guides, angels, ancestors, the universe, yourself, or something else. But whatever shows up here, know that someone has your back no matter what!
3. how to feel safe in the world
It’s a nice idea to think that we can all come out of the closet, or the broom closet, whatever closet we’re in, and feel totally safe and supported. In reality it’s not always safe to tell unsafe people who we really are, or to share things we know aren’t going to be received with love. Here you’ll get some insight into what you need to do to feel safe to be who you are.
4. How to tell the world who you are
Here you’ll find some guidance on how to share your truth, light and heart with the world. This could be about sharing some big truth with the world that you’ve been keeping to yourself, or simply some guidance on how to shine brighter and let the world see your radiance!
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and being true to you,