Imbolc Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas
Imbolc vibezz
Imbolc blessings gorgeous souls!
Imbolc is the pagan fire festival celebrated halfway between winter solstice and the spring equinox.
Saint Brigid is associated with this festival as she is the pagan goddess of fire, growth, new beginnings and spring.
Celebrated on the 1st of February in the northern hemisphere and the 1st of August in the southern hemisphere, this is the time of year when those of us who live in frosty places start to notice the longer days and some signs that spring is in the air.
In the UK where I used to live, the snowdrops and daffodils would often appear around Imbolc. Here in the colder part of Australia where I now live, I’m seeing spiders appearing in the bathroom again. A sure sign that spring is on the way! :P
As a festival of renewal, Imbolc is the perfect time for some spring cleaning, whether that’s literal or spiritual.
Whatever you’ve been using to keep you warm all winter is no longer needed and it’s time to let go, release, burn away the old and start looking towards the newness of spring and summer.
Light those candles and call in Saint Brigid!
Looking for some Imbolc rituals?
As always, you can celebrate Imbolc or any of the sabbats however you like. But here are some ideas that may be useful in helping you develop your own rituals.
Fire rituals
Write down everything you want to let go of and not carry with you in the next season. Light the paper and watch it all burn while you hold the intention to let it all go.
Spring cleaning and Decluttering
While it may not sound very spiritual, nothing shifts and clears energy like a good clean out. Declutter your wardrobes and drawers. Donate anything you’re no longer using. Get a little Marie Kondo or go full on minimalist and let go of all the “stuff” that’s holding you down.
update your Altar
This is a fantastic time to shake up your altar, or if you don’t have one, a perfect time to create one! There’s lots of details about how to do this in my book Witch, Please. Get creative, change things around, add some spring flowers and an image of Saint Brigid. Oh, and don’t forget to light some candles of course!
Cleansing spells
Cleansing or banishing spells will work well at this time of year. There are many ways to do a cleansing spell, but I like to take a white candle, dress it with any cleansing oil (something like sage, rosemary, pine, eucalyptus or mint works well!) and light it with the intention that I am clear and cleansed in all directions. Let it burn down and then dispose of the remaining wax immediately.
As part of your ritual you may like to work with this tarot or oracle spread!
Pour yourself a cup of spicy cinnamon tea and grab your deck. You can use any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.
1. lessons from the depths of winter
2. what to cleanse and burn away
3. How to prepare for the spring
4. what to look ahead to
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and Imolc blessings,