Lammas Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Lammas Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas

Harvest ready.

Lammas blessings gorgeous souls!

Lammas is the pagan harvest festival celebrated between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox.

As a harvest festival Lammas is all about celebrating your abundance, sharing the wealth, honouring your inner and outer growth and enjoying the last little bit of summer before the weather turns towards cooler days.

It’s a time to reap what you’ve sown, to recognise and celebrate all your success, to take stock of how far you’ve come and to be mighty darn proud of yourself too!

We don’t often give ourselves the credit we deserve, and Lammas is a perfect time to sit down, count our blessings, look at our growth over the last season and really claim and activate that within us.

Celebrated on the 1st of August in the northern hemisphere and the 1st of February in the southern hemisphere, Lammas is a festival of joy and abundance to recognise and celebrate all the good things in your life.

Lammas mood.

Looking for some Lammas rituals?

As always, you can celebrate Lammas or any of the sabbats however you like. But here are some ideas that may be useful in helping you develop your own rituals.


Gratitude rituals are a fantastic way to “harvest” all the good in your life. Take some time to write down everything you’re grateful for. Start a new gratitude journal or jar (where you pop a little gratitude in every day). You can even make a gratitude board in the same way you’d create a vision board, but instead of adding images of what you want, add what you’re grateful for. Gratitude is such a powerful spiritual practice and always helps you open up to even more.

Abundance and prosperity spells

Any abundance or prosperity spells will be more potent at this time. Be sure to do this after you’ve already done some gratitude work and you’ll be amazed at the results. Your spells can be as simple as just writing down what you want, saying it out loud to the universe or doing a candle spell with some gorgeous abundance oils like cinnamon, chamomile or basil.

Serving others

While it’s wonderful to revel in all you have and all you’ve achieved, it’s even more fun to share all you have with others. Perhaps you can donate some time, items or money to a charity, or maybe you can help someone in need in your own family, friendship circle or community. Giving back not only helps others, it also expands your radiance and your ability to drawn more good to you.

Being present

Take some time this Lammas to meditate on the present moment. Find the joy in the here and now.

As part of your ritual you may like to work with this tarot or oracle spread!

Pour yourself a cup of ice tea and grab your deck. You can use any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. What has grown

2. What is ready to harvest

3. What to keep and be grateful for

4. How to enjoy the fruits of your labour

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and Lammas blessings,



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