New Mercury Retrograde Tarot Spread — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


New Mercury Retrograde Tarot Spread

Mercury Retrograde Spread

Happy Mercury Retrograde gorgeous souls!

And yes, I do mean that!

We live in a fast paced world where we hustle and grind ourselves into the ground on a daily basis.

While Mercury Retrograde can put a spanner in the works, it also helps us to ease off the gas pedal, review what we’ve been doing with our energy and our life.

It’s a time to withdraw, go within, do some of that inner work, think about what you really want for your life moving forward and without the opportunity to do that, we can spend our whole lives hustling for we don’t even know what!

In my experience bitching and moaning at the planets doesn’t make anything easier. Letting yourself go with the flow, following the call of Mercury when it asks us to slow down and think about things, there is big magic in this!

So my lovelies, pick up a deck (tarot, oracle or whatever you have to hand) and take some time to slow down, go within and consider what’s in alignment with your life and what isn’t any more…

1. The energy you bring to this MR

This card will tell you where you are at as you move into this Mercury Retrograde. This is a chance to identify if you’re bringing some negative vibes in which could be transmuted into something more positive, or it will let you know you are ready to do the work!

2. How MR will potentially affect you

I say potentially here because we always have the power to change how we see things. If this card comes up negative you have the power to change it!

3. Inner work that needs doing

MR is a great time to focus on going within. Let this card show you what you most need to focus on at this time.

4. How to rest + slow down

How can you rest and slow down, not just during MR but in life in general?

5. What to re-evaluate

This card will show you what you need to re-evaluate in your life right now.

6. What to re-think

A chance here to see what you may to re-think. Sometimes our goals and dreams are no longer in alignment and this card can give us some insight into that.

7. How to navigate through this time with ease + grace

And here’s a message for you about how you can best move through this time with as much ease and grace as is possible. x

If you find this spread useful please feel free to tag me over on Instagram and check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without!

With so much love, light and Mercury Retrograde blessings,



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