New Year Tarot or Oracle Spread — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


New Year Tarot or Oracle Spread

New Year Tarot Spread New Age Hipster

Happy new year gorgeous souls!

In spiritual circles we often put a lot of emphasis on the solstice as the point of transition in the year. Or if you’re witchy you might feel like Samhain or Halloween is your new year!

But we can’t deny the power of the collective energy around the new year!

I created this spread to help you move into the new year with zero anxiety, resolutions or pressure. This spread is all about helping you to see where you’re at as you move into the new year, connect in with some of your dreams and desires and get some guidance on how you can live your purpose and best and highest life in this new year!

You can use any deck you have, tarot, oracle, angel, whatever!

And if you stumble upon this spread and it’s not the new year, there’s no reason you can’t do it anytime at all to help you on your path!

If you dig this spread come on over to Instagram and tag me in your pics so I can blow you some new year blessings!

And if you’re looking for more spreads check out my free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without!

OK, grab your deck and your journal and let’s do this! :D

1. What you bring into this new year

This card shows you where you’re at as you move into the new year. What gifts, knowledge, strength or other awesomeness are you bringing with you? What is the foundation you’re going to build this new year on?

2. Lessons from the last year

What have you learned? What soul growth has occurred? Own your learning, own your growth and use it as a stepping stone to move forward on your journey!

3. Blessings from the last year

What has blessed you in the last 12 months? When we count our blessings it makes it easier for more of them to appear.

4. Word or theme for this new year

This card can help you see what one of the main themes will be for this year. If you want to you can choose this card from the deck yourself!

5. Your true dreams and desires for this year

Here you’ll get some insight into what you really want for the next year. It’s easy to get off track and think we want what everyone else wants. What do you really want?

6. How to manifest these into being

And this is a message for you about how to start to manifesting some of these true desires and dreams!

7. A message from your higher self

Your higher self is the soul self, the part of you that travels through lifetimes, dimensions and realms. Here you’ll receive a message from this part of you.

8. How to align with your life purpose this year

What do you need to do to make sure you’re living in alignment with who you really are and what you came here to do?

9. How to live your best and highest life this year

It’s all about living your best and highest life! This card will give you some messages about how to live in that energy as much as you can this year!

With so much love, light and happy new year!



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