Guardian Angel's name — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Guardian Angel's name

Guardian Angels

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue + Radleigh Valentine It seems like everyone is talking about Guardian Angels right now. I think I've had more conversations about them in the last week than I have all year! I think that when something comes into your awareness this crazy obviously it’s kind of a sign. So here I am, sharing my thoughts about Guardian Angels!


What are Guardian Angels?

You have your Guardian Angel from the moment you are born, I think even before! This is an angel that stays with you for your entire life. Other angels and guides may come and go depending on what you you need and what energies you could most benefit from working with, but your Guardian Angel is with you all the way. They know you better than anyone, I mean imagine how close you are with your friends from school who you've known for years and years,  now times that by a billion because your angel hasn't only known you for your whole life, they have no ego and have never bitched about you to someone or dated your high school crush or gone to a concert without you.

Even if you don’t talk to them regularly, or at all, this angel has your back 100%. However, they respect your free will so they can’t intervene with your life unless a) you are about to die before your time, or b) you ask them to.

You have at least one Guardian Angel, but you can totally have more. I really don’t think it matters how many you have, or why some people have more than one. There are so many other angels you can call on to build your Angelic team so if you think you want to have like at least four with you at all times, you can make that happen - but more about other angels later!


Sensing Guardian Angels

Your Guardian Angel stands at your right shoulder (I wonder if they stand on your left if you’re a leftie?). See if you feel anything at your shoulder right now while you are reading this. I’m feeling just like really aware of that side of my body, almost like that feeling you get when someone is standing behind you, but not in a creepy way! Someone you actually like!

You might feel shivers or goosebumps when you connect with your Angel. You might get really hot or really cold. Whatever you feel should feel good in some way and should make you feel like your vibe is getting higher. Angels are a high vibe helpful love energy and wouldn’t want to scare you. If you get freaked out just stop for now. You can always try to connect again when you feel more in the angel zone.


How to connect with your Angels

So we've focused on our shoulder to see what we feel, now we’re going to talk to our Angel! It’s so easy, all you have to do is say - “Hi, Guardian Angel? Do you wanna hang out?” or your version of this! You can do this anywhere at anytime, after all, they are always with you! But ideally you’ll find a nice quiet place to chat to them the first time. Maybe after a meditation, before bed, any quiet time you can find. You might want to light some candles or even listen to some Angelic harp music to help set the mood!

All sorts of things may happen next. You might hear a voice - and you might hear this as your own inner voice, so don’t be surprised if it comes from within you rather than a booming outside voice. You might feel tingly or even feel a breeze, you may get the sensation of angel wings surrounding you and giving you a hug! You might just burst into tears.

Or you might feel nothing. If you feel nothing don’t give up! There are things you can do to make the connection clearer.

<3 burn oils - frankincense, lavender, whatever you have on hand.

<3 burn incense - you can get some specifically for connecting to your Guardian Angel and I really think it help!

<3 use crystals - hold a celestite or angelite crystal, or even a clear quartz would do!

<3 get a deck of angel oracle cards and give those a go!


Your Guardian Angel’s name

Once you've established some kind of connection you can go ahead and ask your angel for it’s name. Whatever you hear or feel is the right name. Don’t be disappointed if your angel ends up being called Sarah or John. They give you whatever name is going to be best for you to use to call on them. It’s not actually even important what you call them, giving them a name is simply like getting their phone number. Instead of calling the Guardian Angel receptionist you can call their direct line by using their name.

If you don’t hear or get a name, don’t worry. Start paying attention to signs and names that seem to come up all the time. For example you might meet three people in one day called Simon and then walk past a sign for something something Simon. You might hear a song on the radio and the name Amanda suddenly pops out to you. A sign is a only a sign if it grabs your attention and makes you feel something, pay attention to them!


How can you work with your Guardian Angel?

Some people like to talk to their Angel about every little thing and become serious besties. Other people call on them a couple times a day - usually when they need help or are worried about stuff. The thing is though, once you’ve connected you can talk to them any time. Now you have them on speed dial you can chat away when you are in the car, the shower, in your head while you’re at work or in the bathroom! Anytime, anywhere and about anything.

I call on my Guardian Angels every morning in the shower. I thank them for being with me and I ask them to keep me safe. If there is something I’m worried or anxious about I’ll tell them. Guys, I’m anxious today about finding my way to this new place I have to go to. Please help me get there OK. Angels, I’m really worried about this job interview, please guide me through it. I have to do this presentation this afternoon, please stand behind me and give me a boost of confidence, let me know you are there... Get it?

They are also great to call on when you are having a complete melt down. Ever been dumped? Had something really terrible happen? It might be the last thing you want to do to call on an Angel, I mean how did they let this happen to you?! But it can be good just to know they are there and you're not alone. You can totally yell at them too. They don’t mind that. Your angel has no ego and so won’t hold it against you. They can see you are hurting and will hold the space for you to scream, shout, hurt and heal. Angel energy is very peaceful so you will find it will help calm you in very stressful situations.

Think of your Guardian Angel like the best friend who never gets tired of hearing about your crap and doesn’t have anything else to do except answer the phone. They just want you to tell them once in a while that you are grateful and thank them for their help. It’s their job to look after you, but they also want you to raise your vibe by speaking more positively about yourself and your life!


This is just the tip of the Guardian Angel iceberg, and when you start talking to them and working with them you will go on your own amazing journey, safely supported and guided by these amazing Angelic beings who want nothing more than for us to have an awesome, safe, happy and productive time here!

It would be awesome to chat with you in the comments or on social media about your own experiences with your Guardian Angels! I'd love to know your stories!

<3 Love, light and Angelic good vibes <3

