guardian angels — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


guardian angels

Guardian Angels

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue + Radleigh Valentine It seems like everyone is talking about Guardian Angels right now. I think I've had more conversations about them in the last week than I have all year! I think that when something comes into your awareness this crazy obviously it’s kind of a sign. So here I am, sharing my thoughts about Guardian Angels!


What are Guardian Angels?

You have your Guardian Angel from the moment you are born, I think even before! This is an angel that stays with you for your entire life. Other angels and guides may come and go depending on what you you need and what energies you could most benefit from working with, but your Guardian Angel is with you all the way. They know you better than anyone, I mean imagine how close you are with your friends from school who you've known for years and years,  now times that by a billion because your angel hasn't only known you for your whole life, they have no ego and have never bitched about you to someone or dated your high school crush or gone to a concert without you.

Even if you don’t talk to them regularly, or at all, this angel has your back 100%. However, they respect your free will so they can’t intervene with your life unless a) you are about to die before your time, or b) you ask them to.

You have at least one Guardian Angel, but you can totally have more. I really don’t think it matters how many you have, or why some people have more than one. There are so many other angels you can call on to build your Angelic team so if you think you want to have like at least four with you at all times, you can make that happen - but more about other angels later!


Sensing Guardian Angels

Your Guardian Angel stands at your right shoulder (I wonder if they stand on your left if you’re a leftie?). See if you feel anything at your shoulder right now while you are reading this. I’m feeling just like really aware of that side of my body, almost like that feeling you get when someone is standing behind you, but not in a creepy way! Someone you actually like!

You might feel shivers or goosebumps when you connect with your Angel. You might get really hot or really cold. Whatever you feel should feel good in some way and should make you feel like your vibe is getting higher. Angels are a high vibe helpful love energy and wouldn’t want to scare you. If you get freaked out just stop for now. You can always try to connect again when you feel more in the angel zone.


How to connect with your Angels

So we've focused on our shoulder to see what we feel, now we’re going to talk to our Angel! It’s so easy, all you have to do is say - “Hi, Guardian Angel? Do you wanna hang out?” or your version of this! You can do this anywhere at anytime, after all, they are always with you! But ideally you’ll find a nice quiet place to chat to them the first time. Maybe after a meditation, before bed, any quiet time you can find. You might want to light some candles or even listen to some Angelic harp music to help set the mood!

All sorts of things may happen next. You might hear a voice - and you might hear this as your own inner voice, so don’t be surprised if it comes from within you rather than a booming outside voice. You might feel tingly or even feel a breeze, you may get the sensation of angel wings surrounding you and giving you a hug! You might just burst into tears.

Or you might feel nothing. If you feel nothing don’t give up! There are things you can do to make the connection clearer.

<3 burn oils - frankincense, lavender, whatever you have on hand.

<3 burn incense - you can get some specifically for connecting to your Guardian Angel and I really think it help!

<3 use crystals - hold a celestite or angelite crystal, or even a clear quartz would do!

<3 get a deck of angel oracle cards and give those a go!


Your Guardian Angel’s name

Once you've established some kind of connection you can go ahead and ask your angel for it’s name. Whatever you hear or feel is the right name. Don’t be disappointed if your angel ends up being called Sarah or John. They give you whatever name is going to be best for you to use to call on them. It’s not actually even important what you call them, giving them a name is simply like getting their phone number. Instead of calling the Guardian Angel receptionist you can call their direct line by using their name.

If you don’t hear or get a name, don’t worry. Start paying attention to signs and names that seem to come up all the time. For example you might meet three people in one day called Simon and then walk past a sign for something something Simon. You might hear a song on the radio and the name Amanda suddenly pops out to you. A sign is a only a sign if it grabs your attention and makes you feel something, pay attention to them!


How can you work with your Guardian Angel?

Some people like to talk to their Angel about every little thing and become serious besties. Other people call on them a couple times a day - usually when they need help or are worried about stuff. The thing is though, once you’ve connected you can talk to them any time. Now you have them on speed dial you can chat away when you are in the car, the shower, in your head while you’re at work or in the bathroom! Anytime, anywhere and about anything.

I call on my Guardian Angels every morning in the shower. I thank them for being with me and I ask them to keep me safe. If there is something I’m worried or anxious about I’ll tell them. Guys, I’m anxious today about finding my way to this new place I have to go to. Please help me get there OK. Angels, I’m really worried about this job interview, please guide me through it. I have to do this presentation this afternoon, please stand behind me and give me a boost of confidence, let me know you are there... Get it?

They are also great to call on when you are having a complete melt down. Ever been dumped? Had something really terrible happen? It might be the last thing you want to do to call on an Angel, I mean how did they let this happen to you?! But it can be good just to know they are there and you're not alone. You can totally yell at them too. They don’t mind that. Your angel has no ego and so won’t hold it against you. They can see you are hurting and will hold the space for you to scream, shout, hurt and heal. Angel energy is very peaceful so you will find it will help calm you in very stressful situations.

Think of your Guardian Angel like the best friend who never gets tired of hearing about your crap and doesn’t have anything else to do except answer the phone. They just want you to tell them once in a while that you are grateful and thank them for their help. It’s their job to look after you, but they also want you to raise your vibe by speaking more positively about yourself and your life!


This is just the tip of the Guardian Angel iceberg, and when you start talking to them and working with them you will go on your own amazing journey, safely supported and guided by these amazing Angelic beings who want nothing more than for us to have an awesome, safe, happy and productive time here!

It would be awesome to chat with you in the comments or on social media about your own experiences with your Guardian Angels! I'd love to know your stories!

<3 Love, light and Angelic good vibes <3



What I know about Angels

What I know about Angels

So I've been going on about Angels for a while now but haven't really stopped to talk about what I really think about Angels. I thought it might be nice to sit down with a tea and tell you what I know about Angels...


1. Angels will get your attention when the time is right

Whether you've had your own spiritual thing going on for years, or you're just starting to ask the big questions, I believe that Angels will make themselves known to you when the time is right - perhaps it's even from reading this! Some people work with Angels when they are little kids, some people (like me!) only discover them later in life. It wasn't that I didn't believe in Angels, they just weren't resonating with me. Honestly, I always thought of them as like 'Christmas Tree Angels'. Something you sang about in Church and saw statues of, and although I thought they were kind of beautiful, I didn't really think that they had anything to do with my life. I don't even know what promoted me to do it, but one day while crystal shopping online I added a deck of Angel Oracle cards to my order, without thinking too much about it... and the rest, as they say, is history!

You may hear people talking about Angels, or start stumbling across blog posts like this one. You may see signs like walking past a shop that has Angel wings in the window, seeing white feathers by your feet, or anything else that reminds you of Angels.


2. Angels are energy

I'm going to say something that could be pretty controversial here so hold onto your hats! Angels are energy. Pretty awesome energy that you can call on for help, and energy you can build relationships with, but you know how everyone sees Angels as these like Renaissance dudes with wings? That's just how some artists around that time saw this energy. Many other people have seen angels and described them as lights and colours. So it goes that back in the days when all these amazing art works were being created people 'mistook' the light that this energy brought as 'wings'. Hey, whatever works for you guys. And I'm so glad they thought it was wings, because how cool do wings look?!

Where Angels come from nobody really knows. God, the Pleiades, Other star systems, Concious collective thought, or maybe we even create them ourselves. OH WHAT?! Stay with me... So for example, yesterday I had a headache. I called upon Archangel Raphael (the healing Angel) to heal my head. So what's really going on when that happens? I'm simply calling upon healing energy to help me right? Wherever that healing energy comes from is fine by me as long as it's from the light! I like to think of it as this cool hot human like glittery man leaning over me with his healing hands and bright white wings healing me because that's what works for me. But if you like to think of the healing Archangel Raphael energy coming from space, or God, or from with inside yourself, bloody go for it!


3. Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides might be one and the same

Some people have this whole tribe of Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, passed over loved ones and I don't even know who else all sorted out into perfect positions. A lot of people think that Spirit Guides and Angels are totally different, which they might be for you, and that's so cool. But for me I've got a Spirit Guide who appears to me with wings, and other one who is like this aqua blue colour, yeah, I dunno, I guess that's how he had to appear to me so I'd know who he was or something! Doreen Virtue talks about Earth Angels; Incarnated Angels who chose to come and have human lives, which is pretty cool, but if Angels can come to earth as humans, why can't Spirit Guides be part Angel too? Woah, mind blown!

I was meditating one day on this idea, after spending ages trying to work out who the heck were my Angels and who were my Guides and I got this message: 'Call me Angel, call me Guide, just call me'. It was just a message from the energy of those around me, collectively perhaps, but it worked for me. So now when I'm in the shower I just shout out a 'hi God, Guides, Angels and whoever else is with me from the light'!


4. Read books and blogs but go with your gut

There are so many Angel books out there and so many of them are AWESOME! I don't always totally resonate with everything I read about Angels, and I don't think I'm meant to. Each book written about Angels is about one person's ideas and experiences and all of us are going to experience Angels differently. You don't have to agree with what everyone says about Angels, or spirituality for that matter! Read and learn whatever and whoever you feel drawn to, but make sure to focus on spending time talking to the Angels yourself. Ask them to guide you to good information about them, Oracle Decks that will resonate with you and people you can talk to about them without feeling crazy. Journal, play with Angel cards and get to know them one on one, or one on however many you have in your camp!


5. When you follow their guidance things go better

When you get that little nudge to sign up for a course, talk to that person at work or stop drinking caffeine and you follow it, things get better. However this guidance comes to you - whether it's an Angelic whisper, a repetitive thought, hearing or seeing signs - if it feels good and it feels right (even if it feels scary or unusual!) that's your guidance right there. I was guided to write this blog post today. I could have gone downstairs to watch more episodes of Friends (OMG Friends is ALWAYS on!), but instead, I sat here and typed this. And maybe it's all just for you to get these messages! Or maybe it's because the Angels are just really bored of watching the whole Rachel/Ross thing... again.


I would love to know your thoughts on what I know about Angels and even share some of your own! Either below in the comments, or you are always welcome on Facebook where there is always someone to chat to about this stuff (usually me!). Also, sign up for the Newsletter below to make sure you don't miss any good stuff. I'm about to start a series of posts on different Archangels and how to work with them! But in the meantime, check out this post on Archangel Orion to keep your Angel cup full!

<3 I'm sending you so much love, light and Angelic Blessings! <3



Archangel Orion

The Archangel Orion card from Kyle Gray's Angel Prayers Oracle deck "Archangel Who?" I hear you ask. Archangel Orion is relatively new on the scene, he's pretty much the hipster angel. You know, the angel you were working with before he was mainstream? By starting to work with him today you'll have the chance in your next life to roll your eyes at everyone when they tell you about the "new" Archangel Orion. You can be like - "Oh please, seriously, I was working with him in my last life you guys..."

Anyway, this isn't a post about future lives, we're here today to talk about Archangel Orion. Just hold up a sec while we remember what angels actually are. Angels are light beings, right? I mean, let's face it, we don't totally know what they are, we just know that they are energy, really high vibe good helpful energy that you can call on to help you. When peeps saw angels way back in the olden days they mistook their light for wings. I'm not even joking, angels don't really have wings - OMG freak out! But then angels were like - OK, you think we have wings, we'll appear to you with wings so you know who we are!

I don't think about Archangel Orion as having wings, and if you do that's totally cool, like I said, they'll show themselves to you in any way that you'll understand them. But when I think of him I just see the stars, I see the entire Universe and I feel this Galactic kind of energy. If you are a star person or into star people stuff you might find that you gravitate (ha, see what I did there?!) towards this angel even more.

*Jaw drops!*

Orion hasn't been working with our planet long enough (that we know of!) to have conformed with our current idea of 'angels'. He's new here, and he brings with him the big picture. He resides high above this Renaissance angel stuff and takes us to whole other planets! In fact, since I've been working with him I've had this amazing dream about being on another planet. It kind of looked like Russia but the colours were just incredible and there was a huge moon on the horizon, and another one higher in the sky... This angel won't just show you how to get your tax return done, he'll show you the whole fucking universe.

Sorry about the language mum, I know you read this.

Archangel Orion is the angel of manifestation. He will help you manifest great things for your life, but not boring earthly stuff like a new TV or extra cash. I asked him this morning to help me manifest new tarot clients. He responded with - Why? Why do I want new clients? Uh, because I like reading tarot and I like paying the bills? I was then guided to answer this question:

What do you really want to do while you are here on this planet?

Uh, OK this was all happening as I was driving in rush hour so I was kind of like - Hrm. I got to thinking about the big stuff. The big WHY?The big WHAT?

It wasn't about getting new clients at all. It was about what I want to do on this planet while I'm here. Well, I want to help people, I want to be happy and make other people happy. I want to have enough money and time to travel and see the world. He then took me through loads of other questions, prompting me with - what do you want in relationships? What do you want for your family life? I have to tell you by the end of it I was feeling a serious amount of awe, for like, everything.

Archangel Orion will pick you up out of your body for a moment (is this a good idea in traffic AA Ori?) and show you the big picture. He will help you get clear on what you want, why you want what you think you want and help you manifest from a distance of clarity. He won't get you that holiday in the Bahamas because maybe he knows that you'll come back to your 9 to 5 and nothing will have changed. He doesn't want to help you to do that. He wants to help you to do the big stuff, and you can't do the big stuff while you're thinking about the small stuff.


So how can we connect with the big O?!

<3 Ask him to work with you. Ask him to help you manifest your desires (not manifest your desires for you!)

<3 Let him take you out of yourself and ask you the big questions

<3 Answer the big WHY and the big WHAT without focus on the little details. Don't tell him what job you think you want, just tell him how you want to help the world, and how you want to feel about it

<3 Light dark blue candles

<3 Play with crystals like dark blue sandstone or Peacock Ore or any other crystals you see that remind you of him, of the enormity of the universe

<3 Paint your fingernails dark blue with gold glitter

<3 Look at the stars and stand in awe

<3 Ask for him to take you to beautiful places and other planets in your dreams

<3 Consider your life in the grand scheme of things and ask yourself - does it really matter that I didn't finish that blog post tonight?

<3 Work with Kyle Gray's Oracle Deck that features Archangel Orion (and so many other great cards!) and meditate on his card, or just leave it out by your bedside as you sleep to bring his energy into your life

<3 Do anything else that makes you feel connected to the big picture, the Universe and your heart's true desires.


Please share your Archangel Orion experiences here in the comments or over on Facebook. He's such a new angel here and we will all benefit from sharing our knowledge and understanding of him so that many more of us can begin to live bigger and more meaningful lives! I know I'm just starting to work with him so I will be sharing any new info I get too!


<3 Love, light and starry skies <3




Weekly card reading - Guardian Angel Tarot - 24th to 30th November

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine This week I used the super cute marshmallow cloud deck by Doreen and Radleigh - the Guardian Angel Tarot. You can read my review of it on Silent Voices by clicking here!

Monday - Ace of Abundance

Be open to all that the Universe has to offer today. Mondays seriously suck for most of us, but if we look around some pretty cool things might be going on. Someone might tell you they like your shoes. A friend might buy your Starbucks. You might even win the lottery! Be open to receiving today. 

Tuesday - Healer of Abundance

Get creative! What creative stuff do you like doing? Writing, painting, dancing, journalling? Get creative today. It could even be a fun day to do something creative that you usually wouldn't do!

Wednesday - Ten of Action

Woah there tiger, take a well earned break! Don't forget to ask for help if you need it. Remember from Monday's card - help is all around you, just be open to it! If you are someone who is always listening to everyone else's problems call someone today and tell them yours. 

Thursday - Be Open to Success

Guys, don't ignore your guidance. You know that feeling, the one you've had before about some jerk and ignored and then later you say "I knew I shouldn't have dated that jerk!"? Don't ignore it! Listen to it and follow it!

Friday - Six of Abundance

WOOP! 3 Abundance cards! Yay! Accept all that the Universe is offering you right now. Be thankful. Don't brush off compliments and rewards, you deserve it baby!

Saturday - Eight of Action

A super busy Saturday! Make a to do list and get everything done so you can do something fun later. Or, if you are feeling just way too overwhelmed with life, sleep in and worry about it later.

Sunday - Seven of Emotion

Are you making life decisions based on what other people want? Urgh, that sounds lame. Do what you love, do what calls to you, but make sure you are doing it all for the right reasons. I mean don't take up some random career just to piss off your parents or something right? I love this card's text "Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choices that celebrates who you truly are."

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to get your daily version of the weekly reading and Facebook where all the fun happens. OK, I'm trying to make the fun happen there, but I need your help! Ha, look at me asking for help on a Monday! ;-)

Wishing you all a beautiful abundant week!

<3 Love and light! <3



The week ahead - Where are you going?!

A little late with the week ahead - please forgive me! But like I said on #Caturday whenever you see this post is whenever you are meant to see it, divine timing and all that. Anyway, to celebrate that I got my new Doreen Virtue Guardian Angel Tarot deck, that I just gave away a bunch of free readings and that I'm going to be studying with Doreen in London this week I'm using the new deck! This deck is so sweet and cute and vintage and glittery and I'll do a deck review on YouTube if people want that?! Just shout at me on Facebook about what you want to see on YouTube, and even on this blog!

This week I pulled the Six of Thought, which is based on the Six of Swords. It's the boat card, the water taxi, the asylum seekers, the looking for greener pastures card. It can be a metaphorical boat or literally that you are travelling across the sea... but what does it mean for us right now this week? It's not like we're all going on a cruise.

OK, so when I pulled it I got a real sense of knowing where we are going, or rather, making sure we do know where we are going. We have the boat, we have the oars, but do we know where the hell we are heading? It's time to get clear about the destination and this card and the Angels are telling us to really look at our maps this week. Are we heading in the right direction? Have we veered off course a little? Is our heart telling us to change direction but we're still sailing towards something else?

This week ask yourself these two questions:

<3 where are you heading?

<3 where do you want to be heading?

If you get the same answers to both questions you're on your way - keep on sailing sailor! But if you're drifting towards someplace else  get out your oars and start rowing!

You have the boat and you have the power to steer it in anyway you choose, so where are you rowing your boat to?

Don't know where the hell you are going? Well (prepare for shameless promotion!) I have posted a bunch of readings on my new Etsy store including the Life Purpose reading! Yay! It's NewAgeHipsterStore and it just opened yesterday! OMG Amazement! If there's nothing on there for you but you'd still like a reading just email me, I'm and we can discuss alternative options. And right now I'm offering 25% discount on any Angel readings with the code ANGELS so get angel-ing if you feel called to do so!

Sending love, light and good solid oars to all who pass this way,





#Caturday cat card - Knave (Page) of Wands + Giveaway winners!

Happy (late!) Caturday everyone! Now before you freak out that you are reading this on a Sunday or any other day for that matter - remember #Caturday is not just for Saturday! This post and card is for you for whenever you read it, just like everything else on this blog is.

I had soooo much trouble getting the #Caturday video done this week. I'm wondering if it's because I did it outside and there was some elemental (fairy?!) force at play screwing around with my tech. Those fairies sure are jokers! But I got it done eventually and in it I talk about the cat card for this week; the Knave (aka the Page) of Wands!

The kitty Knave of Wands is super sure of himself and totally confident in his life. He's confident at both work and at play. I love the pyramids in the Wands cards, they always make me think of adventure and this kitty remains confident even when he's in the middle of a desert in Egypt! Wow, way to be awesome out of your comfort zone kitty!

Is there something you've been wanting to do or sign up for that you haven't because you just aren't feeling that comfortable about it? A crazy new dance class? What about learning Old Norse? Joining a meet up group or just going out for dinner on your own? Whatever it is this kitty tells you - GO FOR IT! All you need to do is stand up straight and be confident, because you can do these things, and we all know that getting outside of your comfort zone is when truly awesome things happen.

For me doing these YouTube videos is so waaaaay out of my comfort zone, but I do really feel like I'm supposed to share this stuff and what better way is there to share a message than through the mighty power of YouTube?

The winners of the Guardian Angel Tarot giveaway! *Drum roll....* are: @Oracle_aimee, @annamichaelis21 and Maureen Ricketts! You guys will be getting a mini 3 card reading with the new Doreen deck! Whoop! I pulled a couple of runners up for a free one card reading and they are: @thetarotinitiate and @rhythm12! Email me, I'm for your prize and watch the video above if you want to see me literally pull your name out of a cat hat!

I will be doing lots of free readings as I get going with my business so keep an eye on the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.

In other news I'm going to be studying with the amazing Doreen Virtue this week at her London Angel Card Certification course! OMG SO MUCH EXCITE! To celebrate this I'm going to be opening my Etsy store with some super bargains on Angel readings so that I can raise enough money to pay for another angel course which I'm feeling guided to do! Can't. stop. doing. angel. courses... I'll let you all know everywhere when the shop is up! Hey, there's me getting out of my comfort zone again! Boom!

Love, light and late #Caturdays!


Guardian Angel Tarot Reading Giveaway!

My Guardian Angel Tarot cards - the brand new deck by Doreen Virtue - arrived today! It's really sweet and so cute and the images are adorable chintzy angel-y delights! To celebrate I'm giving away three mini-3 card readings with this deck! The readings will be a shorter version of one of my full 3 card readings which I'm nearly ready to unveil on my Etsy store. This reading will give you angelic insights into the past, present and possible future based on any question of your choice! This is a sweet soft deck and will work best for sensitive super cute people who love the angels, or are open to them being around.

When I'm a little more acquainted with this deck I'm going to do a video deck review + reading so watch this space!

To win a free mini-reading all you have to do is like newagehipster333 on Instagram and share this photo with a #newagehipster hashtag!

Winners will be announced on  #Caturday!

(Please note this giveaway is not available to those who've already had a free reading)

<3 Love, light and Guardian Angel blessings! <3

