The OC Tarot Spread

Welcome to the OC, witch!

I recently re-watched the entire series of The OC and I gotta tell you, it really stands the test of time. It still feels just as relevant today as it did when I was in my younger years and dreaming about getting into trouble with Ryan in Orange County.

And for those of you who are only just discovering The OC, I’m jealous that you get to watch this incredible gem of a TV show for the first time!

So many iconic moments from Ryan’s first party where he gets the crap beaten out of him, eating bagels at the Cohens, all Marissa’s drama, when [SPOILER] Luke falls in love with Marissa’s mom, the twin flame relationship that is Seth and Summer, that time Jimmy Cooper got punched at the party and what about when Kirsten took Yogalates?!

So grab your wine coolers and a tarot deck (or you can use oracle or angel cards too!) and let’s pull some cards OC style!

1. What kind of trouble you’re in

Hopefully you’re not in as much trouble as Ryan at the beginning of the first episode, but this card can give you some insight into what issue is affecting you most right now.

2. What Drama you attract

There’s sooo much drama in the OC, but actually, we all do attract a bit of drama now and then. Here you’ll see what you’re attracting that you just don’t need to be. Let this shit go.

3. How to accept help

When Ryan is given a pretty decent place to stay (a private pool house with an infinity pool overlooking the beach anyone?) he struggles at times to really accept and allow that others want to help him. If you don’t accept the help being offered to you, you may end up missing out on some pretty sweet views!

4. How to create your own success

While it’s nice to live in someone else’s mansion, at the end of the day, most of us want to create or find our own success. This card will show you how to do it!

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and riding the waves,



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