Valentine Spread for Singles, Lovers and In-betweens x
Ah Valentine's Day. It's a joy (sometimes!) when you've got someone, totally poop when you're feeling #foreveralone and it can be an absolute nightmare if you're somewhere in-between.
I created this spread to help y'all reconnect with that love in your heart, whether you are loved up, single, it's complicated or just focusing on doing you!
If you share your spread on Instagram please do tag me in your pics so I can drop by and say hi!
1. What/who's on your heart this V'Day?
This is not necessarily gonna be about a person! Anything could come up here from your work crush, project you're feeling called to work on, friendships, family, your pets or your own darn self!
2. What feelings need to be felt?
V-Day is a great time to feel your feelings. If you can't have a big cry, vent and freak out on Valentine's Day, when can you? Go for it, purge that shizzle and see what comes up for healing and releasing.
3. Old loves to leave behind
You guys have seen that Valentine's Day episode of Friends right? Where the girls have an ex-boyfriend bonfire? This card is kinda like that.
4. How to love yourself better
Valentine's Day can bring up a lot, in particular it can show us where we're not loving ourselves enough.
5. How to love others harder
And it's also a great time to check in with how good we're loving the people around us.
6. New loves to call in
If you're feeling witchy, choose this card face up and add it to your spread, otherwise this card can show you where to call new love into your life, again this may not represent romantic love, but love of any kind!
Valentine's Day blessings to you gorgeous soul!
Love and light,
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Tarot Spreads You Can't Live without!