Who are you asking when you “ask the cards?” | How to read tarot series — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Who are you asking when you “ask the cards?” | How to read tarot series

There’s one really simple thing that can transform your tarot or oracle reading from vague and confusing to clear and empowering, and that’s knowing who, or what you are talking to when you read the cards.

One of my readings featuring the Modern Witch Tarot and my Angels Among Us Oracle

I hear so many people say this, and I’ve said it before many times when I was starting my card reading journey – “let’s ask the cards!” Or “I’m going to ask the cards” as if the cards themselves are some mystical objects infused with divine knowing.

And that’s not to say that they aren’t powerful and magical tools, but your tarot deck or your oracle deck is just that – a tool.

The real magic doesn’t come from the pieces of cardboard in your hand, it comes from what you do with them.

Sitting down to pull some cards without a clue who or what you are connecting with would be like picking up the phone and smooshing in a few numbers and hoping you get someone who can give you some good advice.

When we’re not consciously aware of who or what we are connecting with through the cards we end up with readings that are a jumbled mess.

And it’s easy to start to think that you’re the problem, when it’s really just about dialling the right number.

Who or what you connect with is totally up to you. People of all different belief systems read tarot and oracle cards, and they all come to it from a different perspective, dialling different numbers.

There are people who read tarot purely from a psychological perspective. They use the deck to tune into their own subconscious minds.

Others, like myself, use the tarot to connect with the divine, whatever that looks and feels like to each of us.

Maybe you just want to tap into your own intuition, that voice of inner knowing. Perhaps you want to call on your own higher self or soul self, your angels, guides or ancestors.

Who or what you connect to doesn’t really matter (although it’s always wise to try to reach the highest realms available!), it’s just important that you know who you’re talking to.

It’s actually really simple to do this, all you need is a bit of intention before you begin.

As you sit down with your deck just take a moment to connect with and invite in the energy you want to connect with.

For example, I often like to work with a specific guide during my readings. I will take a moment and say thank you to them for being with me as I do the reading and to help make sure that the guidance is clear, helpful and in alignment with my best and highest good.

Chilling with the Modern Witch Tarot.

Reading tarot in this way becomes a communication between me and my guide, not between me and the cards.

The cards are just the tool, the medium, the phoneline that connects us and helps us to communicate.

If there is something I need more clarity on in the reading, I will ask them to help show me what I’m missing.

And when I’m done with the reading I’ll take a moment to thank my guide, or whoever I called in.

There are plenty of other ways to do this. If you want to connect to your intuition you may like to begin with some deep breaths and focus on your sacral chakra for a few moments before pulling a card. Or if you want to connect with your higher self, send your awareness to your soul star chakra before you begin.

If you work with specific beings perhaps just bring them to mind before you ask your question.

It may be as simple as just saying – “Guides, what do I need to know about…?”

It doesn’t have to be a big ritual, although it can be! But it can be as simple as taking a pause before you ask your question and just thinking about who you’d like to connect with before asking your question.

The more you do this, the deeper your connection and relationship becomes with who or what you are working with.

Building a relationship with the energy you’re connecting with through the cards is a very underrated thing. The more you read cards and call on whoever you’re calling on, the deeper your connection with them becomes. Until you begin to find that they will speak to you not just when you are reading cards, but anytime you call on them, anytime you need their wise advice.

It’s such a simple thing, but knowing who or what you’re connecting to, and reframing this idea of “asking the cards” into connecting deeply with your own inner knowing, the divine, or the deeper parts of yourself can help your tarot practice in so many wonderful ways.

So, who or what do you connect to when you read the cards? And how do you set your intentions to do this? I’d love to know if you feel called to share in the comments!

And if you’re looking for more information on how to get clearer readings and develop your intuition in the process, check out my class Intro to Intuitive Tarot or any of the courses available in my shop!

With love, light and clear readings,



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