Xanadu Tarot Spread
Xanadu is one of the greatest movies of all time.
It came out the year I was born and I honestly can’t imagine a world in which Xanadu didn’t exist.
This is the movie that taught me to believe in magic, to believe in myself and to believe that I could make my own dreams come true.
Xanadu is a story about following your dreams. On roller skates. With Greek muses by your side and an ElO soundtrack. What could be better than that?
I’ve seen Xanadu countless times. As a child I listened to the vinyl on repeat - repeat as in turning the record over continuously. I choreographed dances to all the songs in my living room, and on Saturdays I got my dad to move the car out of the garage so I could practice my skating while I listened to my Xanadu cassette tape that was recorded off the vinyl. There really is nothing like the sound of a tape played out of an 80s tape player that was recorded off a scratchy record. Ah, those were the days!
I saw Xanadu on the big screen for the first time 9 years ago at the Prince Charles Cinema in London. It was incredible.
Olivia Newton John passed away just a few weeks ago and of course, I watched it again. And I cried. I cried at the start when all the muses take off to go and do their lightwork on the planet and help the souls who need them. I cried at the end when all the muses went back to Mount Helicon. I cried because it’s such an incredible creative piece of genius, and Olivia Newton John was such an incredible Lightworker who was really was a muse as an inspiration to so many of us in so many ways.
Olivia Newton John Forever
And sure, it’s a movie that some people didn’t like.
Honestly, if you don’t like Xanadu, I think maybe you just don’t get xanadu.
Or maybe you’re just from a different soul group. *Shrug!
I really do believe that part of the reason we resonate so deeply with certain movies or bands or musicians or authors or other creative work is because the creators are a part of our soul group, sent here to help inspire those of us who are on that frequency to do what we came here to do.
Watching Xanadu is like opening a portal into magic and dreams and believing in miracles.
It’s pure magic and pure heart. I’ve never been able to find out much info about the writers Richard Christian Danus and Marc Reid Rubel. They don’t even have Wikipedia pages! But whoever they are, I have no doubt that they were channelling something magical AF when they came up with Xanadu.
One of the things I love most about this movie is that they just went for it. They didn’t hold back. They didn’t try to make this movie normal, or cool, or like every other movie that was out and popular. They did something different and just fully committed to the magic and made it as fun, quirky and wonderful as they wanted it to be.
And while the critics will say whatever they want about this movie and every other piece of art in the world. I just say WOW! Imagine creating something as incredible as Xanadu. Imagine knowing you inspired millions of people to take up roller skating and to go and make their own dreams come true.
And honestly, the lightcodes that will download into your heart and mind when you watch Xanadu will get you vibing so high, get you on your highest path and stay with you forever.
And now for a card reading spread!
As always, you can use this spread any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may also like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.
1. Your big dream
2. Your muse
3. How to make it happen
4. How to be someone else’s muse
If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D
With love, light and believing in magic,