Yule Winter Solstice Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


Yule Winter Solstice Tarot Spread and Ritual Ideas

How I think I look when I’m celebrating Yule!

Yule blessings gorgeous souls!

Yule is the pagan winter solstice celebration that honours the death of the old and the rebirth of the sun.

In winter (if you live somewhere with European type seasons anyway) Yule is a reminder that the light and the sun will return. That all that has died will be reborn.

It is a time to reflect on the year that was, let go of what no longer serves and look forward to the light returning.

Many of us retreat a little during winter, focusing more on our own inner world. Yule marks a time when we start to think about re-joining the world.

You know, in theory.

The way the world is now, we don’t always have the luxury of resting and retreating during winter. But many of us feel the inward shift towards more introspection during winter, choosing Netflix over social engagements and enjoying good books and cups of tea. Yule reminds us that soon we might want to start going outside again!

Although Yule was adopted (some would say stolen) by Christianity and turned into the Christian holiday of Christmas, it was traditionally celebrated on the winter solstice around the 21st of December in the northern hemisphere.

In the southern hemisphere we celebrate Yule during our winter solstice in June.

Winter will end, promise.

Looking for some Yule rituals?

As always, you can celebrate Yule or any of the sabbats however you like. But here are some ideas that may be useful in helping you develop your own rituals.


Yule is all about celebrating the returning of the light, so working with candles, hanging string lights, lighting candles in your home are all beautiful ways to honour this night.

Candle Spells

Perform a simple candle spell. Ground, clear and protect yourself and your space. Hold a white candle to your heart. Visualise your own heart lighting the candle. Now light the candle and intend that it is a symbol of the light returning not just around you, but within you. You can do this ritual anytime you feel you need to reignite the inner spark!

Burning Ritual

Write down everything that is ready to “die” within you and in your life - old stories, old beliefs, old patterns, anything in your material world that no longer aligns. Burn the papers in a bonfire or by candle flame. (Witch tip - do this outside or you may regret it. The smell of burning paper will never leave your house. I know from experience haha!)


Have a feast. Break bread with family and loved ones or have a personal feast with all your fave dishes to celebrate the turning of the wheel.

As part of your ritual you may like to work with this tarot or oracle spread!

Pour yourself a cup of hot vegan eggnog and grab your deck. You can use any cards you have - tarot, oracle, angel, Uno, it’s all good. You may like to take some time to journal on what comes up for extra insight.

1. Gifts of the season

2. Lessons and blessings to hold

3. What must die so you can live?

4. How to bring the sun back in

If you found this spread useful be sure to check out my totally free e-book Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you share your spread on socials please tag me - I’m @newagehipster333 on IG and @newagehipster333 on FB and I’d love to connect and see your readings! :D

With love, light and Yule blessings,



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