How to Deal with Intense Energies — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


How to Deal with Intense Energies

“Intense energy” has become a phrase we’re using a lot in the spiritual community these days.

Mostly because it’s the only way we know how to describe what’s going on.

Seems like every five minutes these days we are dealing with some new aspect of the cosmic washing machine cycle.

Whether it’s the Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde, Solstice, Lion’s Gate, lockdown, or just another day on planet earth, there’s almost always something ready to try and knock us off our feet.

Then of course, there are the intense energies we deal with in our personal lives - grief, trauma, aging, loss, illness, dreams being dashed…

There’s a lot to deal with on the earthly plane, but the good news is that there are plenty of spiritual tools and practices we can use to help us navigate through it all while staying grounded, in our power and able to keep shining bright.

The Tower from the Cosmic Tarot.

This is by no means a definitive list. We are all different and we all deal with intense energies and difficult times differently. These are just some of the things that I have found work well for me in difficult times. x

1. Don’t buy into the drama and ignore the hype

While it’s always useful to have someone affirm what we’re feeling in the form of “oh yeah, the energy is intense right now!” it’s another to seek out and surround yourself with constant talk, and let’s face it, moaning and complaining about all this intense energy.

The truth is, every day on this planet is intense. It’s also an incredible blessing and such a gift just to be here, so let’s not waste time getting caught up in a self-fulfilling prophesy that makes these times so much harder than they have to be.

2. GROUND yourself.

Grounding practices are hugely underrated in my opinion, and most teachings on grounding only touch the surface.

Grounding is so much more than touching grass (although it can be that too!). Grounding is about grounding into the present moment, your own body, your own life, your purpose.

It’s about drawing your higher self down into your physical reality.

My favourite ways to ground my energy are through daily Kundalini Yoga practices, working with the Earth Star Chakra, eating lots of great vegan food, daily walks (even when the weather sucks) and physical exercise.

Many people fly out of their bodies during intense times, but this is actually when we need to get into our bodies the most!

3. Ritual and Routine

Agh, I know. Not everyone wants to hear about “routine”.

It doesn’t sound very divine feminine rising, does it?

But actually, when life feels chaotic, the best thing you can do is create a container for yourself and for your magic.

Think of it as energy protection and self-care.

Ritual and routine looks different for us all, but it can be as simple as creating (and sticking to as much as possible!) a daily spiritual practice, going to bed at the same time every night, working with an online fitness program and showing up each day, turning your phone off at 6pm and not looking at your phone in the morning until you’ve done three minutes of ego eradicator.

I know this sounds basic, and maybe not very intuitive, but if you’re feeling wonky, try to create some kind of routine for yourself, even if it’s just a daily cup of tea or card pull.

Give yourself permission to change the routine anytime too!

Archangel Azrael can help you through big life changes, and Archangel Metatron can guide you back to your own spiritual power! From the Angels Among Us Oracle.

4. Call on your spirit guides and angels for support

I know, like, duh! Of course we should do this.

But it’s often when things feel most challenging, we forget we have a whole team in spirit behind us, rooting for us and waiting to lend a helping hand!

Call on divine assistance in whatever way you like. A simple - “hey, guides and angels, I need some help right now!” is all you need to do. Then ask them for what you need.

5. Enjoy the wild ride

Imagine if instead of hating on the intense energies when they hit us, we decided to go all in and fully experience and appreciate them?

We didn’t incarnate for all the stars to be aligned in our favour every second of the day. We knew what we were getting into. We knew that Earth school would be chaotic and challenging and wonderful and painful and magical.

But we still came. In fact, most of us were so excited about the idea of it all!

We wanted to LIVE. We wanted to experience it all, the good, the bad, and the cosmically ugly.

The intensity of life is what helps us grow as souls, and it’s what expands our hearts and challenges our minds.

So next time you feel a little woozy from the cosmic alignments or the challenges of life, try to remember - this is what you came for, to experience it all!

6. Live in the now

Don’t wait for the intense energy to be over. Don’t put your life on hold.

If we wait until the intense energy is over to live our lives, we’re going to be waiting our whole lives!

If you need to take some time out, take it. If you need a retreat and a social media hiatus, do it. If you need to go into a blanket fort and binge Stranger Things, go for it.

But don’t wait until the perfect moment to live your life.

This, right now, no matter what is happening in the cosmos, is the perfect moment to live your life.

So, gorgeous soul, how do you deal with intense energy? Share in the comments so we can all find something that supports us in challenging times!

With love, light and staying anchored,



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