The week ahead - Baba AKA God cakes β€” VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL


The week ahead - Baba AKA God cakes

photo (21) Last week I had a question that was basically along the lines of who is the week ahead card for? So let me answer that before I go on with this week's card. Whenever I pull a card for my blog, whether it's for the week ahead or #Caturday cat cards I always ask my team (God, Angels, Guides and whoever else is with me from the light!) for a card that is for anyone who happens upon this blog and this page, so the answer is - this card is for you. Whoever is reading this right now! :-) However, if the card just doesn't resonate with you then that's totally fine too! Only you can know if this card is really for you or not. ;-)

Now onto the reading! I finally got my so awesome Morgan's Tarot deck this week. I wanted it ever since I started researching Tarot cards of the 1980's. I thought it was such an odd ball deck and it really spoke to me when I saw pictures from it online. However, when I unwrapped the plastic and went through the cards I was like 'OMG wtf is this deck?' I thought maybe it was just a little too far out for me. But then I started shuffling and as I shuffled I really felt like actually this deck was definitely going to be able to speak to me. Yay!

OK, now really onto the reading! This week I pulled 'Baba'. The word 'Baba' has so many meanings in different languages and cultures; 'father', 'God', 'cake', 'Holy man', but how does that relate to our week ahead? I feel like this is a reminder to connect with God, whatever that means to you. Hang out with God this week, chat to God in the car, in your head, in the shower, before you fall asleep. Get it all off your chest this week. Whatever is bothering you, whatever is making you happy in your life, whatever you want fixing or changing talk to God about it all.

And may I suggest it could also be a good week to bake or buy a cake. ;-)


Love, light and God cakes,
