
Gurus, Spiritual Teachers + How to find your own way on the Spiritual Path

gurus, spiritual teachers + how to find your own way on the spiritual path x

The following post (with a couple edits) was originally part of a newsletter sent out on 27th August 2017. It had such a big response I thought I'd post it as a blog for y'all. x


The news in India of riots and people being killed in the streets over the arrest of a guru has shone a massive light on the whole guru thing this week. My heart really goes out to all those affected, but I can't help but look at all this and just wonder where we're going so wrong.

The internet is ablaze again this week over the news that Doreen Virtue is giving up Tarot and predictive readings, taking her name off her Angel Tarot decks and moving even closer to her Christian path.

This has brought up a lot for people, and we are holding space in the Spiritual Journey Pitstop for anyone who feels that they need to talk about what all this is bringing up for them with no judgement from either side. However you are feeling about all this is totally valid and important for you to express and move through, but I have been asking people to share from a place of what this is bringing up for them personally, rather than making assumptions about DV, her path, work and publisher, because even though we feel like we know her, we really have no idea what is really going on and speculation doesn't really help us to move through it.

As you may know, I've been a big fan of hers for years, but I honestly, personally don't give a hoot if she burns all her decks in a Christian ritual on top of a hill and gives her life to Jesus or not. (I did that once myself but it's a story for another time).

I really just wanted to talk in this blog post about the whole "guru" thing and how it's failing us, and how we are failing ourselves by looking up to peeps to be our gurus and what we can do instead.

I've actually unfollowed a few people on Instagram recently after I have had in-person encounters with them that left me reeling, feeling that who they are behind the Instagram is actually not in alignment with what they teach + preach online.

We are all very human and we can't put someone on a pedestal just because they have a book deal and we don't.

Be your own Hierophant - from the Cosmic Tarot x

Be your own Hierophant - from the Cosmic Tarot x

I have people message me sometimes saying that I'm their "spiritual teacher" and while that's incredibly flattering it also freaks me out! LOL!

Because I'm just another person on the path really. If anything, I prefer to see myself as a kind of "bridge".

My job is to help you to get from over there to over here, more aligned on your path, more connected to your own guidance.

That's what a spiritual teacher is really supposed to do for us I think, just help us find our own way. 

When we put so much pressure on one person, or a group of people, to have all the answers for us, to do the work for us, or to always be on the same path as us, things get dangerous.

We are all on our own journey and what I share with you guys is just where I'm at with mine.

Find your own way through meditation! Card from the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

Find your own way through meditation! Card from the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle x

If we'd met 20 years ago I would have been dragging you along with me to my fave mega church, another few years before that I would've been asking you to join my Wicca based high school coven!

My journey is going to change, just like yours is.

You always have the choice to keep following my journey or not. 

The choice is yours.


When we are looking for spiritual info there are some things we can do to help us be discerning about someone else's story and teachings to help us find our own path.


And as always, even this list might not totally resonate with you! Take what does, leave the rest. :D

1. Follow people who say "take what resonates and leave the rest".


2. Avoid people who have any sort of vibe that their way is the "right" way and other ways are "wrong".

Dogma is so old paradigm.

3. Read and research

whatever you're into, read loads of different books by different authors, watch videos on YouTube, listen to Podcasts etc. Cast your net for teachings wide.

4. Work with your own energy first and foremost.

When we protect (check out my free e-book for that!), clear and ground ourselves it's much easier to tune into our own intuition and guidance. (Woo Woo 101 starts soooon!)

5. Remember that your spiritual teachers are just as human as you. 

A book deal doesn't make you more enlightened and a whole lot of followers doesn't mean you're more connected to the universe.

6. Unfollow and let go of whatever doesn't vibe with you, or no longer vibes.

We are never going to resonate with anyone 100% but if you no longer find someone's content useful or interesting or empowering in anyway, you can just hit unfollow and move on.


My work is moving more and more into a direction of helping you find the answers for yourself

I reaaaaally want to help you do the work that's going to help you find your own path. I'm not interested in you doing things "my way", I just want you to find the right way for you.

You can work with me via a spiritual mentoring session and I'll hold space for you and help you find your own connection to your own guidance. Come join the SPJ group or keep hanging out for free content, but whatever you do, just do what feels right for you. 


With love, light and going your own way,



Spiritual Teaching

How to stay spiritual on vacay

how to stay spiritual on vacay new age hipster

Let's face it, keeping up with all your woo when you're at home in your regular routine can be difficult enough at times. Add in some travel plans, changes of time zones, jet-lag, staying with friends or family and a busy itinerary into the mix and it's near impossible for even the most spiritually practised of us to keep up with our regular woo routine.

But it doesn't have to be like that! Here are some of my fave ways to stay spiritual while I'm on vacay, travelling, or just away from home for any reason...

When you check in and they tell you your room is number 1111! :O

When you check in and they tell you your room is number 1111! :O

Keep it real

Accept that fact that your usual two hours, one hour or even half an hour of yoga, meditation, card slinging and journalling is probably just not going to happen while you're on the road.

Keep your expectations about what you're really going to be able to do woo-wise realistic and you won't find yourself having a freak out on day four of your vacay because you packed all your gear and haven't done any yoga yet. 


Meditate in bed

I find that if I stay lying down in bed, I tend to fall asleep again, but if I sit up and meditate for a few minutes it works quite well! If you're still going to fall asleep, get out of bed and just plonk yourself down on the floor for a few minutes before you start your day.  


Don't neglect your energy

It literally only takes a few seconds to ground, clear and protect your energy. I like to do this in bed before I get up in the morning when I'm travelling as a kind of non-negotiable.

You can literally just say "my energy is grounded, clear and protected" in your head or out loud before getting out of bed and it totally makes a difference. Add some visualisations if you fancy it, but even just a quick affirmation can be enough. Find out more about how to protect your energy in my free e-book How to Stay Shiny. :D


Sneak around

One time I woke up super early while I was in Apollo Bay and so I snuck out of my hotel room and went down to the beach to meditate. :D 

It can be fun to sneak off somewhere when others are asleep, or doing something else with their time, but leave a note so they know where you are. #SafetyFirst! 

Apollo bay later that day... x

Apollo bay later that day... x

Talk to your guides and angels in the shower

This is one of my fave places to have a chat with my team anyway, but when you're on vacay it can often be the only time you really have to yourself! Uh, unless you're not showering alone, but anyway...

I like to just say hey to my team, call them in by name and then ask for what I need and what I'd like help with.


Pack a travel altar

A travel altar can be a neat way to set yourself up to do some spiritual check-ins while you're away

Include a candle, matches (lighters don't fly too well!), cloth, mini statues, prayer cards, a few tumble stones or whatever else feels right to take with you.

Be mindful that some countries won't let you bring in plant and animal products like sage, palo santo, feathers etc., so check before you travel.


Wear your crystals

I don't know about you, but I have a pretty decent crystal collection. It kind of freaks me out when I have to pack for a trip because I will miss all my crystal babies! I tend to only pack a few tumble stones and wands and take my favourite wearable crystals instead.


Visit churches and sacred sites

If you should find yourself in a church or at a sacred site take it as a chance to check in and connect. Take a moment to sit down at a pew, sit in silence at a stone circle or light a candle in a cathedral.

Quick check in at Maen Llia, Wales. x

Quick check in at Maen Llia, Wales. x

Tarot Apps

If you don't want to carry around all your decks while travelling, there are some awesome Tarot apps around, and many are even free! Some of my faves are the Golden Thread Tarot, the Kawaii Tarot and the Tarot of the Holy Light.



While you might just wanna chill with some trashy romance, why not take your latest spiritual read to the beach, pool or log fire?


Travel yoga

Take a travel yoga mat and if you have WiFi check out some of Adrienne's yoga on the road videos or try Movement for Modern Life's quickies whenever you have a chance.


Enjoy being human

A big part of the human experience is to enjoy being human. Don't get too caught up with trying to keep up with your spiritual stuff that you forget to chill, have fun being human and enjoy your vacay! 


With so much love, light and good vacay vibes,



Reading with the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle on the beach. :D

Reading with the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle on the beach. :D

WTF Court Cards: Queen Elizabeth II - Queen of Swords

Image from the Rider Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith deck x

See? I told you I'd keep working on the WTF Court Cards series! Why WTF Court Cards? Well, because when you learn tarot and first ask questions like "will I get the job?" and you pull the Queen of Swords it's like -" WTF Court Cards?!" Why couldn't I just pull a nice Ace of Pentacles or something?! Argh! It's enough to make even the most psychically gifted gal to go running to back to her magic 8 ball. I love magic 8 balls. I wonder if I can get one on Amazon...

Easier than Court Cards. x

Today in Pop Culture Tarot Queen Elizabeth II stars as the Queen of Swords!

WTF? You may be asking. How can Queen Elizabeth II an actual Queen represent a Queen in the tarot, because aren't all the Queens a Queen?! Good question. But no, not all Queens are created equal. Some are emotional wrecks, some are fiery war mongers while others prefer to sit on their thrones quietly and run the lands 'properly'. Liz is one of those ones. She doesn't dash about in her pants, take centre stage like Beyonce or pick up a wand first chance she gets to go into battle. Oh no, this queen rules using her intellect and logic - you know, the whole 'swords thing'.

Now love her or loathe her (I happen to love her), you have to admit Queen Liz has pretty much never put a foot wrong in her fifty-something years on the throne. I mean seriously, do you think the other queens would last that long without messing up or causing a scene or going losing it over the costumes for the 44th world tour? Lizzie stays level headed in all types of crises and always puts her people above all. As Queen, her job is simple - look after your subjects. Do the best thing for them and their country, even if they think it sucks at the time. She's like the dedicated teacher who spends hours planning so she can give you loads of extra homework and you get totally pissed, but then realise later that actually, you learnt a hell of a lot in that class. 

Queen Elizabeth young gif

Swords people aren't really into affection and they definitely aren't huggers. I mean hugging is just so - emotional, ick! Only super emo people hug. How about holding hands or kissing your hubby when out and about? Maybe a couple of times every 100 years or so. If Queen Elizabeth doesn't hug you back, it's not because she doesn't like you, it's just that one must stay professional and regal at all times and never show weakness. Affection is for weaklings! I don't need a hug! I'm the Queen of England! I don't even hug my baby, we just shake hands!

Shaking hands with babies

She doesn't even give Prince Harry a cuddle, although he's always being naughty so maybe you can kind of understand it, but he's just soooo hugable am I right girls, am I right? I mean come on, you must have a heart of steel to resist pinching these cheeks...

Prince harry smiling gif

Sorry where were we? Oh yes, so she's quite steely really, and she totally believes in honour and tradition. She goes to church and does all the other weird things that you are 'supposed' to do if you are Queen. While other members of the monarchy are rocking a hipster chilled out approach to being royal, Liz sticks with the tried and true. You'd never see her in a tabloid, dancing naked on a table or dressing up in a highly inappropriate costume for Halloween. It just isn't done! But she doesn't make a fuss (at least not in public!) about other members of the royal family doing their do, and for that we give her clicks!


The Queen of Swords is known for ability to give brilliant advice. She knows a hell of a lot and has seen enough to know what works, what doesn't work, what's going to get you where you want to go, and what's going to hold you back. But her advice will always be somewhat 'sensible'. If you ask her about whether you should get a real job or blow all your cash backpacking through the UK she's probably going to tell you to get a real job. But sometimes you need that person in your life, to tell you what's sensible, what's a 'good idea' and what's the 'right' thing to do for the greatest good, for others and for yourself. Although she may seem to lack any kind of emotional bone in her body, she really does look out for everyone else over herself. I mean come on, she's spent over 50 years as Queen. She's followed the rules, toed the line and has she ever complained about it? Don't think so. She's got on with it, for the benefit of everyone, and she'll encourage you to do the same.

Upright you can trust her completely and tell her everything. Reversed though this woman can be seriously manipulative and weave a web of lies that is so well thought out it's almost impossible to really catch her out. She can be truly heartless and ice cold, sharp and cutting with her words and basically just really, really mean.

Queen of Swords/Queen Elizabeth II Cheat Sheet:

<3 steely <3 logical <3 clever <3 intelligent <3 not affectionate <3 awesome ruler <3 likes tradition <3 honour <3 cold <3 icy <3 manipulative <3 calculating  <3 advice <3 professional <3 regal <3 devoted <3 sensible <3 knowledgeable <3 good at speeches <3 leader <3 ruler

So now the big question - how does this all help you in your readings? Perhaps this card can represent someone that you know, or an aspect of yourself, or the person you are reading for. It can mean you are being too logical and not thinking with your heart enough, or it could be that you should get into counselling, after all, counsellors have to have an element of the Queen of Swords within them. You can't be in a counselling session with crazy passionate opinions or balling your eyes out! When asking about a relationship - perhaps you need to be more affectionate. Asking about a job - stay professional and show your true leadership abilities! What about pulling the Queen reversed when asking if you should buy that round the world ticket - hmmm, might not be the most 'sensible' thing to do right now... but of course you are welcome to use your free will and go anyway!

Whenever you are feeling too emo or scattered try channelling your inner Queen of Swords and see if she can bring you back into your body and your brain and start making good solid choices again. After all, not every decision in life should be made with the fiery passion of the Wands or the heart-felt Cups. Sometimes we all need a little Swords energy around us to get things into perspective and use some logic occasionally!

queen elizabeth ii young, waving, wedding

Can you think of anyone in your own life or any other pop culture persons who are also Queen of Swords types? I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas, please come on over to Facebook and say Hi!

<3 Love, light and logical decisions <3


Vicious gossip + white light - The weekly Reading Jan 19 - 24 2015

Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech
Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle - Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech

I just had to use my newest deck for the weekly reading this week. I've been loooooving it with my whole heart! It's the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle by Lucy Cavendish and Selina Fenech and if you like it, you can get it (AND SHOULD GET IT!) by clicking here. Also, check out that killer review on Wordery! I freaking LOVE Wordery!

Anyway! Here are your Faery messages for this week...

Start of the week - Silver Sisters

This card is all about gossip and negative energy. It could be that others are throwing their negative vibes at you and you need to protect yourself from it, or it could be that you have thrown some daggers and nasty words around about others. This is bad, and I know it's hard because some people seriously are dicks and they piss you off and so you need to vent. But make sure your venting doesn't throw negative energy at that person. It's OK to say to a friend - it made me feel really mad when this person did [whatever]. It's not OK to go on a total bitch-fest. Raise your vibration and stop bitching. If you are in a seriously negative environment and just can't see how that's even possible - get out of it.

If you need protection from this kind of negativity try imagining yourself in a pink (or colour of your choice) bubble. Clear yourself with white light and ask your Angels, Faeries and Guides to clear you and keep you safe from other people's negativity. You can also wear crystals - especially dark colours like black tourmaline or obsidian.

Middle of the week - The Grail Faery

The new moon on Tuesday night is going to bring us into a re-set vibe. You can read more about this coming new moon on Gala Darling's blog. This Faery is telling us a similar story. We need to check in with our new years resolutions or 2015 goals or wishes. Are you on the same path you were on at the start of this year? Do you need to amp it up and put in some extra effort? Do you need to totally get back on course? Do you just need to re-affirm your commitment to making 2015 your best year EVER?! Time to make yourself accountable. Let go of procrastination and any shit that's weighing you down and get back on track!

If you wanna work on your goals you need this book. If you are feeling like - OMG WTF am I doing with my 2015 and my life?! have a think about getting one of the last remaining 2015 readings!

End of the week - The Unicorn and the Maiden

Woah, what a powerful card. This is all about humans and animals coming together to work together to create peace on this planet. What do you need to do in your life to create a better planet? Recycle, stop buying crazy packaged fruit or veg when you could buy it loose. Pat and love animals instead of wearing them as fancy outfits. Buy the 'safe' versions of cleaning products. OK, this isn't always totally practical, but do your best. Do what you can.

Every night before you go to sleep imagine planet Earth, like how it looks from space. Imagine white light surrounding the planet - creating peace. Imagine if we all did that.

If you need any more tips and tricks on how to protect yourself energetically or if you want to share your tools and thoughts please come by Facebookand hang out! If you'd like a reading with me check out my Readingspage and if you want to see these cards up close and personal follow me on Instagram!

Here's to a totally awesome week! :-)

<3 Love, light and Unicorn pats <3


How to go from Daydreamer to Go-getter in 111 pages!

Leonie Dawson 2015 Create Your Shining Year Workbook I've been kind of vaguely aware of Leonie Dawson for a while, but other than that she was some kind of hippie millionaire who draws pictures of butterflies I knew next to nothing about her. In recent months (funnily enough about the same time I've been doing this New Age Hipster thing) I've joined a lot of 'grow your blog/business' groups and people were going ape-shit (sorry, but that's really the only way I can describe it!) over this book. Grown women who run their own successful businesses were fangirling all over social media about the release of this workbook and swearing by it as a way to set goals and make things happen in both their lives and businesses. I was interested, but also kind of like - 'WTF are you guys on? Seriously?' And then I spotted this infographic:

Leonie Dawson infographic about goals

I've always been a dreamer. My mum always says 'if you're going to dream - dream big'. I never had a problem with dreaming and thinking about what I wanted for my life. When I was a kid I wanted to be a pop star. Now I want to be the next Doreen Virtue/Stephanie Meyer. I always had pretty big dreams, that was never the problem for me. What I always sucked at was making a plan, staying focussed and actually making something happen. I was pretty blown away by the fact that 80% of people have no goals. I mean OMG REALLY? A few years ago I started writing things down, working with the Universe to make things happen and hey, apparently that works OK! But reviewing goals? Getting to December 31st each year and looking at my bookshelf where my novel still didn't sit was kind of the only reviewing I've done.

Deciding to make New Age Hipster an actual business and not just some extra place on the internet to faff about on has made me realise that there is more to goals and ambition than thinking it's for losers. I always though planning and goal setting was like the most boring thing any one could ask me to do. But Goddess Leonie has made me see things differently. Damn it I want to be in the 1%!!

Sorry, I had to. x

Enough of that, let's move onto the rave review...!

The first thing I want to say about this Workbook is that just having it makes you want to set goals, plan for your year ahead and make shit happen. Befre you even open it the magic is oozing out of the cover. Just the idea that you can create your Shining Year is like - WOAH, I can seriously do this!

Now the next thing I want to say (I have lots to say) is that this whole book reminds me of those 'about me' books you used to do in school, did you have those?! I used to freaking love those books! I was always sitting around filling in my favourite stuff, drawing stupid pictures and feeling special because it was all about meLeonie's art is so cute and lovely and Goddessy and even though I usually go for a neon bright bold hipster/80s/rock chic style of art, the curly-cue girly images really draw you into Leonie's magic making Goddess world, and the style is perfect for Sunday mornings in bed with your tea and to-do lists!

The Create Your Shining Year Workbook comes in soooo many options - electronic download for if you're on a budget or just prefer that version, or the printed one (which I got because I just LOVE BOOKS! RARRR!). Also you can decide if you want the Life version, the Biz version or both (the one I got!) - Biz + Life! So if you don't have a business you can just plan your freaking whole LIFE OK? And that's awesome! Because planning my business stuff has made me realise how cool it is to plan for my LIFE! You know, like holidays, and yoga classes, and literally 100 things you want to do this year.

There are so many amazing things to fill in and I don't want to tell you them all because THERE IS STILL TIME TO GET ONE (it's still January!!) and I want you to enjoy it and not be like - Oh yeah I read about this bit on Vix's blog, but I thought I'd share with you (in Instagram pics!) my journey with this book so far! I still have a couple of pages left to fill in and I was going to do them, but then I thought - screw it, leave them for later in the year when I really need it. Also, you have to revisit your book and goals every month and it comes with printable calendar pages to help you do that! I have two versions of the calendar on my wall right now - one for my life and one for my blog.

Enough reading, let's look at piccies! Eeep!

Here's part of my 100 things to do in 2015 list. Amazing how some of the stuff I thought of doing this year would never would have crossed my mind if I hadn't had to write 100! Can't wait to do number 88 - Watch all the Back to the Future movies in a row - with nachos. 88 - get it?!

100 things to do in 2015


And here's my list of things to do when things suck.

When everything sucks...


Here's me working on my Dream Board with Zorro looking seriously freaking cute. He sleeps with his head in his paws! OMG! NAWWW!

Dream boarding! x


...And here's my 2015 word of the year - SHINE! How darn appropriate!

Sacred word for 2015

There is SO still time to get your hands on one of these life-changing soul-singing workbooks! Just CLICK HERE! And guess what? I'm officially a Leonie Dawson affiliate (and you can be one too)! But to say thanks for clicking through and making your purchase from my blog and not the gazillion other blogs raving about this Goddess Genius I'm giving away a free one card Tarot or Angel Card reading (via email, FB chat or on the phone!). All you have to do is make sure you click through from New Age Hipster and then send me a message vix(at)newagehipster.co or via Facebook - I'm NewAgeHipster333 and let me know!

I really hope you get one so we can fangirl (or fanboy!!) all over the internet together and check in with each other during the year and be accountable for making all our biggest dreams come true in 2015!

<3 Sending you so much love, light and good goal setting vibes! <3



Cleaning out your closet - Weekly Tarot + Angel Reading 12 - 18 January 2015

Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster
Cosmic Tarot Princess of Wands King of Pentacles Six of Wands New Age Hipster

OK, we're doing something different this week: it's your weekly Tarot AND Angel card reading! I'm pulling three Tarot cards from the Cosmic Tarot + a message from the Angels via Kyle Gray's Angel Prayer's Oracle Cards deck! Whoo! Let me know what you think about the change in direction for the weekly readings! :-)

Start of the week: Princess of Wands Reversed

If you didn't read my post called 'The 2015 Energy Shift - or why do I feel so freaking weird right now?' you might want to check it out. The gist is that we are feeling weird. Our higher selves have levelled up this year, but our bodies are still kind of catching up and getting used to it. Please see a doctor if you have any unusual things going on, but if you are feeling more of a 'disconnect' with your body even though your spirit connection is actually enhanced you might just be suffering from a levelling up hangover. Don't worry too much Princess, it's just some growing pains.

Middle of the week: King of Pentacles

So we are all guns blazing into 2015 because it's an 8 year right? The year of abundance and all that cool stuff! Whoop! Well, yeah, but let's not forget that abundance isn't just cold hard cash. It's also about health, love, family, friends, opportunitiesall the good stuff and lots of it! Don't get so focused on the money aspect that you forget to ask, manifest and work towards creating a life filled with all forms of abundance! Don't over water the lemon tree while the apple tree goes hungry.

The Weekend: Six of Wands Reversed

This weekend we need to get our sticks in order. Huh? OK, so you know how to tidy a mess sometimes you have to make a mess? This is one of those times. Maybe it's a literal mess you need to create - like when you clean out your closet. You have to pull all the crap out and then go through it all, sort it out and then put it back. Maybe you need to do that with your brain, or a relationship or something else this weekend. Get decluttering!

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray
Angel Prayers Oracle Cards - Kyle Gray

Angel message: Divine Mother

So even though this week is kind of like just sorting out your closet (metaphorical or literal) Mother Mary wants you to know that she's with you hun. Call on her this week if you need some peace. It's easy, you don't even have to be Catholic or anything. Just say - 'Mother Mary' and then see how you feel. She always makes me feel like everything is fine. I mean hello, she gave birth to Jesus, she can probably help you tidy up your shoes.

Oh and guess what? On Tuesday the 13th January (that's this week!) I'm hosting another FREE TAROT TUESDAY on my Facebook page. Basically all you have to do is rock up to FB around 6pm GMT and post a question under the Tarot Tuesday Image - so it's gotta be something you don't mind other people seeing right? And I'll answer as many as I can in an hour! If the time zone is a bitch for you I'd love you to let me know. Just drop me a note on FB or Twitter and I'll try to make the next one at a time most people can come!

Hope to see you there! :-)

<3 love, light and abundance! <3



2015 New Years resolutions and GRATITUDE!

Glitter Lips from www.luvandido.com x OK, I know by now you've probably read a gazillion blog posts about New Years 2015 and if one more person tells you "OMG 2015 IS GOING TO BE THE BEST YEAR EVEEEEEEEEER!" you might just about have enough energy to nod a bit. But this post is going to be different! I think...

First of all, I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has supported New Age Hipster this year. If you liked the FB page, if you commented and got involved, if you've been following me on IG, reading my weekly readings or watching my YouTube videos, or even if you've just stumbled upon this post today - THANK YOU for being part of this. I never really thought that people would actually like or resonate with what I have to say, or that anyone would even pay me to read their cards, and I have so much gratitude for every single one of you who've I've had the joy of connecting with through my intuitive readings this year. I've loved hearing your stories, shedding some light in dark places and most of all, giving you some empowering words of advice and mostly of all, telling you what you already knew deep down so that you know you're on the right path.

OMG, I swear I have spent more time prepping and planning and getting into a good headspace for this year than any other year EVER. Which is cool, and I'm actually loving getting organised and working out what I actually want from this year and feeling like amazing things can happen! But as a bit of an introvert, it's also been kind of exhausting. So tonight, while all you party girls and glam guys are out drinking and dancing, I'm going to be at home eating home cooked Sweet & Sour (the BF's mum's recipe and it's AMAZING!!), watching Frozen, having a beer and generally dorking out. 

What I guess I'm trying to say is that even though there is this amazing buzz around about how 2015 is going to be prosperous, abundant, the sparkly and glittery year you've been waiting your whole life for just take a deep breath and put it in perspective. Yes, this coming year does have a 'make all your dreams come true' vibe, but so does every year if you want it to. Collectively a lot of us are much more in a space now where we want to turn away from the old outdated 'life models' that no longer serve us individually or as a planet. We don't want to run the rat race any more, we don't want to give all our money to big corporations who don't pay their people decently. We want to actually make a difference on this planet and stepping into 2015 feels like a chance to do it! But it's not like you are going to wake up tomorrow with a six figure business, the perfect family and a house that looks like you Pinterested it.

So if you wake up on the first of January 2015 feeling hungover, or sorry for yourself, or if you spend the whole day watching bad TV or pigging out don't see it as failure. You have 364 more days to make 2015 the best year of your life. Don't freak out about the pressure of making 2015 the best year yet...

You have every day of your life to make this the best life of your existence!

OMG that's so totally deep! :-D

And if you are feeling like you need some extra guidance as we head into this spanking new year you can visit my Etsy store: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/NewAgeHipsterStore and you can find out more about what to expect from one of my readings by checking out the Readings page.

I'm sending you all so much love, light and sparkly 2015 vibes!



Cosmic Tarot - Norbert Losche


Weekly Reading - Goddess Guidance Oracle - 15th to 21st December

Goddess Guidance Oracle - Doreen Virtue OK so I'm literally sitting on a King sized bed at the Hilton eating Potnoodle, listening to Taylor Swift and pulling Goddess Guidance Oracle cards. Sounds more exciting than it is. I'm only here because I have nowhere to live for a week and I got a good deal on Hotels.com and I'm pretty sure this bed is actually two twin beds pushed together.

But anyway, you don't want to know about that, you want to know what's happening this week. I felt super drawn to the Goddesses this week. We've had a lot of heavy releasing and dealing with dirt weeks lately, and you know what? That's needed sometimes, but now it's time to pick ourselves up, get in the shower and wash off the mud and reconnect with our inner Goddess power! Raarrrr!

Monday - Yemanya

Yemanya is a super powerful Sea Goddess who can grant wishes! Ask for a wish today and see what happens. But this card is also about doors opening. If you wish for something like a new job, and then the universe shows you a new job but it's on the other side of a door - for God's sake go through the door! Don't be asking for stuff and then be too lazy or scared to unwrap it when you get it!!

Tuesday - White Tara

Ah this beauty comes up for me often. I don't know about you guys, but the more of this spiritual stuff I do the more I can't eat stuff that doesn't align with me. I can't be in rooms with certain types of people without getting really uncomfortable. Public transport is way worse than it used to be and hair spray freaks me out! We can't shut out the whole world all day every day, but we can be aware of our sensitivities and plan ahead for stuff. Catch the early bus, choose the vegetarian options at the pub and make your own hairspray or look online for chemical free alternatives!

Wednesday - Mother Mary

On Wednesday Mary is just asking us to spend a little thinking about our faith and sending prayers where they are most needed. I just watched Polar Express last night - remember that bit where the kid rings the bell and nothing happens? And then he says "I believe" and rings the bell and he hears it?! That's what we need to do on Wednesday to be able to hear the bell! :-)

Thursday - Sulis

Sulis is a Celtic Sun Goddess who oversees bodies of water. I have to admit the Celtic stuff resonates with me A LOT and I got a little tingle at seeing Sulis here. Connect to what gives you a tingle via water today - take a walk by a lake or on the beach, or if you are stuck in the Hilton and it's dark and there's nothing around but roads you can have a shower or a bath and visualise the water cleansing and healing you. Don't have hot running water? No problem, do a visualisation! You can imagine yourself under a waterfall!

Friday - Freyja

OK so this is werid, Friday was actually named after Freyja! OMG! #synchronicity! The book says - 'Freyja rides in a chariot pulled by mighty cats across the rainbow bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. OK, I think I've found my new Goddess bestie! This girl is all about taking RISKS! What are you teetering on the edge of right now? What risk are you going to take today? This will actually be my last day at my current job and I really want to not have to do this job again, so that's the risk I'm taking. I want to do this! What do you want to do?!

Saturday - Green Tara

Oh wow, we got both Taras this week! Green Tara rescues us by empowering us to save ourselves. Wow, that's real! Delegating today is super important and just because it's Saturday doesn't mean you can't delegate. Ask someone to help you with your blog or creative project. Let someone make you a sandwich, or treat yourself and have someone else make your dinner and even bring it to you! This is also just a message that you don't have to do it all. If you are working on building a new life for yourself be patient and kind to yourself. You can't change the world in one day, but you can do a bit of work towards it for sure!

Sunday - Damara

OK so this can be a great day to literally spend time with your children, or if you don't have children it can be about nurturing your own inner child, or finding ways you can help children that aren't yours. In terms of projects; we 'give birth' to things and then need to nurture them as if they are our children too. Whatever we are doing today the key word is 'nurture'. Nurture yourself, your plants, your cat, your business, your bookshelf.

WOW! I'm so glad I drew on the Goddesses this week, I think they are really going to help us to crank it up a notch before heading into 2015!! If you would like a personal reading with these cards, tarot, angels, whatever! drop me a line I'm vix(at)newagehipster.co and would love to hook you up with a new year reading. I'm thinking a full year ahead tarot spread + a Goddess and Archangel for 2015 and a fairy message all for a super good price! Yay! I want one! LOL!

<3 Lots of love, light and Goddess goodness! <3



Weekly Tarot Reading - Hanson Roberts - 8th to 14th December

Hanson Roberts Tarot I thought after last week's reading of ALL reversed cards and a lot of feedback from people saying it had been a heavy week that we would be moving onto something lighter and peppier this week. But no. That's not what's happening with the tarot reading for this week. As always I asked this week for messages that will be helpful for anyone who finds this reading on Facebook, Instagram or here on the blog. This week I used the Hanson Roberts Tarot which was my very first Tarot deck! I loved this for my first deck and still love it a lot. It's so 80's and the fairy tale vibe is super cute.

Monday - The Moon Reversed

OK we just had the full moon on Saturday night. Did you go out into your backyard, or open your window and shout out to the moon what you want to let go of?! It's not too late. Tell the moon today what it is you no longer want in your life, and then play your part in letting it go. Delete the ex boyfriend's numbers off your phone, unfriend whoever you need to unfriend on Facebook and don't feel bad about it. Make space for new amazing people and things to enter your life.

Tuesday - Ten of Swords Reversed

What's blocking you from releasing what you need to release? What is stopping you from making that next step forward on your path? What is in your way? Take time today to examine it. Meditate or journal or just ask yourself - 'what is blocking me right now?' Don't freak out about it, just be aware. It's only when we become aware of our blocks that we can really start busting through them.

Wednesday - Five of Cups Reversed

I think maybe we are finally going to start feeling better today. We are getting into a new perspective about stuff, and if we're not, we totally should. Don't keep your outdated ideas and beliefs about certain situations and people. Start to see things as they really are and this should give you some kind of a sense of relief about at least one thing that's going on - finally!

Thursday - Five of Swords Reversed

Today everything is going to be kind of transparent. People are seeing you for who you really are, and you are seeing others for who they are. Who are you really? Who do you want to be? What's causing you to make your decisions? Love or fear? Wow, that's so cliché. But seriously, are you doing stuff to please others, to look cool, to make someone else think you are something you are not? Forget that crap. Show your true self today and do everything you do with a loving heart.

Friday - Justice Reversed

You might feel like others are judging you today, or you might be judging others. Watch your thoughts about other people. Just because you wouldn't wear those leggings doesn't mean it's OK for you to think that anyone who does wear those leggings is ridiculous. But also, don't judge yourself too harshly when you judge others (Ha!). Notice the thought, cancel clear delete it and try to have a different thought next time.

Saturday - Page of Rods Reversed

There's a message that the Universe wants you to hear and you just aren't getting it. Open your eyes and see the signs today. If you have a nagging feeling about something pay attention to it. Stand in the shower and be open to ideas and thoughts that may lead you in a new direction. If all your friends tell you that new guy/gal is a jerk - they might be right. If everyone is telling you to apply for that job, maybe you should. Or maybe the Universe just wants to say Hi, so say Hi back! 

Sunday - Knight of Cups

Oh thank GOD! Finally an upright card! (I swear I do shuffle these cards properly!) But good news on Sunday! A literal Knight in Shining armour might come into your life, it could be an awesome new guy, a new Archangel to work with, a new spirit guide, a new connection with someone cool here or on the other side, an old flame, a new pet, OR and most awesomely, you might step up today and finally realise that you are the Knight you've been waiting for. 

So that's it guys, another crazy week. Just be excellent to each other and be excellent to yourselves. By Sunday it really feels like we are going to all be in a much better place and I can't freaking wait! I hope you all have an amazing week!

<3 Love, light and crazy cat leggings, <3




Weekly card reading - Guardian Angel Tarot - 24th to 30th November

Guardian Angel Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine This week I used the super cute marshmallow cloud deck by Doreen and Radleigh - the Guardian Angel Tarot. You can read my review of it on Silent Voices by clicking here!

Monday - Ace of Abundance

Be open to all that the Universe has to offer today. Mondays seriously suck for most of us, but if we look around some pretty cool things might be going on. Someone might tell you they like your shoes. A friend might buy your Starbucks. You might even win the lottery! Be open to receiving today. 

Tuesday - Healer of Abundance

Get creative! What creative stuff do you like doing? Writing, painting, dancing, journalling? Get creative today. It could even be a fun day to do something creative that you usually wouldn't do!

Wednesday - Ten of Action

Woah there tiger, take a well earned break! Don't forget to ask for help if you need it. Remember from Monday's card - help is all around you, just be open to it! If you are someone who is always listening to everyone else's problems call someone today and tell them yours. 

Thursday - Be Open to Success

Guys, don't ignore your guidance. You know that feeling, the one you've had before about some jerk and ignored and then later you say "I knew I shouldn't have dated that jerk!"? Don't ignore it! Listen to it and follow it!

Friday - Six of Abundance

WOOP! 3 Abundance cards! Yay! Accept all that the Universe is offering you right now. Be thankful. Don't brush off compliments and rewards, you deserve it baby!

Saturday - Eight of Action

A super busy Saturday! Make a to do list and get everything done so you can do something fun later. Or, if you are feeling just way too overwhelmed with life, sleep in and worry about it later.

Sunday - Seven of Emotion

Are you making life decisions based on what other people want? Urgh, that sounds lame. Do what you love, do what calls to you, but make sure you are doing it all for the right reasons. I mean don't take up some random career just to piss off your parents or something right? I love this card's text "Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choices that celebrates who you truly are."

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to get your daily version of the weekly reading and Facebook where all the fun happens. OK, I'm trying to make the fun happen there, but I need your help! Ha, look at me asking for help on a Monday! ;-)

Wishing you all a beautiful abundant week!

<3 Love and light! <3

