What is a lightworker?
Last week one of the #highvibejuly instachallenge prompts was #lightworker.
So many people were like "I don't know if I am one", or "I had to Google Lightworker" and so I thought I'd pop down some of my personal thoughts on what a Lightworker is, just to help y'all out if you have nfi what one is, or whatever.
First of all, I just wanna preface this post by saying that if you don't resonate with the term "lightworker", no problemo. Some people like it, some people don't. No biggie.
Personally I like it, and so I use it. That is in no way any disrespect to those who call themselves shadow workers, duality workers, or people who just effing hate labels full stop.
I have seen a lot of hating online towards those who call themselves Lightworkers because there is this idea that we're ignoring our shadow, ignoring the darkness and just dancing around in sequins and pigtails throwing glitter at everything. Which, although sounds kind of wonderful in a way, is not exactly what it's about. For me anyway...
What is the definition of "lightworker"?
We all have different definitions, and yours may not be the same as mine. Just like when someone calls themselves "spiritual" it has like a bajillion different meanings to everyone.
A lightworker is just anyone who wants to make a difference and wants to make the world better.
Being a lightworker is about helping others, helping the planet and basically being a nice person.
Some people say you have to be "spiritual" to be a lightworker. I don't know about you, but I've met some damn fine people shining bright and helping the planet who do not resonate with spirituality at all.
You do not have to have a spiritual job or even be spiritual at all to be a lightworker. Some of the coolest lightworkers I know are total Agnostics.
I LOVE this definition of "light"! x
How do you know if you're a lightworker?
Here's a lightworker test:
1. Do you try to be a nice person?
2. Do you want to make a difference?
3. Do you want to help this planet?
If you said yes to the above, you are a lightworker.
Always doing the lightwork. x
The lightworker mission
"Hey Vix, you're cool with going down and helping planet earth for a while right?"
"Sure, no problem! Earth is heaps pretty and I love hanging out with all my bezzies in human form! :D"
*Gets to Earth like OMG what is happening down here?*
A lot of lightworkers feel a huge amount of pressure to work out what exactly we're supposed to be doing and to get it done like yesterday. There never feels like enough time to complete the mission, we never actually really know what the mission is (apart from "to help") and so it can feel pretty daunting and frustrating at times.
Connecting with your own inner guidance can give you a much better idea about what you're meant to be doing...
It's important to remember that just being a big bright light, being nice, standing up for injustice and generally doing your part to be a good human is pretty much enough.
What's the deal with lightworkers and shadow work?
Shadow work is basically about working with the duality of both your light and dark.
Although nothing brings me more joy than pulling Angel cards and sending love and light to the world, I am very aware that I am human and so I have an ego. As much as I try to bring light into my life, I know darkness exists, within me and around me. I just prefer to focus on the light. That doesn't mean I'm ignoring my shadow. It means when I discover something I don't like about myself or within myself I work on it, but I don't dwell on it.
I prefer to put my focus on what lights me up, and that's why I like the term lightworker.
Being a lightworker is not about being perfect. It's about choosing the light and choosing to do what's right and working on your stuff.
(Again, no disrespect if you prefer the term shadow worker and feel like it suits what you do. We're all doing the same thing just in the way that resonates for us right? Fist-bump)
Just in case you forget. x
When I do readings I'm doing lightwork.
When I'm sending reiki or love and light to others I'm doing lightwork.
When you meditate you're doing lightwork.
When you light a candle and pray for peace you're doing lightwork.
When you are nice to the person who makes your coffee, you're doing lightwork.
Angelic + Starseed connections
Many lightworkers also resonate with the idea that they are either incarnated angels, earth angels or starseeds (and we can talk about if these things are even different later).
In a nutshell an incarnated angel is someone who has spent their time pre-this life hanging out in the angelic realms in angel form.
In a nutshell a starseed is someone who has spent previous lifetimes and perhaps their soul also originates from another planet.
For many people the lightworker mission is not just about "helping out" but also making sure the planet survives, spreading peace, gaining information and understanding to take back to our own planets later, research assignments, and spreading love and light to help Earth evolve into it's next chapter in which we're all good to each other.
Lighting up! x
So what do you think? Are you a lightworker? What's your definition of a lightworker?
If you wanna chat more about being a lightworker, or anything woo woo, head over to the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on FB or let us know in the comments below.
With so much love and light!