Spirituality — Blog — VICTORIA "VIX" MAXWELL



Metaphysical Movie Review: Ingress

Gorgeous souls! It’s a metaphysical movie review! 🍿✨🍿✨🍿

You know I LOVE pop culture here at New Age Hipster. I’m always making tarot spreads and spiritual memes based on movies and TV shows. I LOVE stories in all their forms, and I especially love stories with a metaphysical, magickal, witchy bent to them! 🥰

And so when I came across the new indie movie (you know I love anything indie!!) INGRESS written by and starring Rachel Noll James and it was described as this:

A woman who can move between parallel realities loses her husband tragically and must overcome past trauma to travel the multiverse once again and find her way into a reality where he is still alive.

I was immediately like WHERE IS THE POPCORN?! 😍🍿

Here is the trailer to give you a sense of the whole magickal mystical vibe of this movie…

I don’t want to give anything away, because the thing I loved most about this was I just had no idea where it was going or how the whole time slippage thing would work, but here’s a general gist of the movie...

When she was younger, Riley could move through timelines. When her husband Toby dies, it starts happening again. She beings to experience brief moments of time in which she can tune into another timeline where he’s still alive.

She seeks help figuring it all out and meets Daniel, a metaphysical author who writes about weird and wonderful timeline jumping and multiverse theories.

I mean, hello? Timeline jumping, metaphysical authors, seeing through the veils of illusion into other dimensions!? YES PLEASE!!

These kinds of movies are just fantastic to watch for the stories, but this movie really felt like it activated something in me. It was not just a movie, it was an awakening and powerful divine transmission. Well, most stories are I guess, but I really felt this one!

I know so many people in the community who have incredible timeline jumping experiences and during readings I can often see when and where someone has shifted or changed their own timeline. One time I was also shown a client with an ability to heal timelines, and I saw her literally threading light through gaps in space and time which was fascinating! 😮

I only have one cool story of my own but I think you’ll enjoy how New Age Hipster it is…

I was in a Mall in Melbourne a little while ago, just grabbing my vegan burger from Lord of the Fries (yes that’s what it’s called and it’s fully vegan and delicious! 😅) and looking for a seat in the food court when suddenly I got a glimpse into another dimension!

For just a split second, the mall turned into a temple of light and was filled with beautiful light beings walking around. It was just so random, like why did I see that when I was just trying to find a seat in the food court?! 😅 But I am sure in that moment I was tapping into something else that was happening in the same place at time, just on a different level.

Anyway, thanks for listening to my story, but please do do do go check out this incredible movie INGRESS! It is so fascinating, so heart opening and activating on a spiritual level. It may even help activate you so that you can jump into your highest timeline! 😍

INGRESS is available to watch now in the US via: Amazon, Cox, Comcast, Charter, Fandango at Home (Vudu) and Vimeo on Demand.

Sign up here to know when it will be available to watch in other countries!

Follow @ingressfilm for updates!

With so much love and timeline jumping,



Sacred Social Media: being protected, authentic and true on social media

What a time to be alive, when you can just grab your phone and in an instant be connected to millions of other people who are into the same things you are!

Social media really is incredible in so many ways. Maybe you even found this blog post through social media, or perhaps we first connected there. I’ve made so many friends on Instagram including people that have become real life friends! Some I see in person, most I just get to chat with over Zoom with a cuppa.

Being able to connect with other witches, lightworkers and spiritual souls on socials is awesome, especially for those of us who work from home, don’t get out much due to whatever reason, or maybe can’t talk about the magickal life to people around us as they may not support our journey.

But while it’s incredible to be able to connect with your fellow wisdom keepers online, social media doesn’t always feel like the most high vibe place on the planet.

For those of us who are sensitive to energy, spending too much time on socials, getting sucked into a never-ending scroll and being bombarded with content that makes us feel bad is not so much fun.

Energy protection is one of my favourite things to talk about because it really did change my life. When I started to protect my energy I could see what was really mine, what wasn’t and I was also able to start hearing the voice of my own intuition and my guides so much more clearly.

One thing I’ve noticed recently is that my intuition always gets a little clogged up when I spend too much time on socials.

And that’s concerning. Because it means the more we are bombarded with content, the harder it is to be discerning, and social media is one of the places where we need to be the most discerning.

When we open up our phones for a quick scroll we’re essentially opening up a portal out into the entire world.

Many of us practice some form of energy protection before we head out for the day, but rarely think about it when we’re scrolling first thing or last thing at night.

Social media is this incredible tool we have to share our light, our love, our truth with the world. We have these platforms to speak and share and radiate so much goodness, and yet these spaces are often just exhausting us to the point where we don’t even want to be on them, let alone use them to share our light.

There is so much weird stuff being posted online these days, and I don’t want to sound judgey, but a lot of what I see on social media is not that high vibe. Dare I even say that the magickal and spiritual community is not even always that high vibe?!

And the thing is, we need more authentic souls on these platforms sharing their love and raising the vibe of the place, but we can only do that if we’re awake and aware and using social media consciously.

So here are some simple tips to help you protect yourself and be more authentically you and true on socials:

Protect your energy on socials

Before you open your phone or laptop take a moment to affirm and intend that you are protected. You can do this in many different ways, check out my book Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic for more tips, but a couple of easy ways to do it are visualising yourself in a bubble of light, holding a smoky quartz crystal while you post and scroll, or just affirm - I am protected before you open up.

Unfollow or mute accounts that make you feel shitty

If it doesn’t inspire you, support you or help you feel more connected to the person posting, just go ahead and unfollow or mute. You don’t have to be blown away by every single piece of content someone posts, but if it makes you feel shitty for whatever reason (comparison, jealousy, not in alignment with your values, just annoys you, etc.) let it go.

Following thousands of people online just means you never get to see the content you want from the people you really do want to stay following, so clear your feed, your head and your heart in one go!

You can do this by either going through all the accounts you follow, or do what I do. When I see something come up I just don’t resonate with, I go to that person’s account, check to see if it’s a one off or if I just don’t vibe with what they are posting anymore. Then I unfollow or mute if it’s someone I want to stay connected with.

Fudge the algorithm

Since the algorithm stopped showing posts to a huge number of our followers people have gotten on the “post for the algorithm” trend.

Look, I’ve tried. I tried to make the algorithm happy. I posted at the right times. I posted reels. I posted daily. It rarely worked. Other times I posted the most random stuff and it had the best engagement ever.

Don’t try to make the algorithm happy. Just post stuff you think will inspire and support your community and post what inspires and supports you!

Screw the numbers

There are incredible accounts out there with hardly any followers who have such a beautiful and engaged community. There are other accounts with massive followings and tumbleweed when they post.

Numbers don’t mean what they used to mean. What matters now is the connection you make with your followers. If you hit one person right in the heart that’s better than reaching 1m people who could take you or leave you imho.

Actually connect with people

Ah, I remember the good old days when you could send someone and DM and they would actually respond! Some of the best people I know I met through some comment and DM exchanges!

Don’t be afraid to reach out to an account you love and let them know! And if someone reaches out to you, send them a reply, even if it’s just to say thanks!

The community aspect of social media has sadly disappeared over the years as it’s been more focused on brands and selling and bigger accounts, but there are still so many people on there that would love to be your friend!

Clear your social media accounts

Clear your own accounts every now and then. Delete any non-high vibe comments, delete any old content you’ve put up that no longer resonates, send in a wave of Violet Flame energy, stick your phone in some burning incense, light a white candle, do a banishing spell, just do something to symbolise your accounts being cleared.

Be authentic, be be authentic

There is so much content on socials these days that is soooooo inauthentic. As intuitives we can just tell when someone is posting for the algorithm, copying someone else’s style, or just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. And while inauthentic content may go viral, it can also feel a bit gross to those consuming it.

Hey, we’ve all posted content that didn’t land with our audience or our hearts, it’s no biggie. Just delete and try again.

Post from the heart. Whatever that means to you. Post what YOU want to post, not what anyone else is posting or what you think you should be posting. You do you. And that’s how your people are going to find you, even if there’s only like six of them. But who cares! You found your six people! WOW! :D

Use it for good

If you’re anything like me, you probably want to have some kind of positive impact in the world. Maybe you want to help raise the consciousness of the planet, or just like the idea of helping someone have a better day (same thing!). So think about how you can use social media as part of your spiritual service work. How could you make a positive difference through your social media? How can you bring more love and light to the people on the platform? How can you use it to share your passion, your heart and your purpose? How could what you post inspire someone else on their journey?

Take some time off

Being so connected all the time is actually hella bad for our brains. It exhausts the nervous system, and as I touched on earlier, it actually depletes your ability to tune into your own intuition.

So take some time off. Set yourself some boundaries.

I’ve been taking Sundays off socials most weeks, and actually it’s been turning into hardly checking at all on the weekends. I’m not perfect at this, but I find the less I’m on socials, the less obsessed I am with checking socials. It’s a real catch 22. If you can get a bit of time away, you’ll find you have more time to live a life worth putting on social media! :P

To dive deeper into your own Sacred Social Media experience go grab a deck of tarot or oracle cards and have a go at the Sacred Social Media spread below.

Or if you don’t have a deck, grab a journal and work with the questions as journal prompts.

1.How social media is working for you

2.How social media is working against you

3.How to be more awake and aware online

4.How to keep your energy safe online

5.Your sacred social media strategy

6.How to be seen and stay true to you

For more on how to clear, ground and protect your energy online and in the regular world, check out my book Witch, Please: Empowerment and Enlightenment for the Modern Mystic.

With love, light and staying true,




How to Deal with Intense Energies

“Intense energy” has become a phrase we’re using a lot in the spiritual community these days.

Mostly because it’s the only way we know how to describe what’s going on.

Seems like every five minutes these days we are dealing with some new aspect of the cosmic washing machine cycle.

Whether it’s the Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde, Solstice, Lion’s Gate, lockdown, or just another day on planet earth, there’s almost always something ready to try and knock us off our feet.

Then of course, there are the intense energies we deal with in our personal lives - grief, trauma, aging, loss, illness, dreams being dashed…

There’s a lot to deal with on the earthly plane, but the good news is that there are plenty of spiritual tools and practices we can use to help us navigate through it all while staying grounded, in our power and able to keep shining bright.

The Tower from the Cosmic Tarot.

This is by no means a definitive list. We are all different and we all deal with intense energies and difficult times differently. These are just some of the things that I have found work well for me in difficult times. x

1. Don’t buy into the drama and ignore the hype

While it’s always useful to have someone affirm what we’re feeling in the form of “oh yeah, the energy is intense right now!” it’s another to seek out and surround yourself with constant talk, and let’s face it, moaning and complaining about all this intense energy.

The truth is, every day on this planet is intense. It’s also an incredible blessing and such a gift just to be here, so let’s not waste time getting caught up in a self-fulfilling prophesy that makes these times so much harder than they have to be.

2. GROUND yourself.

Grounding practices are hugely underrated in my opinion, and most teachings on grounding only touch the surface.

Grounding is so much more than touching grass (although it can be that too!). Grounding is about grounding into the present moment, your own body, your own life, your purpose.

It’s about drawing your higher self down into your physical reality.

My favourite ways to ground my energy are through daily Kundalini Yoga practices, working with the Earth Star Chakra, eating lots of great vegan food, daily walks (even when the weather sucks) and physical exercise.

Many people fly out of their bodies during intense times, but this is actually when we need to get into our bodies the most!

3. Ritual and Routine

Agh, I know. Not everyone wants to hear about “routine”.

It doesn’t sound very divine feminine rising, does it?

But actually, when life feels chaotic, the best thing you can do is create a container for yourself and for your magic.

Think of it as energy protection and self-care.

Ritual and routine looks different for us all, but it can be as simple as creating (and sticking to as much as possible!) a daily spiritual practice, going to bed at the same time every night, working with an online fitness program and showing up each day, turning your phone off at 6pm and not looking at your phone in the morning until you’ve done three minutes of ego eradicator.

I know this sounds basic, and maybe not very intuitive, but if you’re feeling wonky, try to create some kind of routine for yourself, even if it’s just a daily cup of tea or card pull.

Give yourself permission to change the routine anytime too!

Archangel Azrael can help you through big life changes, and Archangel Metatron can guide you back to your own spiritual power! From the Angels Among Us Oracle.

4. Call on your spirit guides and angels for support

I know, like, duh! Of course we should do this.

But it’s often when things feel most challenging, we forget we have a whole team in spirit behind us, rooting for us and waiting to lend a helping hand!

Call on divine assistance in whatever way you like. A simple - “hey, guides and angels, I need some help right now!” is all you need to do. Then ask them for what you need.

5. Enjoy the wild ride

Imagine if instead of hating on the intense energies when they hit us, we decided to go all in and fully experience and appreciate them?

We didn’t incarnate for all the stars to be aligned in our favour every second of the day. We knew what we were getting into. We knew that Earth school would be chaotic and challenging and wonderful and painful and magical.

But we still came. In fact, most of us were so excited about the idea of it all!

We wanted to LIVE. We wanted to experience it all, the good, the bad, and the cosmically ugly.

The intensity of life is what helps us grow as souls, and it’s what expands our hearts and challenges our minds.

So next time you feel a little woozy from the cosmic alignments or the challenges of life, try to remember - this is what you came for, to experience it all!

6. Live in the now

Don’t wait for the intense energy to be over. Don’t put your life on hold.

If we wait until the intense energy is over to live our lives, we’re going to be waiting our whole lives!

If you need to take some time out, take it. If you need a retreat and a social media hiatus, do it. If you need to go into a blanket fort and binge Stranger Things, go for it.

But don’t wait until the perfect moment to live your life.

This, right now, no matter what is happening in the cosmos, is the perfect moment to live your life.

So, gorgeous soul, how do you deal with intense energy? Share in the comments so we can all find something that supports us in challenging times!

With love, light and staying anchored,



What does it mean to show up and do the work?

This week on social media I posted about “showing up and doing the work”.

A lot of people resonated with the post and I had a bunch of DMs from people saying things like - “thanks for the reminder, I haven’t been showing up like I want to”, and I also had a few asking me what it actually meant to show up and do the work.

Good question!

It’s one of those phrases that’s thrown around a lot in spiritual and self help circles, so I thought I’d throw my two cents in and let you know what it means to me (because this stuff always means something different to each of us!) to show up and “do the work”.

As someone who does spiritual work (and writes YA indie novels!) for a living, it’s kind of my job to tune in and pass on information that comes through. Whether that’s in a one on one session, or through something I feel called to share on social media or on my blog.

When I say something like “this came through in my meditation” or “my guides have been telling me this” people often ask how they can receive the same kind of downloads and intuitive hits.

The answer is - show up and do the work.

This is what showing up and doing the work looks like! From the #MoonchildTarot x

This is what showing up and doing the work looks like! From the #MoonchildTarot x

For every one time I go into meditation and fly off to the Sirius star system and get some download that gives me a huge insight and majorly shifts things for me there are 100 times I show up and I just stay on planet earth. (Which is still cool btw, and sometimes very much needed!)

the more I show up and do the work the easier it gets to chat with my guides, hear what they have to say, know what my spreads mean, visit higher dimensional realms and know what my next steps are!

Someone sent me a DM and said that they were worried they would show up and still nothing would happen. The thing is though, showing up is the reward in itself.

When you are the type of person that shows up for yourself, for your heart, soul and spiritual journey, when you show up for your dreams, you can’t lose. Even if you don’t get exactly what you wanted, becoming that person, that’s a huge reward in itself.

Here’s a simple of list of practical ways you can show up and do the work:

  • Develop a consistent spiritual practice

  • Meditate every day!

  • Journal

  • Live consciously

  • Help other people

  • Do shadow work (look at your own “stuff” and work through it!)

  • Pull your own cards daily to help you tune in

  • Read spiritual books

  • Take workshops and courses - Woo Woo 101 is a great place to start!

  • Create some routines and structure

  • Practice self-love on those days when it’s all too hard to show up (practising self-care is part of showing up!)

  • Join The Circle for resources to help you and support on the path!

  • When your guides give you a nudge or some guidance, follow it!

  • However you show up and do the work, do it regularly!

Most of all, make sure you are showing up and doing the work in the way that works for you and your life. There is no right or wrong way to show up. You know if you’re doing it or not!

If you’re still not sure how to start showing up check out my classes and The Circle membership to help you get on track! Or come and join the totally free Spiritual Journey Pitstop group and chat to like-minded souls about the spiritual path!

With so much love and light,



PS - I always reply to comments so if you have questions just post below! :D x

A weekend in Glastonbury

A weekend in Glastonbury x

You've probably heard of Glastonbury, maybe you've even been on your own spiritual pilgrimage! 

Maybe you're like WHAT IS IT?

Glastonbury is a super magical place, it's known for all sorts of magic. It's said to be the Isle of Avalon, the place where King Arthur and Guinevere used to hang out, and are allegedly buried. Glastonbury is said to be the birthplace of Christianity in the west, the home of the Holy Grail and there are also tales of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea visiting the Isle Avalon in during Jesus's lost years.

Whatever you do or don't resonate with, Glastonbury is a pretty magical and powerful place, full of mysteries. Me and the BF decided to go see if we could work some of them out.

I'd been to Glastonbury in passing a few years ago, but this was the first time I'd have a chance for a really good potter around. We were only in town for one night and we chose a leisurely weekend over running around trying to do all the things. There is loads more to see than what we did, and if you are coming for a visit and want to see all of it, I'd recommend staying for maybe three nights, or even more, depending on how much time you want to spend.

K, so are you ready to come with me to Glastonbury?? :D

I love a good road trip, and no road trip is as cool as one that LITERALLY drives past Stonehenge! :O

If you watched that, you could probs tell I was a bit excited. We didn't pop in as we'd been pretty recently, but isn't it lovely to drive past? :D

We were super hungry when we arrived, but as soon as we got out the car we saw this! :O

Wytches' Market Glastonbury

Very cool. I mean, we don't even have a crystal shop where I live, let alone something this cool! Glastonbury is definitely the Mecca of Witchy Woo in the UK.

So then we went to find food and we found the Rainbow's End cafe which is veggie and voted number 1 for food on Trip Advisor.

Rainbow's End Cafe Glastonbury

It did not disappoint! The plate was basically overflowing and probably could have fed three people. I had a roasted veggie and stilton crumble, garlic potatoes, Greek salad and potato salad! OMG it was soooo good but I was pretty stuffed afterwards!

So we decided to walk it off and go up the Tor!

Glastonbury Tor

The BF wanted to go up the quick steep way but I'm actually kind of lazy, so I suggested we go up the longer but less steep way, it wasn't actually that steep in the end.

Glastonbury Tor

It was a pretty grey day and we were thinking it was about to rain the whole time, but it didn't! Hoorah!

The Tor is an interesting place with an incredible history (Google it!). It has a strong powerful masculine and air energy (or was it just super windy?).

I sat and meditated for a few minutes and I just felt majorly grounded, like nothing, no one was going to be able to knock me down.

Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury Tor

The view from the Tor is glorious!

Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury Tor

One of my favourite traditions in this part of the world is giving offerings in the form of ribbons on trees.

There are all sorts of reasons this is done; an offering to the spirits of the trees, the Fae, the Gods, the land, the ancestors, a prayer, a wish. I added my ribbon, said a few words and then we trudged back down the country lanes back into town.

Glastonbury Tor
Starchild Glastonbury

You can't go to Glastonbury without popping into the Starchild Glastonbury shop.

It's like an olde worlde apothecary full of oils, herbs and magical tools. I picked up a White Poplar Tree Perfume, a bottle of the Chalice Space Aroma (I adore their space aromas!!) and a frothy white and pink candle. 

Time sure flies when you're shopping for magical goodies, and before we knew it, it was time for dinner.

We strolled around the town looking for a place for a drink and ended up in the George and Pilgrim which is probably one of the most legit English pubs I've ever been in.

Glastonbury alley

We went out for a fancy pizza and beer at the local Italian place GiGis.

It was was like being in a 1980's time warp and suited me just fine thanks very much!

Labyrinth books Glastonbury

Book shopping before breakfast?! And the whole book shop is full of spiritual books? This is my kind of weekend away! :D

Labyrinth Books is awesomesauce.


And the Hundred Monekys cafe literally has awesomesauce (organic brown sauce!).

We grabbed the veggie breakfast, but they also have vegan options too. In fact the whole of Glastonbury is fairly accommodating for veggies and vegans which always makes life a little easier when weekending away!

Speaking Tree Glastonbury

Book shopping straight after breakfast? I could get used to this! :D

Speaking Tree Books Glastonbury

If you check out Speaking Tree Books don't miss the second floor! It's chock full of spiritual books too!

Chalice Well Glastonbury

We decided to spend Sunday morning at the Chalice Well Gardens, and it was life. 

Chalice Well Glastonbury

Peeps have been coming to this well for it's healing properties for thousands of years...

Chalice Well Glastonbury

The energy of the divine mother is strong here.

The whole time I was there I felt so held, safe and strong and loved. It was Like a powerful peace washing over me.

Glastonbury Chalice Well
Chalice Well Glastonbury

I filled two bottles to take home and use for magic making, potions, ritual baths and it does great things to my crystals too!

Sadly we had to get back on the road and head home, but with my heart full of divine love and my pockets full of crystals I know I'm never far from Glastonbury or the energy that runs through it's streets and hills in this magical place.

With so much love and light,



For more info on the goodies I picked up, check out my Glastonbury faves vid below!

Thoughts on the Burning Times + Persecution in the Spiritual Community

Thoughts on the Burning Times + Persecution in the Spiritual Community x

So, I got called a witch burner.

A couple of times actually.

I wrote a post recently about my thoughts and experience on being a Christian Witch. A lot of people really dug it. Some people didn't.

And that's totally cool. I think it's really important for us to hold space for people who think and feel differently from what we do.

But being called a witch burner definitely brought up a lot of stuff for me.

I spent a bit of time in my late teens in the church. I sang in the worship team and I was slain in the spirit and my friends spoke tongues at me in the car park. 

I was pretty gutted I never got the gift of tongues. I did receive the gift of prophecy though. I bet my friends at bible camp didn't think this is where I'd end up with it though.

It was pretty cool times.

I noticed pretty swiftly however, how freaked out and pissed off people were when I told them I had become born again in Christ.

People stopped talking to me, people tried to convince me I was brainwashed. People were just generally really nasty about my choices.

One time a man even yelled at me in Tesco because I was wearing a crucifix. 

People always ask me, "what's it like to come out of the spiritual closet?", and I gotta tell you, it was a heck of a lot easier, in my experience (it's different for all of us of course) to come out as a professional tarot reader than it ever was to tell people I was a born again Christian.

Since coming out as a Christian Witch (just one of many labels I use, I also dig lightworker, starseed and Hufflepuff) it's really highlighted just how much we still persecute each other in the spiritual community.

#giphy x

#giphy x

I mean I've literally had people call me a witch burner. 

I've been told not to call myself a Christian Witch because I'll lose followers.

I had someone I really looked up to in the community totally shut me down after seeing my post.

With all the accusations and finger pointing going on I started to feel like I was actually about to be burned at the stake myself.

There is a lot of persecution in the spiritual community.

For years I've never felt like I belonged anywhere in the community. I was too witchy for the Christians, too love and light for the tarot community, too much of a Jesus freak for the witchy circles.

It was the main reason I started my group Spiritual Journey Pitstop on Facebook (which you are so, so welcome to join!) and opened the doors for people of all belief systems to share their paths free from judgement

There is a lot of finger pointing in the community and I wonder when it's going to stop. 

When are we going to realise that the finger pointers were to blame along with the witch burners?

The burning times were totally messed up.

Also, many "witches" weren't burned either. I'm just using the term "burning times" because y'all know what I mean. But there were many other horrendous ways people were killed.



But I think we've become so focused on the "witch" in witch burning that we've forgotten what the burning times were actually about.

Many of those who were burned were not even witches.

We must remember that these were frightening times, and the choice was often to name someone as a witch or die yourself.

So the finger pointing began. 

We can't deny that the burning times were a result of using religion to control the people and some men of the time in power not being able to deal with the divine feminine and women in general but I think sometimes we put so much blame on those in power and deny what was happening in the community.

Sisters, mothers, best friends were pointing the finger and offering each other up.

And I wonder when we're going to stop pointing the finger.

I've done it too of course. I am not a perfect person. I've judged and assumed and accused.

And I think we need to have compassion for those who've been finger pointing. It usually always comes from a place of fear.

But it feels like time we stopped throwing each other in the fire.

To truly clear and heal the karma of the burning times we don't need to bring down Christianity, or Christians or those who identify as Christian Witches, we need to stop pointing fingers, and stop throwing each other in the fire.

There is finger pointing of all kinds going on in the spiritual community.

I've been called out dozens of times for spiritual bypassing, being too love and light, not doing any shadow work, not being spiritual enough, not going deep enough, not owning enough dark tarot decks, not using my platform to post about politics, not reading tarot "the right way" (like there is one), not talking about enough big heavy stuff on my blog and now, also being called a witch burner.

And all this from other people in the spiritual community who don't know anything about me.

Not from my Christian friends who've known me since high school. Not from my Muslim friends. Not from my atheist friends. From other people in the spiritual community.

And then we look outside the community at the world around us and we see horrific things happening and yet we still point fingers at each other. You're not political enough. Why aren't you talking about this?

And yes, being political and talking about big important stuff is important AF.

But if you're not talking about it, that's OK too.

If you're a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Witch, or a Christian Witch or if you don't even have a clue how to begin labelling yourself, that's OK too.

We have all, all of us, every religion, every belief system, we have all been persecuted. We have all been killed for our beliefs. 

And often times we've been killed for our perceived beliefs.

Many of those executed were not witches at all. Why do we never talk of them?

Witches often feel as if they own the burning times, and we do, but not alone.

All of you who have ever been persecuted, all of you who have been killed or harmed or hurt because someone pointed the finger or called you out, for truth or lies, it's all of us who own the burning times, and all of us who are here to heal the karma of it.

and we clear that karma when we stop turning on each other and start working together.



Just visualise with me for a moment. We're back in the burning times and instead of pointing the finger we did a quick whip around of everyone in the villages and gathered a huge group of people all standing together. Men, women, Christians, followers of the old ways, all walking towards the gallows and the stakes and dismantling them. Gracefully throwing the power crazed leaders out of the court houses and town halls and replacing them with people in the community who were well respected and wise.

We move forward when we decide to hold hands with the Christian Witch next door instead of pointing the finger and throwing her in the gallows.

If this is triggering for you, I get it. Christianity is something many people find triggering for all sorts of reasons, and if you've been affected by Christianity in a negative way I send you so much love, light and healing.

But please know that my brand of magic and faith is aligned in love and compassion and kindness and contrary to popular belief, I am definitely not a witch burner

With so much love, light and healing,



Full Moon Magic - 33 Ways to Work with the Energy of the Full Moon

full moon magic - 33 ways to work with the energy of the full moon by New Age Hipster

It's a powerful and potent time for magic when mamma moon is out in full force!

It's a great time to work some magic, and this post is gonna offer up a few ideas of ways you can harness this power for your own magical, spiritual and energetic uses.

If you're looking for info about the New Moon you can check out the sister post - New Moon Magic to this one!

For me the full moon is a great time to connect to my intuition and do some releasing work. as the moon begins to wane I know I'm releasing with her. :)

The full moon can often feel quite heavy to me too, so it's always a time when I need to focus on self-care and being nice to myself.

So let's get into it! Here's 33 ways you can work with the energy of the full moon!




Read your own Tarot or Oracle cards

Invite some friends over and read cards for each other

Alternatively, get on Skype with a witchy friend and read for each other online style!

Full Moon Tarot Spread

Write down what you want to release, rip it up and burn it

Light a candle for those you love

Light a candle for those you've lost

Honour your ancestors with incense, candles and chanting or singing

Write a letter to a passed over loved one and burn it to send it off to them (they will be there watching you write it of course anyway!)

Research the Goddesses on Wikipedia and see who's calling you

moon goddess

Call on Archangel Michael to help you clear and heal your fears

Try a cord cutting ritual (grab my Cord-Cutting Kit here!)


Go outside when it's dark and just sit and absorb the moon's energy

Draw down the moon with a ritual

Look out your window and talk to her like she's a (very, very) very old friend

Do a past life regression or a past life reading

Play with Moonstone or Selenite

Give yourself a Reiki healing, or ask the Angels of Reiki to do it for you

Do some super deep meditation

Meditate on the High Priestess card

High Priestess from the Connolly Tarot

Visit the Akashic Records

Take a ritual bath with salt, Rosemary, Frankincense oil and Moonstone crystals or whatever else you fancy

Make a Mala

Start a (new) gratitude journal

Pull some Goddess cards

Make a potion

Put your crystals out by the window to clear and charge them

Tidy your wallet, your bathroom shelves and your bedroom to help release any stagnant energy and create a flow of money, beauty and relaxation/love

Clear your home with white light, sage, Archangel Michael or tools and beings of choice

Eat comfort food (I like macaroni cheese!)

Go to bed early with a good book

Focus on self-love and cut yourself a break

Watch The Craft

Share with us in the comments what other magical activities you like getting up to on the Full Moon!

And if you want to come join in with a little online ritual each full and new moon, be sure to come hang with us at the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on Facebook!

With love, and moonlight,



If you found this post useful check out my online spiritual development group The Circle for more spreads, meditations, workbooks and spiritual support. :)

The Circle Spiritual Development Group

How to stay spiritual on vacay

how to stay spiritual on vacay new age hipster

Let's face it, keeping up with all your woo when you're at home in your regular routine can be difficult enough at times. Add in some travel plans, changes of time zones, jet-lag, staying with friends or family and a busy itinerary into the mix and it's near impossible for even the most spiritually practised of us to keep up with our regular woo routine.

But it doesn't have to be like that! Here are some of my fave ways to stay spiritual while I'm on vacay, travelling, or just away from home for any reason...

When you check in and they tell you your room is number 1111! :O

When you check in and they tell you your room is number 1111! :O

Keep it real

Accept that fact that your usual two hours, one hour or even half an hour of yoga, meditation, card slinging and journalling is probably just not going to happen while you're on the road.

Keep your expectations about what you're really going to be able to do woo-wise realistic and you won't find yourself having a freak out on day four of your vacay because you packed all your gear and haven't done any yoga yet. 


Meditate in bed

I find that if I stay lying down in bed, I tend to fall asleep again, but if I sit up and meditate for a few minutes it works quite well! If you're still going to fall asleep, get out of bed and just plonk yourself down on the floor for a few minutes before you start your day.  


Don't neglect your energy

It literally only takes a few seconds to ground, clear and protect your energy. I like to do this in bed before I get up in the morning when I'm travelling as a kind of non-negotiable.

You can literally just say "my energy is grounded, clear and protected" in your head or out loud before getting out of bed and it totally makes a difference. Add some visualisations if you fancy it, but even just a quick affirmation can be enough. Find out more about how to protect your energy in my free e-book How to Stay Shiny. :D


Sneak around

One time I woke up super early while I was in Apollo Bay and so I snuck out of my hotel room and went down to the beach to meditate. :D 

It can be fun to sneak off somewhere when others are asleep, or doing something else with their time, but leave a note so they know where you are. #SafetyFirst! 

Apollo bay later that day... x

Apollo bay later that day... x

Talk to your guides and angels in the shower

This is one of my fave places to have a chat with my team anyway, but when you're on vacay it can often be the only time you really have to yourself! Uh, unless you're not showering alone, but anyway...

I like to just say hey to my team, call them in by name and then ask for what I need and what I'd like help with.


Pack a travel altar

A travel altar can be a neat way to set yourself up to do some spiritual check-ins while you're away

Include a candle, matches (lighters don't fly too well!), cloth, mini statues, prayer cards, a few tumble stones or whatever else feels right to take with you.

Be mindful that some countries won't let you bring in plant and animal products like sage, palo santo, feathers etc., so check before you travel.


Wear your crystals

I don't know about you, but I have a pretty decent crystal collection. It kind of freaks me out when I have to pack for a trip because I will miss all my crystal babies! I tend to only pack a few tumble stones and wands and take my favourite wearable crystals instead.


Visit churches and sacred sites

If you should find yourself in a church or at a sacred site take it as a chance to check in and connect. Take a moment to sit down at a pew, sit in silence at a stone circle or light a candle in a cathedral.

Quick check in at Maen Llia, Wales. x

Quick check in at Maen Llia, Wales. x

Tarot Apps

If you don't want to carry around all your decks while travelling, there are some awesome Tarot apps around, and many are even free! Some of my faves are the Golden Thread Tarot, the Kawaii Tarot and the Tarot of the Holy Light.



While you might just wanna chill with some trashy romance, why not take your latest spiritual read to the beach, pool or log fire?


Travel yoga

Take a travel yoga mat and if you have WiFi check out some of Adrienne's yoga on the road videos or try Movement for Modern Life's quickies whenever you have a chance.


Enjoy being human

A big part of the human experience is to enjoy being human. Don't get too caught up with trying to keep up with your spiritual stuff that you forget to chill, have fun being human and enjoy your vacay! 


With so much love, light and good vacay vibes,



Reading with the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle on the beach. :D

Reading with the NewAgeHipster InstaOracle on the beach. :D

Ten Truths to take on your Spiritual Journey

ten truths to take on the spiritual path blog by Vix from New Age Hipster

The Spiritual Journey is a winding, twisty road. It's not very straight forward at all, and if you decide to embark upon it (or continue forward on it if you are already on it!) you can be really useful to have some tools and truths in your back pocket as you travel.

This is in no way a definitive list, and it's also wise to remember that my truth is not necessarily your truth. Some of these might resonate with you, some might not. That's all good, and a big part of truth number two.

I thought I'd share some of the truths that help me stay on my own path, walking forward with love and light, compassion and kindness in my step (mostly). Maybe some of these will help you too. 


ONE: The spiritual path is not a competition

Spirituality is not a competition. Being "more spiritual" than someone else isn't really a thing, and anyone who says or alludes to the fact that they are more spiritual than someone else is actually probably not really all that spiritual.

There is no hierarchy when it comes to how spiritual you are. 

You are just as much a light being in a human body as everybody else is.

It's totally OK if this doesn't happen to you during meditation. (Source: Giphy) x

It's totally OK if this doesn't happen to you during meditation. (Source: Giphy) x

TWO: everyone is on their own journey

I don't  have all the answers, but I do sure as shizzle know that my path is different from everyone else's. 

Thinking that others should be walking the path you are walking is all kinds of whack. 

Giving people space to have the experiences they choose for themselves is super powerful.

Of course when we see something really dodgy going on, we should always do our best to speak up and out about it, but there are some things we just can't change about other people, and it's not our job to do it anyway.

Using this as a mantra can be super helpful if you're struggling with people who really rub you up the wrong way. You can't change other people, but you can try to change how you see their actions


THREE: Other spiritual paths, religions and belief systems are not "Wrong", and yours is not "right"

Some people won't like this one, and that's OK. But I personally believe that it doesn't matter what God you pray to, what magical path you follow or if you don't even

Your way isn't the right way, it's just the right way for you. 

Someone else's way isn't wrong, it's just wrong for you.

As long as you are trying to be a decent human and do right to other humans, who cares what deities are on your altar?


FOUR: Persecution affects everyone

In my experience (which I get is very different from everyone else's) I was actually victimised because of my spiritual path way more when I was a Christian than I get now that I'm a professional Tarot Reader with my face all over the internet.

Once I had a man in Tesco yell at me because I was wearing a cross. Interestingly, that has never happened when I've worn a pentagram.

Maybe a pentagram is a better protective symbol, but I dunno.

Anyway, the point is, yes, you've probably been persecuted in this life and in others for being a witchy woo woo. But you'd be persecuted in this life no matter what your path was, and you've probably also had past lives in which you've been persecuted for being Jewish, had your throat slit while praying to Jesus at the church altar (just me?). 


FIVE: Embracing the shadow is legit

Some people think Lightworkers don't do shadow work, well some of us do. A lot.

Getting down and dirty with the dark side of yourself can be incredibly enlightening.

Noticing your own shizzle, making changes if you feel you want to, and loving yourself anyway is a pretty quick way towards feeling lighter and shinier. 

Shadowhunting is super fun! :D (Giphy) x

Shadowhunting is super fun! :D (Giphy) x

SIX: a spiritual practice is about more than connecting to the divine

Having a spiritual practice is about more than just offering up cookies to the Fae or pulling some NewAgeHipster InstaOracle cards.

A spiritual practice is about checking in with yourself, checking in on your own energy and making sure you're in the best energetic shape possible to move forward and do the things you need to do.

Mega downloads from your angels and guides are just a bonus.


SEVEN: You are not here to save the whole world

Many Lightworkers, Starseeds and Earth Angels (or whatever you want to call yourself!) feel like they are literally here to save the world.

Well, you are here to save the world, but so are millions of other people.

So you really only have to do your part. Your part is enough.


EIGHT: Abundance is a way of life, not something to just ask for at the Full Moon

I spent a really long time calling in abundance before my guides smacked me over the head like "it's already here Vix, hellooooo?"

Abundant living means living with a grateful heart.

It means asking for what you need, but not going crazy with requests for a million dollars while you ignore the smaller cheques coming through the door.

If you don't feel abundant with what you have and where you're at right now, a million bucks isn't going to change that.


NINE: You can change your karma, path and destiny (mostly)

I love reading Tarot because I feel like we get a little glimpse into possible outcomes and that's kind of fun!

But it's also super empowering to remember that those outcome cards are just possible potentials

You have the power to create your life into whatever you want it to be. (Mostly).


TEN: Standing in your power is not about taking away the power of others

There is a big shift going on right now and we're all becoming way more connected to our own power.

But we also need to hold space for everyone else to stand in their power.

Standing in your power doesn't mean you're standing on top of a mountain above other people. It means looking out at all the other people standing on their own mountains, and thinking how cool it is. It means cheer-leading for the people who are still climbing, and for the people who sometimes fall off.

We're all wearing the same jackets... (Giphy) x

We're all wearing the same jackets... (Giphy) x

So, what do you think of my list? I'd love to know what you think in the comments, and please add your favourite spiritual truths too! :)

If you're feeling my vibe, you can find out all about how to work with me here.

With love, light and loving truths,



What's up with Psychic Attack?

psychic attack

I was chatting with some peeps on the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group this morning about psychic attack and I found I had so much to say on the topic so I thought I'd put it all in a post for y'all!


Does it actually exist?

Well, like everything in the spiritual world, it’s different for everyone.

I know plenty of people who think psychic attack doesn’t exist, because they have never experienced it and/or give it no attention or power and so are therefore not affected by it.

Kind of like with protecting your energy.

Some people have the belief that they don’t need to protect their energy and so they don’t need to. Other people (like yours truly over here) feel empowered by visualisations of light bubbles, magic cloaks and calling in Archangel Michael for protective vibes. Doesn’t mean we’re giving away our power to the idea we need to be protected, it’s just a different way of working with energy.

If you don’t think psychic attack is real, or it’s never affected you, cool. I’m glad you don’t have to worry about this shiz.

If you think you are being affected by it, or just want to know WTF it is so you can identify it in future, please read on!

(And as always, like everything I talk about, take what resonates, leave the rest.)


What is psychic attack?

If you resonate as an Empath or a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) or even if you don’t, you'll probably be down with the  idea that we can all pick up on other people’s energy.

Psychic attack is when you’re picking up on negative vibes that have been specifically sent to you.


Why does this happen?

I have found that the closer I get to my purpose, the more on my path that I am, the more connected I become with my spiritual team and the more I put myself out there, the more susceptible I am to psychic attack.

Taylor Swift sums this up better than I can, she says “don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine”. True dat Tay Tay! x


Who’s sending me this shizzle?

Psychic attack can come from many different places. Yes, it can come from ghosts, aliens and other negative or low energy that’s hanging out at your place, or around you, but those situations are pretty rare.

Peeps doing bad juju and woo woo on you is a thing too, but again, not very common really.

Most of the time, psychic attack comes from people you know, or people who’ve seen you online, sending you negative vibes.

I really don’t think most people do this with an intent to “attack” you, it’s just that you might be bringing up a lot of stuff for them, negative stuff, which they then direct at you, instead of opening up to see in themselves what’s going on.

Jealousy, judgement, comparison, the internet is rife with it. If you’re on the internet and you’re sensitive, you’re probably picking it up.

There are some people out there who will go the next step, competitors who dislike all your YouTube videos (yep, I’ve been there!) and people who post hater comments. Those hater comments can be pretty mean, imagine what kind of energy is hanging out behind the mean comments being directed at you.

In real life you have friends who no longer vibe with what you’re doing, think you’ve changed or whatever and so throw energetic shade your way, bitching about you to anyone who will listen. Even our besties can get jealous or pissed off and sometimes the closet to us are the ones that can throw the biggest energetic spit balls.

People who met you once and made some snap judgements on who you were as a person and now every time they see you in their feed they roll their eyes.

Psychic attack can be from one person’s pretty strong energetic shade throwing, or a whole bunch of negativity thrown your way can create a collective cloud of bad woo hanging over your head.

Honour your feelings, but question where they come from... with the #NewAgeHipsterInstaOracle x

Honour your feelings, but question where they come from... with the #NewAgeHipsterInstaOracle x

How do I know if I’ve been “attacked”?

The symptoms of psychic attack are different for everyone.

There are loads of blog posts out there with a list of symptoms and while that can be somewhat useful, if you do have physical symptoms that concern you or are having some really dark thoughts that are consuming you, honestly, go and see someone qualified to help you.

When I’ve been psychically attacked, I feel low. Like I don’t want to get out of bed, I have super low energy and no motivation to do stuff, especially work or anything productive.

And it’s usually for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Sometimes it’s grey and rainy, something is going on cosmically or I have other stuff going on in my life and it’s like, OK, that makes sense that I feel a little low. But psychic attack usually turns up when actually, things are going pretty well.

Again, if something is up with your energy levels and it sticks around for longer than a few days, you might want to check in with your doctor.

Palo Santo, one of my fave clearing tools - waft around your aura, laptop and iPhone x

Palo Santo, one of my fave clearing tools - waft around your aura, laptop and iPhone x

What can I do about it?

Forgive whoever sent this and send them love

Most people throwing etheric daggers at you are really just transferring their own stuff onto you. People who are happy and doing well in life don’t tend to send bad vibes to other people.


Work with Archangel Michael to remove etheric daggers.

Put on some meditation music, call in the big guy and then visualise him removing any daggers in your back, or anywhere else they have been stuck in. Visualise your energetic skin healing over and be nice and gentle with yourself for a few days afterwards.


Clear your energy

Other ways to clear your energy can include salt baths, smudging, going outside, reiki yourself or grab yourself a reiki, healing or reading session with someone you trust.

Make sure to clear your home and workplace too. A smudge spray can be useful for work!


Look at your own stuff

Sometimes we actually attract negativity because we’ve been sending it out too. Ouch! But seriously, just take a minute to consider where you might be sending negative vibes and set an intention to notice when you're doing that. We are all human, we all do this from time to time, but we can try to be better when we notice we're being jerks.


Protect, ground and clear your own energy every single day.

When you work with your own energy on the daily this kind of stuff just doesn’t happen so much, or when it does, it doesn’t affect you anywhere near as badly. Knowing your own energy can help you realise when stuff just isn’t yours.

Also include your online spaces in your protection rituals!

If you need help with this, check out my free eBook How to Stay Shiny: a quick start guide to energetic and psychic protection or my Woo Woo 101 course if you want to get really serious about working with your own energy!



Turning on some lights, lighting some candles and visualising light filling yourself and your home does wonders.

Sleep with fairy lights on. 



One of the best ways I know to refill my energetic cup is to just chill the eff out. No scary movies though, K?


Reclaim your power

It can be easy to become kind of obsessed with the idea that bad vibes are being sent to you from all directions and slide down the victim hole a little.

Take some time out to clear and recharge, but remember that you have the power to deflect the negativity that comes your way.

Stand in your power and shout to the sky “you have no power over me!” Or you know, whatever your version of that is. 

It can still take a few days for you to be back to normal, but reminding the universe of your own power is damn effective!


Have you ever felt like you’ve been psychically attacked? What did you do about it? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below! Or come chat in the SPJ group with us!

And if you are feeling low and need some help getting back to your shiny self, you can grab a reading or a mentoring session with me over in the New Age Hipster Shop.

With so much love, light and protection vibes,



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