
Mother Gaia Tarot or Oracle Spread

Mother Gaia Tarot or Oracle Spread to connect with and support the Earth

When you resonate as being a Lightworker, Starseed, Empath or sensitive soul it can be tough to see our planet in trouble.

As I write this we are in the midst of the worst bushfires Australia has ever seen, and while many of us have been sending money, sending prayers and raising awareness, somehow it just doesn’t feel like enough.

I created this spread for those times when things feel tough, when the world is on fire, as a way to tune into and connect with Mamma Gaia and ask her how we can help - through our magic and through our action on the ground.

So grab your eco-coffee cup, a slice of vegan chocolate pie and your favourite deck and let’s begin to create the New Earth that we know is coming.

Greta Thunburg

1.How can you deepen and strengthen your connection to Gaia?

One of the biggest problems we have right now is that most of humanity is so disconnected to the land we live on. When we strengthen our connection to the earth beneath our feet we are guided by the earth mother herself, this card will show you can get back to your roots.

2.How can you ground your own light and love into Gaia? 

Grounding is not a one way thing. It’s not just about us taking earth energy, it’s also about us sending our own energy and love into Gaia. This card will give you an insight into how you can work with this exchange of energy in your grounding practices.

3.What assignment does Gaia have for you right now?

Gaia is always giving us assignments if we listen. It may be something as simple as cutting back on something you are consuming more of than you need, or it may be an assignment to send specific healing somewhere. Anytime you want a new assignment, just ask for one!

4.Where can you send your prayers, healing, light, love and magic?

Sometimes we become so overwhelmed by the state of things we’re not even sure where to direct our prayers. This card will show you where it would be most helpful for you to be sending your prayers and love at this time.

5.What changes do you need to make in your own life to support Mother Gaia?

And while prayers, love and magic are all so helpful, we also need to be making changes on the ground. This card will show you how you can align your actions in the material world to your desire to see change.

6.A step you can take today to begin to shift us all into the New Earth

New Earth is the future version of the planet in which we’ve returned to connection with Gaia and are living in harmony with the planet. Here you’ll find a message about what you can do right now, right here, today, to help shift us into the timeline in which New Earth becomes our reality.

If you found this spread useful you may want to check out my free eBook Tarot Spreads You Can’t Live Without and if you are looking for spiritual support, connection and exclusive monthly Tarot Spreads check out the online spiritual development group The Circle. We’d love to have you! :)

And if you want to share your own readings with this spread on Instagram be sure to tag me so I can pop by, say hi and share!

With so much love, light and creating New Earth,




WTF is a Christian Witch?

WTF is a Christian Witch?

I have a funny relationship with the word witch. 

I honestly have a funny relationship with all the words that we use to describe who we are.

I mean, how can one word, or label, actually really explain to the whole world what we're about?

I went through a phase of not wanting to use any labels at all. "Don't put me in a box!" I'd scream. But sometimes finding a word, or words to describe who you are and what you're about can be really helpful. When someone asks "what's your spiritual path?" um-ing and ah-ing and responding with something about not doing labels doesn't really help anyone know what you're about, and when you run your own spiritual business it's kind of useful for people to know what you're about pretty quickly.

Having said all that, if you think labels are stupid and don't want one, that's cool too.

Mother Mary be my Matron Goddess! x (Pic from Google, if it's yours let me know so I can link you!) x

Mother Mary be my Matron Goddess! x (Pic from Google, if it's yours let me know so I can link you!) x

I resonate with a lot of different labels. Lightworker is one I use a lot because it's super vague, but kind of sums up what I do. I try to be a good person and help other people, to me that's what a Lightworker is. I call on Angels and work with lots of "light" energies, so it makes sense to call myself that. 

I also really like the term #LightWitch because the magic I make is all totally from the light baby! No hexing or negative magic here!

Lots of people dislike the term because they think Lightworkers ignore their shadow side, urgh, so not true though. You can't do Lightwork without doing shadow work my friends. When you really work with the Light OMG it lights up EVERYTHING

Another hashtag I use around the place is #ChristianWitch

So what's all that about huh? 

First off, a Christian Witch is something totally different to everyone who calls themselves one. So what I'm about to say, is just about my path. What you do as a Christian Witch might be totally different and that's awesome.

In my teens I discovered new age spirituality, Wicca and Witchcraft. It was AWESOME! Honestly, it kind of freaked me out, but I was totally into it.

I used to sit in my bedroom with my glitter nail polish covered kitchen knife athame and cast circles. 

A few years later I found myself running with a Christian crowd. They were an awesome bunch of people, some of them definitely soul family. We went to Bible study, put Cheezles out at youth group and I eventually ended up in the music ministry team singing my heart out for Jesus on the stage every Sunday.


I loved it. I even started looking into theology colleges and had some mad ideas about being a pastor of my own church.


I loved the community, I honestly loved how I felt when I was in the presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I mean, woah, talk about stuff coming up to the surface to be cleared!

There was a lot of stuff that didn't totally resonate with me though. Clearly, that's why I'm here talking about Christian Witches.

I didn't love the dogma, the patriarchal structure of the church, the stuff about everyone else being wrong.

That just didn't vibe.

I kept talking to Jesus for a while, and then I just started talking to God.

My spiritual path lay dormant for a good few years until I moved to London and had a ghost in my flat. A proper full on, OMG there is stuff moving around my room at night, someone knocking on my door when no one is there, why do I always feel like I'm being watched, books falling of the shelves kind of ghost.

I went to Shepherd's Bush market and bought a whole bunch of Hoodoo candles, a rosary, a cross that I didn't take off for a good solid six months, a picture of Jesus for the wall and I went wild. I called on angels, I talked to the ghost, I contacted mediums, I was baaaaack!

I can only imagine what my new housemates thought of me with Jesus and rosaries hanging on the wall and white sage smoke bellowing out from under the door.

It just made sense for me to do it all. 

I do witchy things. But I do them with Jesus and Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene by my side.

I read the bible sometimes, but I think mostly it's a really old book that's been translated too many times to be that accurate.

I call on the Christ Consciousness to help me be a better person, more Christ-like, nicer to people, less of a dick.

I do candle magic and spells with herbs, oils and petitions, but I call it "making prayer candles".

I make potions and call them "magic mists".

I call on the Holy Spirit to clear my energy.

I call on Gaia to ground me.

I bow down to ancient standing stones.

I call on the Saints and Angels for different purposes, but I also call on Lakshmi and Ganesha and Saint Brigid and the Ancestors and Star Ancestors.

I draw a pentagram on my door each night before I go to sleep for protection.

I call on Saint Christopher whenever I travel.

I walk through the woods and make offerings to trees and the Fae.

I read Tarot.

I work with the cycles of the moon for manifestation.

I wear a Saint Michael pendant for protection with a black onyx heart.

The power of Saints and Gemstones! x

The power of Saints and Gemstones! x

I'm basically a spiritual hot mess.

But aren't we all?

Being a Christian Witch is about calling it all in from wherever it comes from and feeling the connection to both sides of the fence. 

It's a tough one to navigate. Christians and Witches haven't always had a great relationship. I feel like I'm clearing the karma on that one prayer candle/spell at a time.

I know there's gonna be people out there who aren't gonna vibe with what I'm doing, to you I say go forth and find your own strange and wonderful spiritual path!

In times passed I would have been in a lot of trouble for saying "Christian Witch" like it's a thing.

And you know, it's still only a small part of who I am and what I'm about.

I'm a Christian Witch.

I'm a Witch.

I'm an Eclectic Witch

I'm a Lightworker.

I'm a Light Witch.

I'm Spiritual.

I'm a Starseed.

I'm an Earth Angel.

I'm a Hufflepuff.


How do you describe your spiritual path? What elements of spirituality and which belief systems make up your personal spiritual path?


With so much love and witch light,



The Circle


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A monthly membership to support you on your spiritual path.

Each month we dive into a new topic, and you get a PDF workbook including info, journal prompts + a tarot/oracle spread, downloadable MP3 meditative journey and access to a community of gorgeous like-minded souls.

The LightWork Spread for Tarot or Oracle x

The lightwork Tarot Oracle Spread Vix New Age Hipster.png

Being a lightworker is not always easy. There's a reason they call it lightwork right? This shiz is hard going sometimes!

We're always looking for ways we can be better humans, up-level our spiritual connections, and most of all, we're always trying to work out how to best help others and this planet.

This spread is designed to help you tap into what's going on for you with your lightworker journey.

As with all my spreads, you can use any cards you have with this spread - Tarot, Oracle, Angel, Unicorn, Uno, whatever you have is perfect. x

I did a reading for y'all with the Starchild Akashic Tarot - check out the video below! x

I did a reading for y'all with the Starchild Akashic Tarot - check out the video below! x

Card one: Your light heart

This card will help you suss out what's most on your heart at this time. What is beneath all the layers of "outside" stuff? What is really going on in there?


Card two: what fears need to be released?

Ah yay, here you will find some fears that are ready to be released.

When you do lightwork light is gonna be shone on everything! But the good news is this is something you absolutely can release if you want to.


Card three: what is blocking your light?

What's getting in the way of you being super shiny and bright and doing the best lightwork you possibly can?


How to serve yourself

As "lightworkers" or spiritual peeps who resonate with other labels (or no labels! Rarrr!) we often find ourselves wanting to save everyone, save the world and we don't spend a lot of time focusing on how to serve ourselves. We know that's not sustainable, but we often feel guilty putting ourselves first, but it's soooo important!

This card will let you know how to best serve and look after yourself.


How to serve the world

OK, now you're looking after yourself better you can start to help the world. This card will give you some insight into how you can best do that. 


Message from the light

Just a general message for you from the light, your guides, angels, ascended masters, cool ET guides, the light inside yourself, whoever/whatever you resonate with as "the light".

The Keepers of the Light Oracle are perfect for this spread! x

The Keepers of the Light Oracle are perfect for this spread! x


I'd love to see how your readings go, be sure to tag me in your pics on Instagram so I can find you and use the hashtag #newagehipster too!

With so much love, light and hardcore lightwork,



What is a lightworker?

What is a lightworker?

Last week one of the #highvibejuly instachallenge prompts was #lightworker.

So many people were like "I don't know if I am one", or "I had to Google Lightworker" and so I thought I'd pop down some of my personal thoughts on what a Lightworker is, just to help y'all out if you have nfi what one is, or whatever.

First of all, I just wanna preface this post by saying that if you don't resonate with the term "lightworker", no problemo. Some people like it, some people don't. No biggie. 

Personally I like it, and so I use it. That is in no way any disrespect to those who call themselves shadow workers, duality workers, or people who just effing hate labels full stop.

I have seen a lot of hating online towards those who call themselves Lightworkers because there is this idea that we're ignoring our shadow, ignoring the darkness and just dancing around in sequins and pigtails throwing glitter at everything. Which, although sounds kind of wonderful in a way, is not exactly what it's about. For me anyway...


What is the definition of "lightworker"?

We all have different definitions, and yours may not be the same as mine. Just like when someone calls themselves "spiritual" it has like a bajillion different meanings to everyone.

A lightworker is just anyone who wants to make a difference and wants to make the world better.

Being a lightworker is about helping others, helping the planet and basically being a nice person.

Some people say you have to be "spiritual" to be a lightworker. I don't know about you, but I've met some damn fine people shining bright and helping the planet who do not resonate with spirituality at all.

You do not have to have a spiritual job or even be spiritual at all to be a lightworker. Some of the coolest lightworkers I know are total Agnostics. 

I LOVE this definition of "light"! x

I LOVE this definition of "light"! x


How do you know if you're a lightworker?

Here's a lightworker test:

1. Do you try to be a nice person? 

2. Do you want to make a difference?

3. Do you want to help this planet?

If you said yes to the above, you are a lightworker.


Always doing the lightwork. x

Always doing the lightwork. x

The lightworker mission

"Hey Vix, you're cool with going down and helping planet earth for a while right?" 

"Sure, no problem! Earth is heaps pretty and I love hanging out with all my bezzies in human form! :D"

*Gets to Earth like OMG what is happening down here?*

A lot of lightworkers feel a huge amount of pressure to work out what exactly we're supposed to be doing and to get it done like yesterday. There never feels like enough time to complete the mission, we never actually really know what the mission is (apart from "to help") and so it can feel pretty daunting and frustrating at times

Connecting with your own inner guidance can give you a much better idea about what you're meant to be doing...

It's important to remember that just being a big bright light, being nice, standing up for injustice and generally doing your part to be a good human is pretty much enough. 


What's the deal with lightworkers and shadow work?

Shadow work is basically about working with the duality of both your light and dark

Although nothing brings me more joy than pulling Angel cards and sending love and light to the world, I am very aware that I am human and so I have an ego. As much as I try to bring light into my life, I know darkness exists, within me and around me. I just prefer to focus on the light. That doesn't mean I'm ignoring my shadow. It means when I discover something I don't like about myself or within myself I work on it, but I don't dwell on it.

I prefer to put my focus on what lights me up, and that's why I like the term lightworker.

Being a lightworker is not about being perfect. It's about choosing the light and choosing to do what's right and working on your stuff.

(Again, no disrespect if you prefer the term shadow worker and feel like it suits what you do. We're all doing the same thing just in the way that resonates for us right? Fist-bump)

Just in case you forget. x

Just in case you forget. x


When I do readings I'm doing lightwork.

When I'm sending reiki or love and light to others I'm doing lightwork.

When you meditate you're doing lightwork.

When you light a candle and pray for peace you're doing lightwork.

When you are nice to the person who makes your coffee, you're doing lightwork.


Angelic + Starseed connections

Many lightworkers also resonate with the idea that they are either incarnated angels, earth angels or starseeds (and we can talk about if these things are even different later). 

In a nutshell an incarnated angel is someone who has spent their time pre-this life hanging out in the angelic realms in angel form. 

In a nutshell a starseed is someone who has spent previous lifetimes and perhaps their soul also originates from another planet.

For many people the lightworker mission is not just about "helping out" but also making sure the planet survives, spreading peace, gaining information and understanding to take back to our own planets later, research assignments, and spreading love and light to help Earth evolve into it's next chapter in which we're all good to each other. 

Lighting up! x

Lighting up! x


So what do you think? Are you a lightworker? What's your definition of a lightworker

If you wanna chat more about being a lightworker, or anything woo woo, head over to the Spiritual Journey Pitstop group on FB or let us know in the comments below.

With so much love and light!



Girl Crush Pyjama Party with Rebecca Campbell!

PJ Party Rebecca Campbell

OMG Rebecca Campbell, the Queen of the Lightworkers is coming over! Grab the vacuum and give me a hand to clean this place up! YIKES! 

Rebecca Campbell is a HUGE girl crush of mine, and probably yours too! She's a kaftan wearing, soul inspiring, spirit soaring, total hottie! Oh yeah, and she's also a Hay House Author and wrote this pretty great book called Light is the New Black that you may have heard me raving about, only like, ALL THE TIME because it's AWESOME!


So, Bec, what kind of music do you want at the pyjama party? 

The Staves, Laura Shera, Mumford and Sons, Florence and the Machine, Amy Firth and Ben Lee.

What pyjamas are you going to wear?

I’ll be the one in a slip my mum made for me, fluffy socks and a pink nanna blanket wrapped around me ;)

So cosy! So like, how do you make money to pay for those cool pyjamas and all your awesome clothes and make up and stuff?

What I love doing most is writing in nature. I wrote all of my first book Light Is The New Black with the flowers of Regents Park. I’m a total nature girl.

When I’m not frolicking amongst the flowers I’m doing readings or spiritual mentoring and encouraging Lightworkers to come out of the spiritual closet and work out what their soul is calling them towards.

I’m working on some online courses at the moment and do workshops, events, and urban retreat days too!

WOW, you sure are busy! How did you get that job?

I followed the call of my soul and leaped a lot.

What fun stuff do you like doing on school nights?

I’m a total home-body. Most nights I have a nice dinner (total foodie), pouring a bath and reading one of my ten books that I have on the go, or watching a good US drama TV Series.

How about on the weekend?

If I don’t have an event on I’m probably drenching myself in nature, eating great food, doing a course (total course junkie) or traveling somewhere new. I love the perspective and inspiration that travelling to new lands sparks. I’m also a water baby and so any possible moment I get to get to the ocean I take it.

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

A writer and teacher who is grounded in her work and creations.

Where do you buy your super cute outfits?

I’m a kaftan lover. I tend to get these in Oz in the sales.

What are your favourite beauty products?

Absolute Rose Oil, my homemade own sea salt and coconut body scrub, Red Roses Perfume by Jo Malone and I have an Epsom salt bath several times a week.

Hmmm that scrub sounds so good! Who does your hair?

My old housemate Amy at Viva Soho.

I'm getting hungry! What's your favourite pyjama party food and beverages?

Popcorn and anything with bubbles… Verve anybody?

Oh and these amazing Raw Chocolate Pie things with Pink Himalayan Salt made in Cornwall… seriously beyond.

OMG NOMS! Favourite pizza topping?

I’m pretty simple, margharita and chilli flakes for me…. But gotta be from a proper Italian place. I try and stay clear of gluten and diary where possible, so if I’m eating pizza I make it worth it ;)

OMG I LOVE chilli flakes on Pizza too! Favourite high school movie?

Murial’s Wedding – best movie ever.

Agreed! It's getting late so we have to tell ghost stories! Do you believe in ghosts?


Have you ever had a spooky or paranormal encounter? 

Yep loads! My first was when traveling in Scotland when I was a teenager. My most recent was in Merlin’s Cave in Cornwall a couple of days ago.

What do you think happens when we die? 

I’m in awe of the mystery of it. When I feel into it I feel that we return to oneness and by that I mean we don’t have the duality that Earth has. The ego/mind and body is no more but our soul lives on. I believe we also learn and devote ourselves to be of service in between lives, and that we choose to incarnate on different planets aside from this one.

Who do you think you were in a past life? 

High Priestess of Avalon and Isis, a hard working farmer in China, an Essene Mystic in Palestine, a Sufi poet in Jordan and a witch (wise woman) in the middle ages/burning times.

What time do you usually go to bed?

11ish… but it should be earlier.

What do you want to do tomorrow?

Hug my fiancé – I’ve been away in Glastonbury for over a week and miss him!

Who's your crush?! 

Serbian performance artist Marina Ambrovic. Her work and the way she lives her art inspires me so much. And Sufi Poet Hafiz, his words are like honey in my heart. Can’t get enough.

Because you are so girl-crush-worthy probably lots of other girls and boys are going to want you at their pyjama parties too. How can they find you?!

On my website, facebook, insta and twitter…. Or by coming along one of my events or picking up my book Light Is the New Black 


Thank you so much Rebecca for coming to my party! It was freaking amazing to have you here!

And if you guys are also crushing on Bec SO bad right now, check out her totally free and most AWESOME video series that will help you to shine your light brighter than ever before! 

Now go and get yourself a copy of Light is the New Black, and I'll see you all in a couple of days!

Love, light and lightworker sleep overs!

